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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, I wanted to share a message today about distortion. We as human beings must be responsible for absolutely everything that takes place in the field around us. Everything is a reflection of how we’re thinking and feeling internally. When we are zero pointed and completely balanced and in wholeness there are no distortions in the field. When there’s a distortion in the field, an imbalance, and we get to experience something that we don’t necessarily want to experience or enjoy experiencing in whichever capacity that comes in, it’s often because there’s a distortion in our own energetic template.
Now you could look at this on a bigger level and you could look at wars that are taking place on the planet. Now you might say well I feel really balanced and calm, I’m getting to experience this war. Well, that’s kind of part of the collective field and there’s other elements to take into consideration. When you look at it from that kind of perspective and that standpoint, like energies affecting human beings and wars between lower vibrational forces taking place behind the scenes, what I’m referring to is your own reality and what happens in the way that your day unfolds, the way that your weeks unfold the way, that your months unfold in your own personal reality. When you are completely 100% in alignment right here in your heart it’s very rare that you get people in your life that say things and do things that aren’t in alignment with the way you’re thinking and feeling. If they do arise then often it’s just a test to see if you can stay in that state of Zen, stay in that state of equilibrium but when you’re zero pointed. 99.9% of the time life’s just easy and flowy and everything is exactly how you’re feeling, easy and flowy. Or life is full of chaos and destruction because that’s how you’re feeling internally, chaotic, and destructive. Life always mirrors back to how you’re feeling.
Now when you’re on that zero point and everything’s kind of great and harmonious, what we often do sometimes as human beings is we dip out of the zero point, and we create a small distortion and fluctuation in the field. Why do we do that? We do that to remind ourselves where we are because sometimes when everything’s beautiful and smelling of roses and life’s just great you forget you forget where you are and to forget where you are is not great. It’s not good. What we must do is always remember where we are so we create these little distortions, these little fluctuations. We’re like a pendulum that’s here locked and loaded in the zero point, and we fluctuate out a little bit and come back. It creates a ripple of fractal of mathematics and that mathematics ripples out and it bounces back to us at some point. It could be in a week. The way things are at the moment, the way the frequency is rising on the planet, it’s happening in minutes, seconds, maximum a few hours or a day. You know whether you’re manifesting something positive or you’re creating a negative distortion in the field by flowing and entering into your reality. It’s crazy.
That’s why more than ever we must as high vibrational beings stay aligned and locked and loaded in that heart centre, in that zero point, because the fluctuations we put out they bounce back and so they can have a negative impact on our world. If you ever fluctuate out from the zero point you only want to fluctuate out a little bit because if you fluctuate out a lot and you really swing that pendulum then you’re going to create an even bigger fractalized stream of code, stream of mathematics, in the field which is going to go out with an even greater force and, poof, rebound at an even greater force. As a human being that’s living in the zero point, in a state of harmony, in a state of conscious awareness, in a space of love and unity, truth, and honesty, if someone does something in your reality around you and you don’t like it and you think a negative thought, you’re also swinging that pendulum out from the zero point. If you blame someone for something that happens, you’re swinging that pendulum out into the field.
There are some people that really truly believe that for them to heal, the other person has to heal what they’re going through. There are some people that really believe for them to heal the other person has to stay sorry. They have to say sorry and there has to be this level of forgiveness. You are you and they are them and even though we’re all one and we’re connected on some level you can choose your own healing path and you can choose quite often the speed of your own healing path and it all comes down to how much you can lock and load into that zero point and stay there. When the mind thinks and when the old programming tries to surface from time to time and get you to tip into rejection or fear or guilt or some kind of self- sabotage program because you’re living in the zero point you can acknowledge it openly, express the fact that that it’s a program trying to surface and instead of trying to battle against it, laugh at it, and make a different choice and that will just completely obliterate the program in the moment and they might rise here and there from time to time but they’ll get less frequent and eventually they’ll dissolve into the depths of nothingness and that program won’t exist anymore.
Swinging that pendulum out can be useful to remind you where you are but you only want to swing it a little bit and if you blame someone and judge someone, you’re swinging it a lot because blame and judgment comes from an unbalanced soul, an unbalanced human. When the pendulum swings out a little bit it comes from a soul that is extremely balanced, that just forgotten where they are, so they’re just reminding themselves. It’s like someone who is coming off drink or drugs. They don’t drink for several months and then they go and have a drink. It’s not necessarily a bad thing because they’re going to feel like crap and it’s going to remind them this is why I don’t do it and so the period from then until when they drink next time might be a year a year and a half and then they end up swinging that pendulum out a little bit and having a little bit of a drink just to remind them themselves my head hurt. The next day I felt like ‘crap’ I couldn’t function properly. Yeah, that’s why I don’t drink anymore. So, there’s many different instances when we swing out this pendulum a little bit to redistribute our energy just for a very short period of time, just to get the bounce back and remind ourselves where we really want to be in a state of harmony, in a state of coherence, in a state of love, compassion, oneness, sovereignty, freedom, passion, enthusiasm.
It’s just a game beautiful soul and we get to play it exactly how we want to play it and you’re understanding the rules of the game more and more just like me. There are always more and more rules to uncover when you swing out that pendulum but when you’re here in the zero point there’s only ever one frequency to be on which encompasses multiple other very similar frequencies and that frequency is love which encompasses truth, honesty, love, compassion, divinity, kindness, discipline, action, authenticity. All of these beautiful things that we get to experience when we’re living from the zero point. I mean you can experience discipline out from the zero point, but it’s never balanced discipline. You can only ever experience balanced discipline from the state of balance and coherence and that is when you’re in the zero point, when you’re on that frequency in pure alignment locked and loaded.
Beautiful soul, wherever you are on this planet go out into the world and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never ever, ever be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging. Remember check out our website Go and check out Infinity. You can get free access right now for 7 days to hundreds of light language transmissions, light codes, meditations, cosmic yoga videos, nutrition, master classes, and so much more. Every Monday we run a frequency Spa, every Wednesday a weekly meditation. Start adopting the star magic lifestyle, start connecting with our tribe on a regular basis and this lifestyle will catapult you into new states of high frequency energy so you can be the master alchemist that you came to planet Earth to be. So that you can be the quantum architect and create and recreate reality exactly as you wish so you can build the life and live in this version of reality where you are happy beyond measure, joy filled and passion filled beyond measure, successful, healthy, beautiful relationships. You get to choose. I’ll see you again real soon.
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