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“A lot of 3D relationships, they end with you, blah, blah, blah, you did this, I did that.”
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? so I want to dance into this subject of Mission Family Partners. When you’re on a mission you’re on a mission and if you’re deep into your mission and you meet another man, you meet another woman, you will have to explain to them. Listen I’m on a mission and we may be attracted to each other, we may love each other but my mission is always going to come first and if you want to get into a relationship with me, you will have to be able to handle that.
Now when everybody is meeting each other it seems like a great idea you know. You don’t really realize that the mission is going to be that strong, that the human being is going to be that dedicated to the mission and the human beings dive into a relationship. 3 months might go past, 6 months, a year, whatever it is. It doesn’t really matter but the one on a mission is going to continue that mission if they’re truly on a mission and come heaven or water they’re going to move mountains to stay on that mission and fulfil that mission. They’re going to be one track with their minds, they’re going to be so dedicated, disciplined, and focused that the human being they’ve gotten into a relationship with may suffer. I’m not saying that they’re going to do this because sometimes human beings get into a relationship and they’re on the same mission and they kind of flow together and blend together, alchemise and each other’s missions become that same mission and they work together on it.
That doesn’t always happen and most of the time it doesn’t because most of the time the human being that got into the relationship that thought they’d be able to handle this other human being’s mission or maybe thought that they could merge or alchemize the mission starts to feel that they’re not getting enough attention, that they’re not getting what it is that they need and it’s nobody’s fault. The human being that entered the relationship, who knew the other human being was on a mission, it’s not their fault and it’s not the other human being’s fault for not giving up enough time and energy to be with that other human being that feels that they want more or need more because the human being that’s on a mission, the man or woman, set their stall out from the start and they said this is who I am, this is what I’m about and this is what I will continue to do and two people can love each other. But that conflict it can pull people apart.
If you’re living on a 5D frequency, you should be able to handle that two people should be able to be on their own missions living apart seeing each other here and there and every now and again having a beautiful time together. But that’s not always the case. It should be but the humanness gets in and human beings have personal needs, personal wants, personal requirements. A woman may want to start a family and the man is on a mission and off he goes on his mission and he’s going to stick to that mission. There’s no time for the family or not the kind of family environment that the woman really wants and deserves because it’s not that she doesn’t deserve that. It’s just that the man can’t give that, or it may be that the man has certain needs and requirements, but the woman can’t fulfil that because she’s on her mission traveling the world, busy doing what she’s up to, to make a huge difference on planet Earth.
When you get into a relationship it’s important that you feel your way through it and if you look down the timeline and you see the issues based on certain pieces of conversation that you’ve had with the other human being you need to address it straight away. You need to talk, you need to communicate, you need to say, “hey listen I can see that you know you’re gearing up to for this or that and I’m not sure whether I can meet your needs if you want to gear up for this or that. It doesn’t mean that I don’t love you any less, but I don’t think I can commit that level of time, that level of energy”, because the mission is primary and sometimes you can squash this stuff and you can come to an agreement and work a way forwards. If you don’t speak it’s going to go pair shaped at some point down the timeline. If you do speak it may give you the opportunity just to part company now and save wasted time and energy.
Regardless of what happens in any relationship everyone always learns lessons. People always grow together, and every single relationship is massively impactful on everyone’s life positively and negatively. However, if you reframe your consciousness there is no negative whatsoever. You can just take gold and magic and lessons and remembering’s and all the good stuff from every relationship and you can part company with gratitude as friends, as soulmates, loving each other, caring about each other still staying in contact and talking from time to time, maybe touching base in the physical from time to time. A lot of 3D relationships they end with you, blah blah blah, you did this, I did that. If you’re evolved human beings and you’re in a relationship and you love each other and you decide to part company because you can’t fulfil each other’s needs and wants, then stay for friends.
Why would you want to bust up and hate each other. It doesn’t make any sense. You’ve been through so much together you probably understand each other more than their future partners will ever understand them. So, it’s always good to have those relationships around. Those relationships are priceless, they’re gold. Love them, nurture them, hold on to them. If someone’s been into your life for 6 months or six years and they’ve taught you they’ve woken you up, you’ve journeyed together, you’ve travelled together, you’ve grown together, you’ve cried together, you’ve hugged together, you’ve screamed together, there’s alchemy and magic in that.
So, when you’re moving forward on your mission just remember stick to it come heaven or high water. Don’t let anything stand in your way but do everything the right way, the best way possible in every situation. Communication is key, communication is vital. Without communication everything goes south every single time and 95% of the time it ends sour. So why not communicate and make the relationship healthy, full of vitality, full of growth, full of warmth, full of encouragement, full of love, compassion, kindness, unity, friendship.
Your amazing, beautiful soul. Go out into this world and love your sisters and your brothers. Hug them tightly and never, ever, ever, be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging. Remember to check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on the planet for raising your frequency, activating your pineal gland, switching on your multi-dimensional architecture, plugging into the electrical grids from the stars, the magnetic grids from the earth so you can be energized and in full power mode 24/7 365. You’re amazing. Go and be amazing and I’ll see you again real soon.
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