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Why Everyone Should Give Meditation a Try

Slowing down to give meditation a try in this age of fast-paced lifestyles and relentless pursuit of action?

Some people would actually raise their eyebrows at this prospect.

And maybe they are the first who should consider taking on meditation.

Ultimately, our core nature – which is that of light – is fuelled by the right balance between two verbs:  being and doing.

Whichever part you’re employing to the detriment of the other, you’re toying with this fine balance and, ultimately, with the quality of your life.

That’s why I’m inviting you to read the following paragraphs, at the end of which I hope you’ll consider the advantages of meditation with new eyes.

You’ll Be More in Sync with Your Inner Rhythm

The human body is made in such a way so as to work on constant loops of activity/inactivity alternations

If activity is predominant, the body gears up to fuel the new needs. But it can’t go on like that forever, so fatigue is bound to settle in – both in the body and inside the mind.

When you give meditation a try, however, you practically learn how to sense the best rhythm you can sustain and how to manage your energy levels throughout the course of a day.

Once you get more spiritual acumen, you’ll raise the vibration of your internal organs and bodily functions and ultimately align both parties to work in synergy.

You’ll perceive this synergy by the way you’ll be waking up in the morning: more energised, more prepared and focused on the day lying ahead. Because you’ll learn to listen to the signals your body provides, you’ll essentially get more resources for:

  • careful planning
  • better segmentation of the day
  • working out
  • reading, studying or self-growth
  • taking on healthy habits.

You’ll Learn to Be More Grateful

The Universe has designed us all as beautiful seeds of light capable of forging their own path.

This fact alone, if acknowledged as such, is enough to provide us with the gratitude we need in order to establish a healthy perspective upon our existential meaning.

Instead, we stay in the shadows of the past, remorse, unnecessary guilt and irrational complexes which draw us back from the path of light and love.

We’d rather complain about what we don’t have than look back and be amazed at the mere wonder of existence.

What we lack is the wisdom of gratefulness. 

Good news is, though, we can get it if we give meditation a try.

Even in the early stages of a meditation practice, we can experience shifts of perspective which make us cast our eyes to the full side of the glass.

It’s because of the fact we get a clearer view of our real purpose. And once you can visualise a certain purpose on a daily basis, you can better assess and be grateful for every gift you possess and for every positive experience you’ve been through.

You’ll Have Better Intuition

Last but not least, meditation connects the being to a superior layer of perceptivity called the Universal vibration.

Every particle of your being will work in complete unison with the Universe, so it’s natural you’ll get more acute senses and more clairvoyance. This will help you take more inspired and accurate decisions for your future.

Give Meditation a Try – 2018 Resolution?

If what I’ve written above sounds like something you think would change your life this brand-new year, it’s worth getting a closer look into the fascinating range of guided meditations.

Don’t let your being neglect its immense possibilities.

I am here to love, nurture and guide your greatness in a world which lacks so much empathy and generosity. Welcome to the One Family, to the One Love!

jerry sargean guided meditation