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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, I wanted to share a message with you about disobedience. Disobedience is the foundation of freedom. Rebellious human beings, they’re the ones that stand up and say no to the tyranny and give themselves a platform and an opportunity to be masters of their own realities. From the moment we come out of our mother’s womb, we’re conditioned. They attempt to condition us and many of us they do condition, we grow up in these worlds trying to fit in. We want people to love us, we want our parents to love us, we want our friends, family, schoolteachers, we want everyone to like us and love us. So, what we do is we try and be like them because we think that if we be like them they’re going to love us, they’re going to like us, and what this does it sets up a dysfunctional behavioural pattern, and we grow up in this world as actors acting out the parts that we think people want to see and experience so that we fit in, so that we gel into society.
We go through the educational system, knowledge is imparted through this system, imparted with the devil’s arts. Knowledge is imparted and we are educated to be a certain way in this world, to be good little boys and good little girls, and grow up into good adults, good men, and women, that want to go out and earn a living and work for a corporation and pay their taxes, have a job, 2.4 kids, work a nine to five, get a mortgage, be enslaved into the system until we’re 60, 65, 70 when we retire, and we get a pension. We get a measly amount of money to keep us going, to live out our days until we pass back to spirit where we’re railroaded into coming back down onto this prison planet once again. Groundhog Day, baby, out of our mother’s womb to continue the cycle.
Our souls are recycled and this whole game is rigged but that’s okay because it’s just a game, it’s just a game, and those souls that break free from this game are the disobedient souls, the rebellious souls. They feel it deep in their heart, deep in their soul. They don’t want to listen to this Mum, this dad, this schoolteacher, this stranger. It doesn’t feel right so they rebel and then they get punished for rebelling and some people fall back into line, but the real warriors they say f*** you and they rebound some more. That’s what we’ve got to do. We’re going through tyrannical times. The whole world is trying to escape from this spell or are they because most people don’t even realize they’re under a spell.
I was in the supermarket yesterday and everyone had a mask on apart from one man and his two kids and me and my girlfriend, sorry me and my daughter, and the slavery is so clear to see. But most people go along, and they look at people without masks on and they think that they’re the dangerous ones, and they complain, they moan, they point the finger. I was speaking to a real close friend of mine yesterday who has a business, a local business near to where i live, and her and her husband have not been boosted, they’ve not been jabbed, they’ve not had that magical potion but most of their staff have, and their staff are saying to them if you want us to continue working for you, you better go and get the magical potion. Now what kind of position does that put them in? They need their staff, they need their business, they need to keep it operating to make money, to pay their bills, to survive. So, what do they do? One of them is considering it and the other one is like no. Then you start to get a rift in the marriage. You see how this plays out. Putting one side against the other but it doesn’t matter what you face, you’ve got to stay strong, you’ve got to be disobedient, you’ve got to say no to the system and make up your own rules, your own regulations.
You’ve got to set up your own companies, you’ve got to set up your own businesses, and you’ve got to start to trade with other humans, other souls. You’ve got to find a way of communicating and engaging in commerce, trading with each other, having energy exchanges. We’ve got to say yes to health and no to poison. We’ve got to say yes to freedom and sovereignty and no to compliance. The more disobedient humans there are on this planet, the more freedom thinkers, the more sovereign soldiers. The more disobedient rebellious souls there are, the quicker this madness will come to an end. At the same time whilst we’re going through this transitionary period as a global species, as a human family, enjoy the process. You’re not going to get to do this again. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity baby. This is a front row ticket to one of the craziest plays that you’ll ever experience. You got these crazy actors all over the world coming up with new rules and regulations, new variants, new ways to try and control us to put us into fear but the rebellious, they become more rebellious. Those weak humans, they fold, and they fall back into the program, back into the pattern. They become good little boys and good little girls wanting to fit in once again but the soldiers the lions the lionesses they continue to rise, and they say no.
We must hold the line. Disobedience is the foundation the platform, the springboard for freedom, sovereignty, and unity. We got to stick together, beautiful soul. You’re powerful man. I’m powerful, we’re all powerful together united. You cannot control an army of rebellious sovereign soldiers, no way. All of you policemen and women out there, all of you agents of the government, your jobs are going to be obsolete soon. Whether you’re a doctor, whether you’re a policeman, a policewoman, a soldier, they’re going to replace you with robots. So, what you should do is get out now get out now and unify with your sisters and your brothers. Let’s make our job easier because the longer you stay in there bridging the gap between humans and robots, for these crazy tyrannical evil men and women that run this planet, the harder it’s going to be for all of us in the long run. You’re helping them to enslave your future grandchildren and great grandchildren so wake the f*** up man, wake the f*** up right now and realize with your real eyes, the tricks and the lies and the manipulation.
It’s hard to admit when you’ve given 5, 10, 15, 25 years to your country, to your state, to your queen, or whoever it is to realize that you’ve been tricked. It’s easier for some of you to pretend that that’s not happening because you don’t want to lose face but I’m telling you you’ve been spanked, you’ve been bent over, greased up and royally spanked for years and years. You’ve been bled dry, your soul’s been harvested, you’ve been f***** over and over and over and they’re going to continue to f*** you until they don’t need you anymore. Then they’re going to cast you out into the bin, into the dirt, into the shit pile like you were nothing. So, why don’t you wake the f*** up now and realize and take a stand. Fight for humanity, for freedom, for love because love is our greatest weapon. Within that frequency of love, we’ve got to act.
We can’t just sit back on the side-lines, we got to get stuck in. We gotta jump in the boxing ring, get into the gladiatorial arena. We gotta get onto the playing field, suit up ready to fight, ready to play the game. Get involved and start creating new ways of being on this planet. Your amazing, beautiful soul. I love you so much. I love you with all of me as my sister and brother and I will stand next to you and fight. Whatever it takes, mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually we’re in a spiritual war man, and knowing how to connect to that zero point to those frequencies, to source, that’s what’s going to put you head and shoulders above the rest and enable you to play the game well. This physical world is just a tiny sliver of true reality.
Wherever you are on this planet, beautiful soul, go out and love your sisters and your brothers. Go out and hug them tightly and remember never being the first to let go. Never ever be the first to let go of a hug and let people know that your third eye can see straight through their bullshit because you’re connected. Love them fiercely and ferociously, beautiful soul, and remember to check out our website
Where we got some of the best ascension tools on the planet baby. Of you want to raise your vibration, stay anchored and connected to that divine energy. Go and check them out and remember to join our new telegram group spiritual gangsta one. Gangsta is g-a-n-g-s-t-a numerical number one. I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul. You are awesome man, go and be extraordinary, let that lion and that lioness out to play.
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