You may wonder where you go immediately after death and what happens to your mind, spirit, and soul as you die. Do you fly towards eternal heaven, fall into eternal hell, or vanish into nothing forever? Do you reincarnate as other people, animals, or plants or live this life again and again like Groundhog Day?
It is likely that the true picture is multidimensional and incorporates many ideas. Science is fantastic in understanding what happens to your body during and after death. This includes scans of the brain at death and how the body decomposes when you die. Religions describe the afterlife and reincarnation. This is through belief and without evidence that this is what happens.
Near-death experiences and spiritual channelling enrich human understanding of death and the afterlife. They bridge the gap between life and death.
Learning From Near-Death Experiences
Survivors of clinical death have reported a range of feelings from their near-death experiences. These include sleep-like nothingness, a peaceful floating sensation, or seeing a bright light through a tunnel. They often see and speak with loved ones who had passed away, and report experiences that they see what is occurring after they were pronounced clinically dead.
These are all sensations of freedom from the corporeal body. In near-death experiences, the corporeal body is no longer a disturbance. People feel as if they belong to something other than what they have identified as their physical body.
Near-death experiences form a bridge between your corporeal life and its death. When you let go of this life cross over you transfer the information, sensations, and experiences that you have received through your body, mind, and senses. You dissolve into the light of spirit with the love of God.
In a near-death experience, your ego and desire diminish. The feeling of life that you experience in your individual and social desires vanishes as your ego dissolves.
The sensation of freedom from the corporeal body signals a shift to a new state of awareness and existence. This is purely psychological and physiological and it is not actually a state of death. You are not actually deal if you eventually return to the same body. You feel like a small bubble compared to the vastness of the sensation of eternity and wholeness.
You Have an Eternal Soul
Human consciousness originates from a metaphysical soul. The body may die but your soul is eternal. Your soul is the living imprint or code that lives in spirit migrates from body to body.
Science has two main perspectives about the soul and consciousness. Scientists believe that consciousness exists through biology and the brain, or that consciousness is generated by the soul. These ideas are known as scientific physicalism and Descartes cartesian dualism. In physicalism, consciousness ceases at the time of death and nothing goes anywhere because it is all in the body including the brain which is now dead and decomposing.
According to Descartes, the soul is a spiritual substance that exists on a higher plane of existence than physical reality. A soul simply exists. Souls do not experience time, weight, location, smell, or any other physical property. A soul is a living imprint of the collection of all experiences and the living aspect is the same as the very subtle mind that continues for eternity. The recorded aspect is in the Akashic field which is the greater collective soul.
You Reincarnate Instantly
From a physical perspective, you reincarnate instantly. Time perception does not exist while dead so reincarnation can seem to happen right after you die. This is true even if a billion years pass in between. Then when you live you awaken and then access what actually happened outside of space and time.
The moment you close your eyes for the last time you are immediately reincarnated into a different living being. There are many living beings and the universe has many worlds evolving over a long time. Also, the universe may have a constant repetitive cycle, where each new universe starts with a big bang and ends with a big crunch.
If this theory is true, you’ve likely already been reincarnated multiple times by now, but have no memory whatsoever of your past lives. If this is the case, are you even the same person you were in the lives before.
There is only One Soul
Every lifetime is experienced by only one complete original soul. This soul is shattered into many pieces so that it could experience life as separate entities and delight in its re-integration. We are all interconnected and essentially the same. The devil is in the detail. In practice, spiritual people feel more affinity to some than others because their souls are closer or, for example, they are of the same soul group or recent extraterrestrial civilization.
Instead of you having your own soul, you share the same soul with everyone else. This soul is reincarnated in billions of versions of you from the past, present, and future. You are me and I am you. You are every human being, and every creature, that has ever lived and ever will live.
When we die your soul leaves your body and updates the information of the greater soul that we are all connected with. Your level of spiritual attainment is also the level of your soul.
Eternal Return or Nothingness?
Eternal Return is the idea that you live exactly the same life again and again infinitely in the past and future. The eternal return theory originated in India and Ancient Egypt but Nietzsche further developed and popularized it in the West. They believed that this one universe will repeat itself endlessly.
If time itself is infinite the identical physical combinations of atoms and molecules begin repeating themselves. If there are an infinite number of parallel universes you may die in this universe but remain immortal in many other universes. A variation of this idea is that you will also live many more lives that are very similar to your current one where you look different or you live in another country.
Science tends to favour the simplest idea that you simply become one with the void. Eternal nothingness means that after death all conscious experience ceases. Then there is only complete and utter oblivion or nothing. This remains true to Occam’s Razor – that the simplest solution is most likely the right one.
You Transform When You die
Death releases your consciousness from the limitations of your human body. It allows you to re-join the universal consciousness. Your human body is a temporary vessel for your consciousness. You are born without any memory of other lifetimes. Then in one way or another you seek to reconnect with the universal consciousness or God, often without knowing for a long time that is what you seek.
Your soul contains the imprint of memory of this lifetime. This returns to its source when you die. You will ultimately return to the universal source energy of all creation when you have completed everything in your soul path.
You are Inside a Cosmic Egg
You are in a cosmic egg and the world is your womb, your school, and your laboratory. You are growing and will have grown enough to be born once you have lived every life that exists.
Lifetime after lifetime you learn, evolve, and your soul reintegrates. Your experiences of each and every lifetime update the living Akashic field. When this process finishes, you are worthy to be like the creator and emerge from your egg to create new realities.
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