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What is Alchemy?

Alchemy, a word that evokes images of ancient sages, mystical laboratories, and the quest for gold, is much more than a historical curiosity. It is a profound spiritual and philosophical tradition that has shaped human thought for millennia. Read on to explore the origins, evolution, and enduring significance of alchemy, unravelling its secrets and highlighting its relevance in our modern world.


The Origin of Alchemy: Hermes Trismegistus


The origin of alchemy dates back thousands of years to the time of Hermes Trismegistus, often hailed as the father of alchemy. In certain Kabbalah circles, this figure is known as Enoch, while in the Muslim world, he is identified as Idris, and in ancient Egypt, he is revered as the god Thoth. Hermes, who lived during an unknown period in Egyptian history, bridged universal knowledge and laws for all humanity. Much like Moses, who conveyed principles of purification through the Ten Alchemical Commandments, Hermes is considered the seed from which Alexandria blossomed into a golden age of metaphysics, spirituality, philosophy, esoteric knowledge, alchemy, and mysticism.

However, after the Romans, under the auspices of the Church, destroyed most of the apprentices and their writings, the Gnostic knowledge that contained the secrets of creation and transmutation almost vanished from the world. The Church removed the spirit from the holy triangle of body, soul, and spirit, leaving only body and soul. This created a dualistic worldview, characterized by heaven and hell, good and bad, truth versus falsehood, and right and wrong which are absolute black-and-white perceptions.


Alchemy and Science: A Clash of Perspectives


Modern science has taken the concept of body and soul and removed the soul, focusing solely on the body. This has left humanity in an arbitrary dualism with the external world, relying on cold measurements performed only on matter. Medical and psychological research, for instance, ultimately reduce to metrics like heart rate, blood pressure, and observable behaviour. This scientific approach, some argue, represents the “antichrist” of true understanding, as it manipulates human minds with so-called proven facts that often change with new discoveries.

Esoteric astrology has devolved into astronomy, and alchemy has become mere chemistry. So, what will be the next step? Does the integration of technology within our biology mean that you must give up your body as well? The study and practice of alchemy brings order by enabling processes of maturation, transmutation, and mental transformation, involving the rebuilding and healing of our system and the creation of synergy and renewed integration of the Holy Trinity.


Ancient Knowledge: Gnostic Wisdom


To this day, the majority of the population remains ignorant about the vast amount of information stored in ancient libraries. Replenishing the world’s bookshelves with this secret metaphysical knowledge will take a long time. After the burning of these libraries and the decline of the Roman Empire, Gnostic knowledge of hermeticism and alchemy was secretly transferred from one order to another. It was practiced by yogis in India, Taoists in China, and spread to Sufis, Dervishes, Jews, and other secret sects. This knowledge was kept hidden, passing quietly from hand to hand, away from the eyes and ears of the Church.

Later, these studies were passed to the Crusaders, who formed a bridge between Eastern and Western cultures, leading to the formation of the Rosicrucian Order in the 13th century. This order combined Hermetic, alchemical, Christian esoteric, Jewish, and Islamic knowledge. With 33 members, it is believed that the order still exists today. Fortunately, Gnostic information has survived and been integrated into yogic methods and metaphysical literature, accessible only to spiritual seekers ready to receive and practice this knowledge.

One fascinating artifact in alchemical lore is the Smaragdine Tablet, allegedly found by Alexander the Great in a cave near Hebron. Alexander, a student of Aristotle, sought immortality but failed to grasp the true essence of the Tablet’s teachings. If he had, it would have provided him with the so-called Philosopher’s Stone, or the mental and transcendental transformation needed to escape the cycle of life and death.


Alchemy and Nature: Decoding Alchemical Symbols


The symbols and illustrations of alchemy were created to serve as an objective method for spiritual development during times of great ignorance, such as the Kali Yuga. These mysterious paintings and illustrations attempt to convey the principles of alchemy to the general population. They are filled with abstract codes of ascension, kundalini, spiritual enlightenment, the flower of life, the lotus, the sun, fire, pentagrams, and many other symbolic figures. However, they do not reveal the specifics of the methods and metaphysics.

In certain esoteric circles, it is believed that after the fall of Atlantis, refugees who survived dispersed across the continents, passing on their knowledge to local populations in China, India, Egypt, and the Americas. This dissemination of information influenced these cultures, explaining the similarities in teachings about chakras, kundalini serpents, spiritual portals, energy channels, and pyramids. Although expressed through different metaphors, these concepts share common properties and practices aimed at elevating consciousness and achieving spiritual enlightenment through internal alchemy.

A remarkable aspect of alchemy is its foundation on universal principles in sync with nature. Natural alchemy existed long before it descended into the minds of humans. It mirrors the alchemy necessary to produce planets, galaxies, and cosmic bodies that continually generate life. In Kabbalah, it is believed that the first man, a condensed form of the human soul, underwent early initiation by higher beings regarding the principles of ascension back to heaven before the fall into more compressed dimensions. Each of us has a personal responsibility to learn practical alchemy that can be implemented daily so that we can return to our true spiritual home.


The Purpose of Alchemy: Transformation and Evolution


What is the purpose of alchemy and what role does it play in human evolution? Alchemy’s value lies in its universal application, serving the evolution of all layers of reality. Everything you see, whether a simple object or a complex creation, results from a combination of matter, energy, intention, and consciousness. Human inventions and innovations rely on pre-existing materials, knowledge, and principles. Alchemy goes further, transforming not only the composition of matter but also incorporating soul and spirit to sanctify and recharge the object, enhancing its quality and performance. Spiritual development and spiritual transformation happen the moment you are able to synergize and integrate alchemical information and produce something new, clearer, brighter, and more upgraded.

True alchemy’s goal was never greed or control over others. Instead, it seeks the discovery of truth and inner energetic and spiritual transformation towards enlightenment and the assimilation of the Philosopher’s Stone or the Holy Grail into consciousness. Alchemy teaches revival, healing, creation, and transformation processes, aligning us with universal laws that elevate humanity from the dualistic science of good and evil to a direct ascent into heavenly consciousness. The fall is the energetic devolution into physiological matter, and the way back in scientific terms is evolution. While evolution is limited to the physiological, what we truly seek is a consciousness revolution.


Returning to Source: The Alchemical Journey


The process of returning to source consciousness is told through various metaphors in religions. Whether through the years of Christ’s life or Jacob’s ladder, where one must ascend the 33 steps of the spine (or raise the Kundalini energy from the root chakra to the crown chakra), the goal is to elevate human consciousness to a spiritual level. Similarly, the narrative of Jesus’ life is a metaphor for alchemical processes of healing, transformation, and ascension. Unfortunately, the Church often overlooks this interpretation, which is recognized only in esoteric Christian circles with an alchemical nature.

Alchemy is an art of change that can be applied on several levels: physiological, biological, mental, and transcendental. Each transmutation aims to elevate the object from its normal state to a metaphorical status of “gold.” Just as Jesus turned water into wine, this symbolizes the frequency and vitality he allowed to flow through him, enabling healing and transformation in others.

Alchemy, also known as sun work or the eye of Ra, symbolizes the gradual development of all phenomena. Alchemy helps you to speed up natural processes, searching for the best quality and potential. Gold represents the highest potential of metals, and minerals combine the ability to remember information and contain consciousness. Humans, in turn, integrate all phenomena and elements, leading to high consciousness and complete spiritual enlightenment. In essence, alchemy is the art of raising an object’s vibration to accelerate its natural evolution to its highest expression on all levels.


Becoming a Master Alchemist


Alchemy, with its rich history and profound teachings, remains a vital path for those seeking spiritual enlightenment and transformation. In today’s fast-paced, technologically driven world, alchemical principles offer a path to inner harmony and spiritual fulfilment. By understanding and applying alchemical principles, we can transcend the limitations of the physical world and align ourselves with the universal laws that govern creation and evolution.

As you embark on your alchemical journey, remember that the goal is not merely to change matter but to achieve a consciousness revolution. By raising your vibration and integrating body, soul, and spirit, you can become a master alchemist, creating a reality of boundless potential for yourself and others.

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