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Word Trickery: Crack The Code & Reclaim Your Power!


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“We think we’re free. We’re not free but we can be free. Freedom is a choice. The king’s chamber in the Giza, pyramids in Russia, pyramids in China, pyramids in South America. They all utilize the same mathematical code to get out of this planetary Matrix through the stargates.”

So, I am here sailing down the Nile. Today we went to the temple of Edfu which is linked into the solar plexus. We’re a few days into our 16-day tour of Egypt with the Star Magic tribe having a blast. Activations, meditations. We’ve had some special access to different temples, enjoying sailing down this beautiful river, enjoying the sun and the scenery as a great big family. I wanted to share with you today about this worship gene. Why human beings struggle so much on this planet because we came here to be sovereign. We came to planet Earth to be free but here on planet Earth it’s been like a prison planet for a very, very, very long time and certain evil forces have controlled and manipulated the game.

We’re in a construct. We’re in a 3D Matrix where we do have access to fifth dimensional spaces, fifth dimensional frequency bands, through that mental fourth-dimensional space bridge, but most human beings don’t know how to transition and move across that bridge into the fifth dimension. So, most human beings are stuck, and most human beings are subservient and most human beings are waiting here on planet Earth to be rescued. Some human beings aren’t waiting to be rescued. They’re just happy asleep inside this holographic reality being controlled, having their energy siphoned, having their money drained, being siphoned every which way possible.

If you go back to the Garden of Eden and I’m talking about the Garden of Eden when the Anunnaki were down regulating those gene codes and manipulating those DNA templates, they were creating a subservient species which would be like slaves. But if you go back pre the Anunnaki, when the Pleiadeans and Andomedans were on this planet, when the Par Tau were on this planet, when the Draconians were on this planet, which actually go back way, way, way, way back hundreds of millions of years. But the Garden of Eden has been on this planet multiple times over. and there’s Gardens of Edens on other planets too. Most planets have a Garden of Eden right now. Here on Earth the Garden of Eden doesn’t exist. You can only tap into the Garden of Eden if you plug into an alternate reality.

We as human beings, we’re stuck, we’re slaves, and we’re slaves to words. let’s take the word ‘amen’, let’s take the word ‘bless you’. When someone sneezes everybody says, ‘bless you, bless you’. When you bless you, what people are really saying is ‘be less you, be less of you’ so that spell is being woven every time someone sneezes. Sometimes one person says, ‘bless you’. Sometimes multiple people say, ‘bless you’. So, you’ve got seven or eight people, two or three people, one person casting a spell over the human being that has just sneezed, ‘be less of you, be less of you, be less of you’. Words carry a frequency. Thoughts carry a frequency. Feelings carry a frequency. Everything you put out into the universal field it starts to play around with the construct. It plays around with the code, and it creates, and it recreates. We think that we’re doing a good thing when we say, ‘bless you’. No, it’s a trick.

When people say ‘grace’ at dinner time, or they say a prayer and they say ‘Amen’ at the end, they’re paying homage, they’re bowing down, they’re serving up their own energy on a plate to one of the most malevolent beings that’s ever graced these Earthly planes, Marduk, who is the brother of Thoth. Both of them are Enki’s Sons. Marduk was other otherwise known as Amen Ra, and Amen Ra battled with Thoth during the pyramid wars. Amen Ra became the ruler of Egypt, and he decided that everyone would pay homage to him by saying ‘Amen, Amen Ra’. Every time you say Amen you’re handing your energy over. You’re handing your power over. You are worshiping a disgusting dark evil being that raped and pillaged and murdered human beings, other Anunnaki beings, other extraterrestrial beings, on this Earthly playing field for a very long time. This being, Amen Ra, is still said to control this planet. Amen Ra put Akhenaten in control when Amen Ra left this planet, and he ruled from his spaceship up in the skies. Amen Ra still owns this planet. Marduk still owns this planet and through the 13 Phoenician families, through the 13 families that control planet Earth, through all the systems that they’ve put in place over thousands and thousands of years. This system is incredible. You got to take your hat off to them. They’ve done an amazing job locking and loading us down inside this holographic matrix. We think we’re free. We’re not free but we can be free. Freedom is a choice.

When Enlil asked his brother Enki to place the worship gene into the beings they were creating, he also put something in there that could help human beings turn off that worship gene and that is simply done by choice, focus, intention, and the courage that it takes to stand up and say ‘no’. As soon as you do that once, you start to break down the program. You do it twice, you do it three times. You do it several times over and over, and you start standing in your power and you see the oppressors that come for you, that are on you, that are trying to control. You start to take your power back, and you start to create life on planet Earth by your own rules. and you start to create freedom and Sovereignty. We can be free inside this planetary matrix and there is a way out of this planetary matrix. It’s a mathematical game which you can exit through multiple pyramid structures around the earth, the king’s chamber in Giza, pyramids in Russia pyramids in China, pyramids in South America. They all utilize the same mathematical code to get out of this planetary matrix through the stargates up to the god worlds where you can be free once more outside of this 15th dimensional time Matrix.

Inside our heart we have the god spark. We have the god spark in every single cell of our body. We are literally God manifested into form. We’re powerful beyond measure and no government can control us. Look at the word government. Govern-ment means minds to govern, control the mind. When you control the mind, you can enslave the species. But when you’re aware that your mind is trying to be governed you can step outside of the program, and you can take full control again. But you’ve got to take action every single day on your goals and your dreams. You got to meditate. You’ve got to exercise. You got to breathe deeply. You got to move forwards in this direction or that direction depending on what it is you want to achieve on this planet. We’ve got to harmonize and unify and alchemize together as a human family as sisters and brothers if we want to create heaven on Earth.

Many of our sisters and brothers are still worshiping, worshipping the son of Satan. Enlil in the Garden of Eden was Satan’s son, maybe worse. Enki and Thoth, they were here laying down the fabric, laying down the clues, laying down the mathematics so when we reincarnated, we could discover those clues, discover what was left for us by ourselves in the ancient past so we can recode our DNA and activate our superhuman potential, get rid of that worship gene, and realize that we’re the power. We are the power, but you’ve got to know this, beautiful soul. When you go into the stillness of your heart you can observe the thoughts in your mind, and you’ll see the programs running. When you shine light on the programs, the programs start to dissolve. When you shine light on the shadows, the shadows, they have no power anymore.

Wherever you are on planet Earth, beautiful soul, go out into this world and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go and remember to check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on planet Earth. If you want to activate your DNA activate your light body your kundalini, switch that right female hemisphere to full activation mode so you can connect to the multi-dimensional playing fields. go to, join Infinity. You get seven days free right now. Hundreds of guiding meditations light language transmissions, light codes, cosmic yoga, high frequency nutrition. Hundreds of mystery School teachings on all different topics to do with ascension, spirituality, high frequency living.

We got private Telegram groups so you can connect with beautiful souls just like you on this same mission that want to make this world a much better place, that want to live in a state of freedom, that know that unity is the key to us living in a more harmonious world where we care and share. and share the world’s resources equally between all women, men, and children. A place where it’s more life to all and less to none. Forget about that dog-eat-dog world. That’s old. That ship sailed man. Now it’s time for peace, love, harmony, helping each other up the ladder. That’s the key. Don’t stand on anyone’s head to get in front. You got to climb the ladder and help the next man up, the next woman up. Maybe you want to lift them up before you and you come up the ladder second. It doesn’t matter. We’re a team. We’re a family. We work together. No more ‘worship’ him, no more ‘bless you’. I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul.