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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, today I wanted to share a little message with you about your friends and your loved ones and whether your friends and your loved ones really have your best interests at heart and should those friends and loved ones really be a part of your inner circle. Should they be even in your environment at all, and this is kind of specific because when someone allows you to sit or stay in the comfort of your bad habits, do they really love you? That is the question if someone truly loves you then they should pull your card, they should say, “hey Jerry, you know what you are doing right now. It is not the best of decisions my friend, you know”, or “Jerry you are behaving in this way. You should really treat those people that way or this way you know if you are going to go into this business deal. Why don’t you look at that first?”, “you know Jerry you are being lazy. You want people in your life that are going to pull your cards and tell you where you are at.”
This is so important. If you have got people that are sitting by and watching, you go into a thunderstorm without marking your card and you do not want those kinds of people in your life. If you have got people in your life that will be too afraid to tell you because of how it might make you feel, they might think, “well I might hurt Jerry’s feelings if I tell him this.” You know he is putting so much effort in, and you know he is trying to do an amazing job” but you know there’s certain bits and pieces that just are not right and you think you might hurt my feelings by telling me that I don’t want you in my life I want someone that tells me the truth. Then you should want someone that tells you the truth too. A lot of people do not like looking into their own hearts, a lot of people do not like looking at themselves in the mirror because they fear what they might see, but the only way you are going to grow is if you face your inner truths.
If you face and accept those parts of you that are weak and then you can work on those weaknesses and turn them into strengths. Okay, we have all got strengths and we have all got weaknesses. It is important to acknowledge both. Once you acknowledge both you can master your weaknesses and turn them into strengths, and sometimes your strengths you might need to tone them down a little bit. You might need to bring things into balance, but you want people around you that are going to tell you the truth and tell you that you do not want people that turn a blind eye, you do not want people that sit in the background. There is also another type of human. There is the human that looks at what you are doing and thinks yeah, they are going to this up and they know that, and they don’t tell you because they’re scared. They do not tell you because they’re jealous of what you’re up to. There are people like that in the world too.
So, you need to be aware of this. There are people that put on a great act but they’re not who they are underneath. Okay, there are wolves in sheep’s clothing, and those are the people you want to remove them from your reality. It is very important to be strong and remove from your reality and don’t even think about it. Yeah, don’t think that they might change, and you remove them from your life, and then if they want to change and come back then you might give them a second chance. But you do not give them a second chance whilst they’re still in your life. No chance, no way because you are too valuable for that. There are billions of souls on this planet and many souls that will love you and respect you and want what is best for you, and if you’ve got people around you that don’t want what’s best for you then get them out of your life. No questions, simple as that. This is the best piece of advice I could give you on this subject, beautiful soul.
So, wherever you are on this magical planet, go out and hug your sisters and your brothers, and you know the golden rule of hugging. Never be the first to let go. Love them fiercely and ferociously, and I will see you again very soon. Wherever you are, go and have fun and jump. Live in a state of joy and bliss and when you wake up in the morning let joy be your natural default state. Okay, it will help you through the day. It will always help you. Don’t wake up in the morning and fall into a program or get triggered by the external environment. Maintain your frequency and remember these people that you’re executing from your life, they were never able to fly your frequency in the first place, so they had to go. Separation like oil and water baby.
Remember check out our website where we got some of the best ascension tools on the planet to elevate your vibration, expand your consciousness, and turn you into a superhuman. Don’t forget to join our new telegram group spiritual gangster one and gangster is spelled g-a-n-g-s-t-a numerical number one. We have just started the new TikTok channel star magic healing. We’re putting up three-minute activations every single day so if you want to stay turbo charged and on top of your game go and join us on TikTok, beautiful soul. I will see you again soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out, beautiful soul.
“Today by the end of the class, I was having a back headache, a big day, and it is very painful. So, I asked Jerry to help me with it. He put his hand in my lower back for probably a few seconds and then the pain was gone. It’s really special, everybody should come to attend this class.”
When you’re able to step away from your mind and into your heart and live from the space of unconditional love you see and feel the world differently. I’ve changed my life around them, people say, “well how’d you do it”, and I just said “well you know I’m committed to change. I’m committed to helping people. I’m committed to making this world a better place and over and above everything else. I’m committed to showing you that this power lies within you. It is transformative. You will never be the same, and I know that I certainly will never be the same.
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