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Why You’re not Succeeding at Finding Self-Worth

When setting off on a spiritual journey, people are finding self-worth to be the hardest part of their effort. 

I’ve seen them struggle with it, I’ve helped them overcome it and now I feel it’s time I pass this knowledge on.

Because more people need to get a glimpse into their extraordinary nature. We all feel this indistinct call to seeking our true nature. But lack of self-knowledge stops us from going forward.

It’s time you prioritise yourself! It’s time you fall in love over and over again, with everything you do. Follow me along this article and I’ll reveal why you don’t succeed in seeing your true value.

You Hold on Instead of Letting Go

A powerful impediment when you want to know yourself is staying in a fixed place.

Clinging to persons, situations, preconceived notions, cultural formatting and most importantly – fear.

You fear leaving your comfort zone. If you didn’t, you’d be able to see and explore more of what you’re capable of. Because comfort zone is a confinement – it doesn’t allow us to put ourselves in more contexts.

Start the self-consciousness journey by letting go of the comfort zone.

finding self-worth

You Mistake Self-Worth for Validation

Finding self-worth begins with understanding its nature.

You won’t be able to get it from others because, as much as they wish to understand you, they can’t have direct access to your experiences. Thus, they can’t help you channel your resources as well as you can.

You Don’t Have a Mastery-Driven Mindset

Self-worth often comes from small accomplishments. And accomplishment comes from mastery.

Ask yourself: What is it I master? What is it I could master? What is the smallest thing I could do towards finding out new aspects to excel at?

Maybe it’s playing an instrument, maybe implementing a new technique of raising your kids. Maybe a new hobby or a new positive habit.

Regardless of its magnitude, each thing you manage to master contributes immensely to finding self-worth.

finding self-worth

You’re not Used to Reaffirming Your Value

I’ll start with a question: how often do you tell yourself you’re valuable?

If you have to think about this more than 30 seconds, it means you’re not doing it as frequently as you should.

Reaffirming your worth sets your brain on a receptive mode which will create a shield against any negativity or belittling which could come from the exterior.

You Are not Tuned into the Love Frequency, while Finding Self-Worth

What if you’re not doing most of the missteps above? What if you’re a spiritual person who’s tried it all and you still can’t seem to find self-worth?

It happens because you’re not yet connected to the proper frequency – the Love Frequency, which is the frequency of the Universe, the energy which made possible the inception of Life.

Raising your vibration to the Frequency of Love will bring more clarity in every aspect of your life – beginning with the image you’ve projected about yourself.

Let’s let the One Love change this picture into a vivid canvas. Or, even better, a mirror where you see yourself in your true divine greatness you’ve been created to emulate.

I’m here to love you and provide you with the means to do so.

jerry sargeant guided meditation