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Why Wait Until You Die To Experience Death?


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Why would you or anyone want to wait until we die to experience death? At some point we’re going to leave these physical bodies and go back to Source. We’re going to merge with the grand ocean of consciousness. Once again, we’re going to become the ocean. Right now, we’re waves crashing on the shores having our own individual experiences, but we will get sucked back out into the ocean at some point. Does it matter? It doesn’t really matter. It’s just an experience that we’re having. So why would you or anyone myself included want to wait until we die to experience death. It sounds like a little bit of a crazy question right.

You might turn around to me, “well why do I want to die now, Jerry? I’m quite enjoying life on planet Earth now”. There’s some crazy stuff that goes on this planet. Don’t get me wrong but I love this experience. I love being on planet Earth so why would I want to experience death before I die. In these physical bodies the amount of information that we compute in any one goal is fairly limited to say the least. When we bring ourselves into other states of consciousness we can connect at a much greater level, a much greater depth, a much more expanded state of awareness where we can pick up the information in the field, when we go into meditation. For example, when we travel through the astral realms, when we get into that state of consciousness where we can remote view other targets and pieces of information that are not in the same location as us, we start to open ourselves up to the potential that we see. Everything is accessible right now even inside these physical bodies but there are certain limitations to what you can access and experience in periods of time.

Now on one hand time doesn’t exist. There’s just space-time. It is a construct that’s being created to control us. Time is also a beautiful thing. It gives us the opportunity to measure things, to calculate things. I was here on this day and now I’m here on this day but ultimately once you get out of your body and into the quantum field none of that stuff really matters. To be honest with you, what actually matters? Does anything really matter? Does it really? They’re all just experiences. We’re having perceptions of different situations. I know that they matter to us in the moment, but do they really matter in the grand scheme of things. Well, you could argue no, nothing really matters. Then you could look at the great big experiment that’s taking place. We as humans here on this planet that we call Earth are having an experience and those experiences are feeding back information. They’re going into tablets. They’re going into holographic computer systems out there in the field that are recording absolutely everything. Everything in the experiment is being recorded so it does matter, and it doesn’t matter.

At some point we’re going to leave these physical bodies and go back to Source. We’re going to merge with the grand ocean of consciousness once again. We’re going to become the ocean. Right now, we’re waves crashing on the shores having our own individual experiences. But we will get sucked back out into the ocean at some point. Does it matter? It doesn’t really matter. It’s just an experience that we’re having now. When you go back out into the ocean you merge with the totality of all things. I mean right now we’re not actually separate from anything else even though we’re in these individualized physical avatars. We’re not actually separate consciousness. This field of consciousness that is flowing through me and you and everyone else is connected beyond the physical vessel but within the construct, within the physical vessel, within the avatar, within this body, there are certain limitations at the moment because we haven’t activated our full potential inside these bodies and activated these incredible computer systems. We will but not yet.

So, how can you shift from the wave to the ocean? How can you move from this individualized aspect of reality to merging with the whole ocean so you can get all the information you need right now. I’ve had multiple different out of body experiences. The first one that I ever had was a controlled one because I was guided. The second one I had happened really suddenly during an emotional event that happened in my life. The controlled one was very pleasant, and I got to move through time and space to rapidly go from here to there and there to there, back to here just like that. When I popped out of my body completely unexpectedly, I was literally spread. My whole consciousness kind of diluted and dilated and expanded all at the same time and become one with everything and the love was overwhelming, and I had no control over this. I was just spread everywhere at the same time, and I mean everywhere and not just on this planet but out through the multiverse. When I came back into my body, I didn’t know that I was coming back into my body. All I remember is being the whole universe so connected and then the next thing I’m outside my house taking all of my clothes off burning hot, crying, crazy emotions because this universe couldn’t fit back into this little body. It was wild.

Now there’s a balance. Coming out of your body in a controlled fashion, popping out of your body when I came out of my body in a controlled fashion, I had a mission, and I was doing certain things what about coming out of your body consciously and then choosing to become everything in a controlled fashion. So, you exit your body carefully. You move into that surrendered state of allowing yourself to be everything and feeling it and downloading the information and then bringing yourself back into your body in a controlled fashion. That’s where it’s at. When you come out of your body and I’m not just talking about coming out of your body and going and collecting information with your thoughts and your consciousness. I’m talking about actually bringing your full light body, your full energy, your full soul code out from your physical body and going and walking around or flying around because you can fly if you want to, or you can just decide to be somewhere and then there’s no flying and there’s no walking. There’s no nothing. You’re just there. Everything is available when you’re completely out of your body like that the information that you can obtain is absolutely unreal and when you come out of your body it’s like dying. You’re going through this process where you’re slowing your heart rate down, when you’re slowing your brain waves down and you’re getting to this point where you’re lifting, pushing, elevating your body, your soul body, your energetic body out from your physicalness and it can be a little bit scary.

I remember when my nan passed back to Spirit several years ago, I was in the hospital next to her and her soul was coming out of her body and she’d be like you could see her coming out and out and out and right at the last minute she’d go, and she’d freak out because she was leaving, and her soul came back in again. This happened several times. I tuned in. I started guiding her and helping over and we helped her cross smoothly in the end, but I was kind of fascinated by this in between backwards and forwards but it’s that fear is what holds us back. Fear is what controls us when you. Get over fear especially the fear of death and you liberate yourself in the most amazing way. When I get to my deathbed and my consciousness leaves my physical body, I want to party, I want the music out. I want to be in a great space with any friends that I’ve got left if they’re still around as long as my children, grandchildren, whoever. I want a party heart and have it as a beautiful, beautiful transition, something that I’m looking forward to. You can make the choice to leave your body right now and to travel out into the field and pick up the data, pick up the information.

When we go to sleep at nighttime maybe we’re waking up and maybe when we wake up in the morning, we’re actually falling asleep because when we’re in dream time we’re living at reality in a different state of consciousness often traveling through other planets doing multi-dimensional work. Quite often people wake up in the morning and they’re tired. That’s because you’ve been grafting, working, creating all night. You’ve not been resting. you’ve been on the go. You just didn’t realize it. This state that we’re in right now it’s kind of sleepy. Once you start to really truly dive into your heart and understand your inner workings, you can dive through the centre of your heart and go out into the the galaxy and beyond. You can actually travel in through here to the seventh super universe and you can exit this time-based matrix, and you can do that inside your body because your body doesn’t really exist. Nothing really exists. On some level it’s an illusion. At the same time, it’s real. You can perceive reality however you want to perceive reality, but reality is beautiful. It’s amazing.

We live in a hologram. We can choose to move in and out of that hologram at will but when you do that, you’ve got to spiral out. You can’t move in and out of this hologram at right angles you’ve got to spiral in and out of this hologram. When I leave my body, I slow down my brain waves and my heart rate ever so slow, and I get to that point where I start to lose the sense of my body. I start to see my soul above my physical body and at that point I bring my inner eye up at a 45° angle and I rebound it around the inside of my brain rotating 45, 45, 45, and I create a spiral inside of my mind and as the spiral starts to flow, I push my soul out from my body and then I’m above my body. I can look back down. The first time I experienced this I had someone that I trusted impeccably and so it was really easy for me. When I started to do this on my own without a guide, I found it a little bit harder to start with until I built up that trust.

When you leave your body it’s just as real as being inside your body. You can still walk around, feel things. You just move faster. You can walk through walls. You decide somewhere and you’re there. The love that you feel outside of your body, when your pure frequency is love, that is very difficult to experience inside the physical body. When you get out of your body the amount of information that you can access is unreal and when you come back into your physical body actually downloading and integrating that information can be difficult. When you’re traveling and coming back into your physical body it can be quite strenuous on the system, 45 miles of electrical wiring your nervous system inside your body. It can get a little bit disturbed when you try and download so much data, so much light, so much code. Do you really want to wait until you die to experience death, or do you want to take the plunge, be brave, be courageous and experience reality from the other side because it’s a choice that you can make if you want it. Wherever you are on this planet, beautiful soul, go out into the world and love your sisters and your brothers.

We are one, beautiful soul. We are love. We are sovereign. We are divine. We came from the same intelligence. Remember to check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on planet Earth. Hundreds of light language transmissions, hundreds of meditations, light codes to activate your pineal gland, your Merkabah field, your light body, your kundalini, your right brain. We’ve got cosmic yoga, high frequency nutrition, bundles of mystery school teachings on the most incredible topics. We’ve got everything you need to raise your vibration and be formidable right now and you can get access for 7 Days completely free to all of these tools. You can join our Monday and Wednesday zoom course, the frequency spa, our weekly meditation and bi-weekly fearless focus sessions. You can get access to private groups so you can connect with beautiful souls just like you on this same high frequency mission so join your family, reconnect with your soul tribe, and I’ll see you again real soon. Go and be awesome. Laugh, smile, have a little bit of fun and don’t take this journey too seriously. It’s a cosmic joke. I’ll see you soon.