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“You see what a lot of people do in this human reality is they put on a false mask. They’re walking around with a mask on and what happens is as you go deeper and deeper into that reality the mask starts to crack. You see holes in it, blemishes in it. You start to tear it open, and you start to see the truth of who and what you truly are at the core of your being.”
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? So, let’s talk about the broken pieces. Let’s talk about what happens when you look in the mirror and you see those broken pieces. Those broken pieces don’t always reflect themselves back to you when you look at your own reflection in the mirror. Why? Because you choose not to see them. So, what happens is you move through time and space, and you engage with other human beings in your reality. Most of the time those people that are really close to you, your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your husband, your wife, your children, they’re the ones that mirror back to you the stuff that you really need to work on.
But what happens is we don’t like to admit that those broken pieces that we’re seeing in another human being are actually the broken pieces within ourselves. Go and take magic mushrooms, go, and take ayahuasca, and stare in the mirror at your own face. You’re going to see many different aspects and elements of your own inner workings. You’re going to see beauty and magic, you’re going to see pain and despair, you’re going to see multi-dimensional elements of you. What a lot of people don’t like to do is to actually admit that within them there is darkness, that within them there is something that needs to be fixed, within them there is something that needs to be broken. So, people are always passing the day, people are always passing the buck, people are always flipping the switch and saying you’re this and you’re that and you make me feel like this. Well, actually nobody can make anyone feel like anything yes things in your external reality can talk to you, humans for example you can see things on the news, you can see things in the newspapers. You can hear things on the radio but ultimately, it’s just information, it’s just frequency and code.
Nothing can actually change you unless you decide that whatever is externally communicating with you is allowed to change you, whether you respond to it or react to it in some way shape or form. But ultimately if you stay present in the frequency, in the zero point, nothing external is going to affect you. In relationships, the deeper you go into the relationship often the harder it gets because you go deeper and deeper and more of the truth is revealed. You see what a lot of people do in this human reality is they put on a false mask. They’re walking around with a mask on and what happens is, as you go deeper and deeper into that reality, the mask starts to crack. You see holes in it, blemishes in it. You start to tear it open and the people in the relationship with you, they start to see the truth of who and what you truly are at the core of your being. The wounds come to the surface; the pain comes to the surface.
So, what you’re better off doing is just allowing yourself from on the start to be vulnerable. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. Vulnerability is the foundation for massive success and supersonic healing. When you’re trying to cover up the cracks, like putting cement over the cracks on a pavement, ultimately the pavement is going to crack again. You know you’ve got a wall in your house that starts to crack. You paint over it. It looks good for a little while and then the cracks appear again. The cracks will always appear in you and those closest to you are going to reveal those broken pieces, those broken cracks unless you do something about it. You’ve got to realize that everyone in your space is working with you. They’re working for you. They’re unconscious agents of the universe mirroring back to you those pieces of you that are broken. So, stop running from them. Be powerful, be free. Set yourself free by diving into your own heart and putting those pieces of the jigsaw puzzle back together again.
You’re going to grow, you’re going to evolve, you’re going to become a higher frequency being that is able to be in the isness, be in the stillness with no judgment in pure acceptance of everything that’s going on in pure acceptance of the beautiful mirrors in your external reality that are showing you your own truth. This is alchemy, this is mastery. This is what separates the boys from the men and the girls from the women. This is what separates the Jedi Wizards from those just starting out on their path. it’s always those starting out on their path that think they’ve cracked it all. I was like that but the deeper you go on this journey the more you realize there’s so much to learn. There’s so much to remember. There’s so much knowledge and wisdom to unlock from deep in your DNA, deep in your DNA code, your computer code down in your own inner workings, in the labyrinth of your own magical mystical heart. There is so much going on and actually healing it is easy if you can first admit there is healing to be done and then choose to go in and work on that.
Healing can happen rapidly. It’s a choice. You wrote the story and if you wrote the story, you could change parts of the story and when you change parts of the story, you’ll realize that those parts of the story that you started to change were already changed anyway. That was just another element of the story because ultimately the story’s been written for infinity, for eternity. everything’s laid out yes, we say there are multiple timelines and multiple probabilities but if the story is already written you know how you’re going to bounce through those probabilities and through those timelines. It’s just a game of chess. Beautiful Soul, how are you going to make your moves? How are you going to move across the board stepping from one stepping stone to another? Climb the mountain, acclimatize, go to the next mountaintop. It’s a game, it’s an adventure it’s here to be enjoyed. Stop taking it so seriously. Love the fact that you’ve got broken pieces. Don’t try and hide the fact. Lay it out on the table and I’ll tell you what will happen if you lay it out on the table. All of those broken pieces will put themselves together. You won’t even need to fix anything. It’s only when you try to hide it that it stays broken.
When you open your heart and you just be, you merge with the frequency of wholeness. All of those jigsaw pieces they just naturally form, and everything works. You’ve just got to get out of your own way. I am sweating. You’ve just got to get out of your own way, beautiful soul. Get out of your own way and let Mother Nature take her course because you are Mother Nature, you’re not separated from the trees and the rocks and the flowers and the birds and the animals. Their consciousness just like you manifested into a different form. Everything’s connected. This life is beautiful. Feel it. See the Magic in the smallest and tiniest of things. Every single challenge, every single obstacle has gold in it, but you’ve got to choose to see it. No one can see it for you because you’re the observer of your own reality just like you’re the observer looking at the broken pieces, you’re the observer that won’t look in the mirror and see the truth.
Like I said, if you’re still struggling with this go and take psilocybin or ayahuasca, stare in the mirror and you’re going to see everything that you need to see because these medicines are powerful teachers. We run Deep in Space retreats in America, the UK, Holland, Egypt, psilocybin, ayahuasca, San Pedro. You should come and join us sometime. All the information is at Go and heal but don’t go and try and heal. Go and be love that is the healing. Love is the most powerful weapon and the most powerful healer. Just decide to be it because it’s what you are at the core of your being. Everything else is a fractalized diluted version of this pure raw potential that lies in your diamond spark that gives you access to the god worlds, to the prime creator, to the source fields, within the multiple super universes out there. I love you, beautiful soul. You are pure magic, an alchemist, an architect, a warrior from the stars, a lion, a lioness roaming in these concrete jungles. Enjoy the ride man, enjoy the ride.
Remember to check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on the planet, cosmic yoga, meditations, light language transmissions, qigong, breath work, master classes, private telegram groups, so you can connect with beautiful souls just like you who are on this human Journey evolving spiritually, multi-dimensionally, with hearts and minds just like yours. Connect with us. It’s free for seven days, I’ve got to go and get out of this sun because it is absolutely sweltering. I will see you very, very, soon. Go and shine your light, speak your truth, love who you are and look in the mirror and accept everything you see because you’re only going to see truth if you allow yourself to see through your heart and not your eyes. This is for feeling beautiful soul, this is for seeing. That’s the mastery. I’ll see you again real soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out, beautiful soul.
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