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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, what do you do when you’re lost? What do you do when you can’t find your way through when you feel like you’re down in the depths of despair. Everything is just melting around you and you can’t see the wood through the trees. You can’t see the way forwards, left, right, backwards, whatever, what do you do? Well, the thing is this. The reality of the situation is that most of the time when you’re feeling lost, you’re not really lost, what’s happening is old parts of you are dying. Your frequency is shifting and pieces of you that no longer serve you fall away. They dissolve. You’re going through a rebirth but what happens is when we go through the rebirth there’s parts of us that get scared. That little voice in the head starts to comment and chatter away and tell you that it’s not safe, that you’re losing this and it’s dangerous and you start to feel uneasy, and some people go into panic.
Some people feel very uneasy when you’re feeling lost the best thing you can do is to lean into the process, embrace the process, and to realize that you are going through a shift right now on planet Earth. The frequency is amplifying, the vibration is changing. Consciousness is massively expanding throughout our human community and many people are going through this rebirth process, and you see a lot of people that are really struggling at the moment. There are lots of people that are thriving but there are lots of people that are struggling, and it feels like their whole life is falling apart. But for something new to come into your reality you have to make space. You have to make room, whether it’s in business or a relationship or whatever. It is whatever goals and pursuits, whatever mission you’re on, whatever your purpose is. If you’re going down a road sometimes you’ve got to change direction and to enable yourself to change direction you’ve got to declutter the roads. You’ve got to create some space so you can see.
When everything’s full there’s no space for new energy. When your life feels like it’s falling apart, and you feel like you’re lost don’t try and find your way. That’s the worst thing you can do. The best thing you can do is to breathe, be extremely patient and just allow yourself to be in the process and then what will happen is the way will appear but whenever you’re trying to force something, whenever you’re trying to beat something into place and you’re trying to find a way where there is no way then you’re just going to cause yourself more pain. Now there is always a way but when it’s too early for the way to present itself. You’re not going to find it what you’ve got to do is to kick back, be patient, and I guarantee you, I promise you, the energy will shift and move because you harness that present moment. As soon as you do you alchemize, and you transmute and everything that’s in the zero point is what should be in the zero point and anything outside of the zero point becomes a distortion and you see it. When you see it, you know which way you need to go.
Do I go this way, or do I go this way? Or do I just stay very still and be patient for another little while whilst the energy builds, whilst the space opens up even more, and then at a certain point in time you just know when something presents itself and, boom, you’re off on your way and there’s no stopping you. Sometimes when you can’t find the way forward and you feel like you’re totally lost, the best thing to do is to become patient because you learn in that space you grow in that space. When you are patient, you create much more space in your mind, in your body, in your environment, and the emptier that space is the more goodness you get to experience and the more growth you get to have and go through as a human being on this wild and beautiful journey as a soul in this physical body. When you feel lost, you’re not really lost. you’re like a phoenix rebirthing out from the ashes and you’re going to bounce back stronger.
Scientists have cut caterpillars out of chrysalises too early and the caterpillar can’t fly. Okay, the butterfly can’t fly. The reason the butterfly can’t fly is because it’s not been in the darkness long enough. Sometimes you’ve got to sit in the darkness, same as me, all of us, because when you’re in the darkness you’re growing. You’re getting stronger but a lot of people don’t like the darkness because they can’t see. But remember that inner light inside of you never goes out. So, when things look a little bit dull and bleak externally take a deep dive into the magic of your own heart, the labyrinth of your own inner workings and I guarantee you when you connect to that diamond light it will communicate with you. It will calm you and it will show you the way. It’s actually quite simple but we as humans have been conditioned to try and beat life into shape instead of being still and allow life to present itself to us in a much more fluid capacity.
Wherever you are on the planet, beautiful soul, just know that you are a Spiritual Gangsta. You’re a warrior God, you’re a warrior goddess, a lion, a lioness. You’re powerful. You’re an alchemist, you can alchemize reality, you can create and recreate from the quantum field anything and everything. Then whatever it is that you’re creating in those fields of potential invisibility which are to the trained Mind’s Eye totally visible and totally real. You get to create a reality that will manifest in physical form very quickly especially the way the energy is speeding up on the planet right now and timelines collapsing and zero point and everything is now, now, now. Nothing is tomorrow or in 3 weeks’ time. It’s happening very quickly, is speeding up faster and faster. So, live in your heart, be present, know that you’ve got this and that you wrote the story to this crazy movie, and it’s already a foregone conclusion. The result, the end goal, has already happened. You’ve just forgotten. That’s all.
Now you’re living it out in real time remembering and it’s beautiful. So, go out into this world and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly, beautiful soul, and never be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging. You know that. Remember to check out our website if you want to get access to some of the best ascension tools on Earth. Light language transmissions, meditations, meditation music, light codes, cosmic yoga videos, nutrition master classes on hundreds of different subjects, private telegram groups, breath work, qigong. You name it, we’ve got it all under one roof inside infinity at the website right now, and you can access it free for seven days. Get all of those tools right now. So, go and check it out and if you’re interested in training, to become a facilitator, to heal with energy at the most potent and profound level, then check out our training section on the same website.
You’re amazing. Go out into this world. Love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Lean into the process. Trust it because the universe has always got your back. I will see you again real soon.
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