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“Vulnerability okay is where it’s at. If you’re in a relationship with another human being the best thing you can do is to be vulnerable. Another word for vulnerability is honesty.”
I love you with my heart with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? So, today we’re going to discuss vulnerability. We’re going to discuss relationships and how energy can be drained in a relationship when human beings aren’t honest with each other. We’re going to just discuss wholeness and why wholeness is mission critical when you enter a relationship in the first place.
You see when human beings come into this world they’re born into this worldly environment, and they start to grow up. They are conditioned from a very early age and what happens is this human being, a child, wants to be loved and so, they try and be like their mother or their father or their aunts or their uncle or whoever they’re watching on TV some pop idol, or some movie star, and they think if they’re like these other human beings that they’re going to be loved more. But this sets up a dysfunctional behavioural pattern or set of patterns and behaviours that disconnect the child from who and what they truly are. This high frequency energy source this soul, this essence, this consciousness this spirit in a physical form that is experiencing human life through these physical avatar vessels.
Now when a human being grows up and all their life they wanted to be like other people, and they don’t know who they truly are and they’ve also experienced trauma whether it’s rejection or whether they’ve experienced physical or mental abuse or maybe they had parents that were arguing, and they witnessed the father backing day and all the mother back in there and neither of them speaking their truth or one of them bullying the other one there’s different experiences that we have when we grow up. Maybe a child had a great relationship and the father walked out and everything became destabilized, and the child had to move to another town or city, or country, and it was very challenging. There are many different experiences that happen as children growing up but when you go into relationship when you’re older the relationship is going to mirror back to you the things that you really need to work on, the holes that you have in your armour from childhood your teenage years your 20s and so on. Maybe you’re bringing in trauma from your soul records, from a previous Incarnation, because we are souls in these physical bodies.
We are having multi-dimensional experiences. Some of them are very positive, some of them are not so positive. Just like our childhood experiences some of them can be positive some of them are not so positive but when we go into relationship the partner in the relationship mirrors back to us the holes in our armour and what we really need to work on but what most people do is they try and pretend that everything’s okay and they bury things under the carpet time and time again but eventually they’re going to explode. Now they may explode with anger, or they may explode by just walking out. They may explode by going into complete silence for several days and treating the other partner in an off way.
It doesn’t matter how this energy bubbles up and explodes. It doesn’t have to be volatile. Sometimes, silence is worse than anger. At least when someone is angry, they often speak their truth and this comes on to the most important part of this video, vulnerability, is where it’s at. If you’re in a relationship with another human being the best thing you can do is to be vulnerable. Another word for vulnerability is honesty and most people pretend it’s okay. Instead of being vulnerable they pretend it’s okay instead of being honest. When you’re honest with your partner and you say, “hey listen you just annoyed me because of this, or you just did this, and it really upset me”. Most people will just continue with their day and then fester and fester it boils and boils the best thing a human being can do is to be honest with the other human being whoever they’re in a relationship with. The other thing is this. Most of the time one human being will never take responsibility or both human beings never take responsibility in a relationship and so they blame the other human being instead of going into their own hearts and realize it they have these childhood traumas, these teenage year traumas, traumas from somewhere that are making them respond in certain ways to their external environment. They decide to mask you or put blame and responsibility onto everyone else apart from themselves but as an empowered intelligent highly conscious human being like you, you must always take responsibility, you can never blame your external environment for anything. All these things are happening but how you respond is mission critical when you’re bouncing around inside of your hands. There’s a 0.25 second window between stimulus and response when you’re breathing deeply and you’re in your heart and you’re cantered in balance and equilibrium there’s much more space.
So, when things are happening around you, you’re breathing deeply, you’re moving consciously, you’re breathing consciously, and everything seems to be further apart, and you start to notice things in a different way. You start to notice how you’re responding how you’re reacting and then you can make a choice. You can make that choice to say I’m going to breathe and move through this; I’m going to walk away. I’m going to say, “I love you”, whatever it is. But you make a highly conscious choice not to engage in your external environment that could be something that’s happening in another part of the world. It could be something that’s happening in another part of your bedroom. It could be happening down in the lounge whilst you’re upstairs in the toilet. Whatever your partner is up to, whatever the world is doing you can choose to be in an empowered state and that’s where the magic starts to happen because an experience in your external environment make it an instantaneous reaction out of you but when you become highly conscious and you start to meditate, you do breathwork, you start to use qigong practices, very specific Qigong breath work and meditation practices, you start to raise your energy levels. You expand your consciousness, your frequency goes up, and you become much more present. You start to notice different things in the outside world. You start to see the beauty and the magic and everything, but you also start to notice how you respond and then you can start to make different choices. This something that would have made you react instantaneously and boom you fly off the handle. You are now no longer making you do that or maybe you’re reacting but it’s only lasting for 10 minutes instead of three days. Maybe that reaction time goes from 10 minutes to two minutes and then from two minutes to 30 seconds and then from 30 seconds to no reaction at all because you’re breathing and you’re staying conscious and you’re deciding to keep your energy and your vibration up here.
When you’ve got two people in a relationship, sometimes one human being’s consciousness will expand and the other one will stay here, and they will start to separate like oil and water. Now this one can communicate with this one and hopefully their energy levels will rise, their consciousness will expand, but what this one cannot do is bring their energy levels back down and their consciousness and their vibration and their frequency to match this one because this one’s going to drain this one and this is just unacceptable. Once you’ve done the work and you’ve come to this space the only way is up. You never want to go down. Now as you start to grow and expand, something might happen, it might knock you to here for 15 minutes, but you go within into your heart, into this divine space, your life compass, and you get yourself back up again by breathing and being and stepping back from the outside world for a moment.
So, fill up your teacup, and when your teacup is overflowing and into your saucer then you can give. When your teacup is only half full or three quarters full or 95 before you should never be giving. You should be doing the inner work until it spills out and overflows into the saucer and then the saucer spills into the world because you’re so full of love. Relationships can be the most amazing places and they can be the worst places when you’re unconscious and you’re living by a certain set of belief systems or a certain set of programs that you’ve been running for many years. Relationships are the perfect mirror to trigger those traumatic experiences and to bring them to the surface to be dealt with but when you don’t know you, you don’t know. But when you do know when you do know, and you still make choices to not deal with your stuff and make choices that take you on different courses of action. Then that’s crazy. You’re like a crackhead, you’re like a heroin addict, you’re like a porn or sugar addict, addict to whatever it might be.
If you know you’ve got a problem, if you know you’ve got an issue, and you still choose to engage with it that’s a crazy addiction, and that takes a lot of work. It takes dedication day in day out to overcome it. You must meditate; you must do your breath work you’ve got to be doing your qigong, you’ve got to be doing the things that bring you into the present moment and keep your brain chemicals stable. Exercise is another great one. When I’m out running, I’m in that present moment and energy is flooding into me. Ideas from the universe are downloading into me 24/7, 365 when I’m running, when I’m in the gym, when I’m hitting the punch bag. Everybody’s got their own way of becoming present and venting and moving that energy through life. You’ve got to find yours but what I do know is this we train people to be superhumans we train people to be highly conscious supersonic humans living in the present moment from their heart spaces in perfect equilibrium, zero pointed into the present moment living from here this magical life compass.
It’s a very basic simple set of principles that will get you to where you need to be. Meditation and breath work are the two most important ones for me, and meditation doesn’t mean sitting there and going into silence meditation should be 24/7, 365 everywhere you go when you’re driving when you’re walking when you’re in a business meeting you can be in meditation when you’re in a business meeting and you’re listening with full intent you’re in the present moment and you’re meditating. Most people are thinking about what they’re going to say to the other human being that’s not being present that’s not giving your full focus and attention most people when they’re walking down the street and through a park they’re thinking about what they’re going to do later or what they didn’t do earlier or all the problems in their lives me I’m observing trees for children playing with their balls the energy and the space and I’m literally observing with no labels I’m in meditation
When I used to drive my car I used to be one of those guys that would be beeping the horn winding down his window letting off you know abuse at other people sometimes beeping my horn I used to go crazy in traffic many years ago now when I drive my car, I’m in a Zen space driving maybe listening to a podcast or completely observing the country lanes that I’m driving back the bushes the birds the sunshine the trees and just feeling this deep sense of gratitude and joy for the life that I’m living. That’s meditation and it takes practice to become an observer it takes practice to become familiar with whom you are at the core of you being it takes practice to notice what you notice when you’re in the present state of awareness. Instead of being the emotions instead of being the thoughts getting so embroiled in them that you don’t know the difference between you as a soul as a consciousness and the thoughts and the emotions that are in your body most people think that they are their body that they are their minds that they are their thoughts that they are their emotions but we’re not. We’re something inside this physical body that is separate from these this physical vessel.
“Self-control is strength, right thoughts are mastery, calmness is power. Say unto your heart peace, be still.” Those words from “As a man thinketh” by James Allen and I read that book years and years ago, maybe 20 years ago now. Those words have always stuck. The full part of it in this book, is the soul reclaims the commanding master. He does sleep waking, self-control is strength, right thought is mastery, calmness is power, say unto you that’s peace, be still and that’s what we’ve got to do as humans. We’ve got to remember that with a reclining master and we are asleep in the back of the soul, the physical body, and we can wake that true essence of us and move through time and space in the present moment being fully energized and locked into this now space. Then once we remember how to be present and in this lab space, we can start to affect the quantum field and start to manifest and create the life of our dreams.
We can change the field around us by being in a high vibration and then everything starts to respond and you notice the people that show up in your life they’re different they’re in a highly conscious State too you start to vibrate with people and magnetize people into your life that are on the same vibration as you and you start to move through your reality fields noticing that everyone seems to be happy. Why? Because you’re happy you’re full of joy and if you’re happy and you’re full of joy. You’re going to start to notice people that aren’t unhappy and aren’t full of joy but when you notice them, you’re just going to smile and open your heart even wider and love them even more.
You’re amazing, beautiful soul, truly you are a magical being and I love you so much. I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. Go ahead to this world, love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go and if you’re interested in finding out more about what we do then visit We have some of the best ascension tools on the planet for elevating your vibration raising your levels of consciousness and becoming a more empowered human. You can get access to our free seven-day meditation trial right now. I’ll see you on the inside.
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