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“The kind of man that we need is a savage dangerous powerful lion that’s just finished tearing some hyenas to pieces and has gone back to hug the lioness and the cubs.”
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, let’s talk about the masculine holding back the feminine. You see so many men for centuries have tried to crush the feminine. They’ve tried to hold back the divine feminine. I feel that most men have been scared about the feminine inside of themselves. They don’t know how to deal with it. They don’t know how to handle it and so they try and stifle it and dampen it and crush it in their partners. There’s nothing more beautiful than watching a woman thrive. When a woman is in her power you know that sacred divine feminine. When you see a woman in her savage energy, in that lion energy, it is like being powerful and fierce. You can’t beat that.
I remember back earlier this year we were in Lebanon, and we were doing a plant medicine ceremony and we put on the song, savage daughter, and all the women were in a circle. They were stomping and dancing and they were literally being savage, fearless, fierce ferocious lionesses. I was sat back watching them and I kept trying to go into the circle, but the circle was so powerful, and it was like there wasn’t a place for me in there. It wasn’t really that there wasn’t a place for me in there. It’s just that this circle of feminine energy was not to be interrupted and me as a man in my masculine energy I had to stand back. I had to observe this feminine circle and I had to hold space. I had to open my heart, be the warrior God that I am, the lion that I am, and watching as these beautiful goddesses danced in all their glory and just be in appreciation, in gratitude, for this beautiful divine feminine that was expressing itself so strongly, so fiercely, and so powerfully. I’m sharing this because it’s so important for all men to respect their woman and not just their woman but all women and to realize that by opening your hearts, by holding space for your partner, by encouraging them to express all of who they are, your relationship can grow in ways that you never thought possible.
When you allow your partner to really bring her divine feminine savage fierce lioness energy to the surface it can in turn hold space for the masculine to be the warrior God that he truly is. When you have a powerful man and a powerful woman both in their sacred masculine and feminine energy, both perfectly balanced, you have the perfect recipe for success in the relationship, in business, health. Like everything just flows. It’s massively beautiful. For so long has the masculine has been scared of the feminine. They’ve tried to suppress the feminine and I truly feel it’s because the masculine has been scared of the feminine that actually resides inside himself. He’s like I don’t want to feel this, it’s dangerous, it’s weird. I have to be this strong masculine man that has to be fierce and strong and suppressive. I can’t show my emotions you know I have to bottle it up, I’ve got to be strong and yes, we do need savage strong fierce men, but we also need strong savage fierce men that are in touch with their feminine side.
Now this is where it gets really interesting because what’s happened over the last however many years, the masculine in some regards has become too feminine and the real Warrior God man, the real lion, the real savage fierce ferocious crazy man that used to be the hunter gatherer out there fending for the tribe, hunting for animals to feed the family and the tribe has kind of vanished and been relegated to the depths of despair, to the depths of oblivion, and men have become soft, okay. So, in this world, balance, alignment, is mission critical. The man must get all that feminine energy and balance it. The man must get all that masculine, that sacred masculine, and balance it with the feminine. The masculine, the feminine, they must be zero pointed. You see a good man is a dangerous man, a savage man, a ferocious man, that has got in touch with all these dark deep dangerous aspects of himself and brought it all into control. A dangerous man is a man that has got in touch with the feminine and is too weak and submissive and allows other human beings to trample on that man and walk all over that man. That’s not a good man, that’s a dangerous man.
The kind of man that we need is a savage, dangerous, powerful, crazy, relentless lion that’s just finished tearing some hyenas to pieces and has gone back to hug the lioness and the cubs and lick them and look after them and feed them after defending the pride. That kind of man is the kind of man that we want, not that kind of man that goes around bullying the feminine, not that kind of dangerous savage man that that doesn’t have it under control because you can be dangerous, you can be savage, you can be powerful. But you can be rude, and abusive, and aggressive, and that is not what we want. We want all that aggressiveness and all that danger and all that ferociousness to be zero pointed into an arrowhead that can be fired, if necessary, if a man needs to defend his family, if a man needs to go and hunt and gather. This is the kind of man that we need in society today and it’s been lost, a man that supports the feminine.
If humanity is going to truly be rebirthed it’s going to come from the sacred womb. If humanity is going to be truly rebirthed into this golden, diamond, platinum, chromium age, this higher frequency band, it’s going to come from the sacred feminine, it’s going to come from womb consciousness. The womb in the woman is where it’s at. The womb is the creative centre, the womb is the life giver, and it needs a sacred dangerous divine masculine Warrior god that has it all under control, that is zero pointed and balanced to hold space for that beautiful lioness to give birth to the sacred code of all life. This is where it’s at, beautiful soul. I love you, you’re amazing. If you’re a woman love your man, if you’re a man love your woman. If you’re a woman love the masculine and the feminine within you. If you’re a man love the masculine and the feminine within you but know exactly where you’re at, on that zero point. Don’t be a bit to the right or a bit to the left, no up no down, right in the middle, crush it, zero point it. Know who you are and own your power.
I love you, beautiful soul. You’re amazing. Go out into this world and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never ever, ever be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging. Remember check out our website. We have some of the very best ascension tools on the planet, okay. They’re going to help you zero point your masculine and feminine energies so you can be of greater service to humanity. Go to right now. Get free access for 7 days to all our tools, meditations, light language transmissions, cosmic yoga videos, master classes, nutrition, breath work, you name it. We’ve got it there laid out to help you, to assist you, in your ascension. I’ll see you again real soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out, beautiful soul.
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