Many people’s perception when it comes to the spiritual and material aspects of life is that they are extreme opposite dimensions. In reality, though, the two are actually closely entwined.
In this article, I want to show you how self-healing can help you manifest financial abundance in your life so you can experience financial peace and freedom.
Just like everything else which exists in the Universe, money is made out of energy patterns. They are merely a manifestation of energy.
This invisible energy force connects everything in the Universe, beyond conventional boundaries like time and space. It’s this force which connects you to an infinity of abundance sources. But it’s up to you to access them.
To raise your consciousness and attract more financial abundance into your life, you have to start by elevating your fields of energy to a higher frequency.
Self-healing is all about connecting yourself to your Cosmic Master Self. Therefore, it enables you to manipulate your spiritual source code so you can create significant life transformations.
The passkey to financial abundance, just like everything else in life, is Love.
If you don’t love every single part of yourself and don’t feel worthy of receiving financial wealth, abundance won’t manifest in your life.
Instead, your subconscious mind will begin to create all kinds of obstacles and traps to hinder your progress towards acquiring financial wealth.
The Universe will give you what you think you deserve. So, to some extent, you’ve taken part in creating everything you’ve encountered in your life, so far.
This is why self-healing is essential.
When healing ignites within you, criticisms, self-doubt, guilt (all of which are self-limiting patterns) begin to dissipate, allowing you to develop a mind frame which can accept a healthy financial reality.
Self-healing heightens creativity and enhances brain function.
Without the burden of self-limiting beliefs, your creative genius will begin to surface more often and manifest itself in unexpected ways. For instance:
When you don’t have to worry about how you’re going to pay the bills or your kids’ education, you can focus your energy somewhere else and contribute to the world in a more fulfilling and meaningful way.Â
As you’ve seen from this article, your financial reality can actually be a symptom of an internal imbalance which can be addressed through self-healing practices.
The powerful Star Magic Meditations can help you supercharge your life on all levels of your existence and experience the financial wealth you deserve.
Remember I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. Together, we can make this world a much more harmonious place.
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