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“Men are becoming softer. When women go out into the world and start becoming men, the fabric of those mathematics gets lost. Once you have that level of self-awareness, if you continue to play into the system, then the crazy journey of the heart is the journey of the brain, the external journey where you try and find answers in this 3D plane.”
So, I wanted to share with you about the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. There are many perceptions of what people believe the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit to be. If you go into your heart and you feel what I’m about to share with you, you’ll know the truth. The Father is God, but when we refer to God, we have to understand what we’re referring to God as not some benevolent old gentleman that’s set up in the sky, that’s going to send us to heaven or hell. God is infinite intelligence, a universal life force, spirit, the prime creator. God is the Father. The Son are the sons of God, the men, the divine masculine on planet earth. The Holy Spirit is the feminine, the woman, the daughter, the daughters of God, the sisters of the sons. God has a plan, multiple plans actually, and experiments running within this universal plane. One of the experiments that God has running here on planet earth is to teach and train the sons, the creator’s sons, to go out into the universe and build more super universes.
We have multiple super universes right now, seven super universes, and the sons of God are like the worker horses out in the fields ploughing the fields, pulling things in carts, going out and getting things done. Now this is not possible without the Holy Spirit, the daughters of God, because the Holy Spirit is the feminine frequency, the feminine flow. It’s the energy that flows, it’s the magnetics that pulls and magnetizes things, it’s the creator energy, and without the creator energy, the sons of God can’t go out and build what they need to build and learn what they need to learn to carve and sculpt themselves into the most incredible scientists, architects, and alchemists so they can build more super universes. This is it in a nutshell. God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Father, the sons, and the daughters, and this creates the Holy Trinity. All three of them are completely necessary, absolutely completely necessary. Now if you look at the world we’re living in today, back in the day the woman used to be in the home and the woman used to cook and look after the household and you know procreate with the man and the man used to go out and get the food and the money and bring it back to the home and this was beautiful. As we’ve moved forward in this modern age, men have lost respect for the woman and it’s dangerous.
Men have lost respect for themselves, and the woman has taken it upon herself to go out into the world and bring back the money and the food, but she still is in that position of having to procreate with the man and the man in a lot of ways has become lazy, bone idle, weak. They’re becoming softer, men are becoming softer. Now if you look at what God’s original plan was to create sons and daughters, the sons to go out and build and create and the daughters to be the energy that creates the flow to enable the man to go out and create. You see women are powerful. Women don’t need to go to work to create. Women don’t need to leave the home or go out into the world to bring money and food to the home because women have that created energy. They give birth to children. Women have the womb. Women have the magnetics. Women are so flipping powerful and so are men. But men and women need to work in divine harmony and the original plan was for men and women to work in divine harmony.
In this day and age right now the way that it should work is for men and women to be in complete harmony, to have the same vision, to have the same several visions. Both can work together to co-create both. That’s how it should work or there’s one main common purpose within the household and the man and woman work to co-create that together, and the most efficient way to make that happen is for the man and the woman to be in divine union and to merge their kundalini frequency to create that powerful potent frequency energy where the magnetics and the electrical energy are working in harmony with each other. For their hearts to become one, the masculine and the feminine to be alchemized into wholeness, that is when you co-create and the woman can hold that frequency much better than the man but because the man is a little bit more logical and structured he can go out and follow the signs and do what is necessary in the world to take action on the goals and dreams and the visions of the man and woman in unity.
This is where you co-create real magic, and this is what God knew when he set this plan up to create a race that could go out and build more super universes. But things have got a little bit mixed up. You now have women going out into the world and creating businesses. Now I’m not saying this is a really bad thing because it’s beautiful to see women going out there because women have got talents and skills just like men and magic to offer the world just like we all have. We all carry these sacred keys these sacred codes and the world is craving it. But to work efficiently it’s much better for the woman to be the alchemist, to be the energy source, to be the creator with their womb energy and for the man to go out being supported by the woman into the world to start creating and bringing back the riches to the household. A lot of people will look at this and say this is wrong what you’re saying is women should be out there. Look at all this feminism movement. You know women go out and build your businesses. Yeah, it sounds great but it’s a trick. It’s a trick. It’s part of the matrix. It’s part of the corruption. They know when the woman goes out into the world and starts doing the man’s job, she becomes more masculine, and she loses her connection to that feminine essence. Not totally. You can never lose it, but you become disconnected to a certain level and then you have to start creating through force, through movement, by pushing, by manoeuvring.
Women are better than men. Women can just sit and be and produce because they’re so powerful and so is a man, don’t get me wrong. We are powerful too but there’s a mathematical equation to everything in life and when the mass is off the equation’s out. It’s that simple, just like the world that we live in. The code and the frequency through nature and everything that you see around you is off. The mathematics are off. This is a different subject. We’re not going to dive into it today, but you can read my new book, “Activate Your Superhuman Potential”, if you want to get into it or go to our website,, dive into Infinity and join us. The mathematics of our worldly plane are off which means everything within the worldly structure is off. We live in a mathematical mould and everything within that mould is running the same mathematics until you connect with the right frequencies, the right vibration, the right harmonics, the right music because our bodies are musical instruments. Then the musical instrument remembers how to play itself and so when we connect with the right light frequencies, the right tones, the right sounds, we can activate our DNA, our original template and then we can bring our angelic human mathematics back online and be the powerful beings that we came to this earth plane to be in our original form the way that we were supposed to be produced from the Garden of Eden. The mathematics are mission critical. There is a mathematical equation to everything.
We are geometrical mathematically encoded beings. The whole environment is mathematically coded. The masculine and the feminine are supposed to work in harmony in divine union. When women go out into the world and start becoming men, the fabric of those mathematics gets lost. When men become soft and become more like women, the mathematics becomes corrupt, and if you look at the design of the powers that be right now, they’re trying to turn men into women and women into men. They’re trying to ensure that human beings get mixed up with their gender, don’t even realize what gender they are, get completely frazzled and join all these genders together. Men and women in divine union are powerful, supersonic and when the masculine and the feminine comes together in complete acceptance of one another, merged through that kundalini frequency, when the light bodies alchemize and the kundalini becomes one and spirals up the spine, not in two streams but one stream, because when that kundalini fractalizes and splits into two you’ve got duality. The real kundalini is one fluid electromagnetic stream spiralling up through and around the magic wand, the spinal column, up into the brain and then up through the multidimensional playing fields and into the god worlds and down through the planetary grids. This is the real kundalini.
There are so many tricks and so many false plays, but we buy into all of it, most of it, until we have some kind of experience that helps us wake up. Now a lot of women out there with businesses right now are going to be looking at me thinking that I’m just spitting ‘shit’ news, that’s okay, go into your hearts. There are a lot of men out there that will be not liking that I’m calling men weak. Go into your hearts and feel the truth. It’s the whole reason we’re starting a new workshop in 2024 called The Savage Man and it’s all about helping men step into their power and as they step into their power regain that respect for the feminine because men have lost respect for the feminine and this is where it all went wrong because women are beautiful magical beings, and we should love them. Let me tell you these men, and without women we’d ‘be fucked’. We think we’d be fine, and we would get by, but we’d be ‘fucked’ because women they keep us grounded. They give us a safe place to go back to, to rejuvenate, to regenerate. They hold the frequency in the space for us so we can go out and do what’s necessary and that is to come back and provide for them so they can be the high frequency magnetic sacred feminine beautiful goddesses that they are and hold that frequency so that we can co-create together.
We have to support them so they’ve got no stress but what men do is go out into the world do whatever they’re doing, come to home, bring a whole load of ‘bullshit’ into the home, stress out to the family, moaning about this, moaning about that, drugs, drink, whatever it is. Lost in this external reality thinking that they’re king Kong but couldn’t fight their way out of a paper bag. This is what a lot of men are like and we’ve got to change this, we’ve got to help men remember that they’re savage and dangerous but balanced and calm so they can go out into the world with that ‘I don’t give a fuck’ attitude, do whatever is necessary to produce, build, grow, and bring back to the home so the man and the woman, the divine union, the masculine and feminine in wholeness zero pointed as one, can co-create heaven on earth because it’s not just about co-creating the business, the home, the material objects. They’re all part and parcel of having a human experience.
When masculine and feminine come together, when man and woman unite and we radiate that joy that kindness that love that beauty that passion, we emanate heaven on earth and when you have lots of divine couples all over the planet and when you have lots of divine couples all over the planet doing the same heaven on earth multiplies and moves into wholeness and oneness through every single being on the planet, this is where is that we need an environment like that so that we can co-create efficiently and men can be the creator sons and women can be the divine flow. Go into your hearts. Meditate on this. If you still think I’m full of ‘shit’ that’s cool. I love you anyway but I’m pretty sure you’ll realize if you dive deep enough that you’ll find the truth. You might have to dive through a few layers of programming, a few belief systems which will try and pull you from here to there and all over the place to try and stop you realizing this truth. Men and women have to have the greatest respect for each other but first they must have the greatest respect for themselves. Women must know that they are divine goddesses and men must know that they are divine gods. Women must know that they’re fearsome ferocious lionesses and men must know that they’re fearsome ferocious lions and the lion, and the lioness together can defeat any animal in the jungle, and they can protect their cubs, feed them, love them, and live freely, harmoniously, and with sovereignty.
You are amazing, beautiful soul. The question is, “are you going to take the action and go into your heart and come to a conclusion or are you just going to think about this for a few minutes and bounce to another video?” If we truly want to expand on this planet and grow, we’ve got to be committed to our journey. We’ve got to be disciplined on our journey. We’ve got to meditate. We’ve got to do our breath work. We’ve got to eat clean intermittent fasting and getting early nights. We’ve got to dive into our hearts into the labyrinth of those magical mystical planes and find the truth. Seek out the truth because the truth isn’t outside. The truth is inside. Dive into inner space and forget about outer space. This is where the magic happens. This is your life compass. You’ve got to be brave. You’ve got to be a Jedi knight. The journey of the heart is the journey of the brave, the external journey where you try and find answers in this 3D plane. This journey is for the weak. It’s the journey of the sheep. It’s the journey of those that are lost, and we were all lost once but we have situations and events that trigger us and awaken us, and we start to take that journey. For all those that are still lost at the moment, love them, open your heart, shine that light and if you be that beacon and that pillar, your mathematical sacred code will do the job you haven’t got to talk to them. You’ve just got to shine your light and open your heart and be the frequency and the sacred mathematics will do the rest because it’s all a mathematical equation.
You are amazing, and I love you with all of my heart, all of my soul, and every fibre of my entire being. Go out into this world and express your divinity, be powerful, make up the rules of your own human game. Bow out from the system, rise into freedom, and let’s create heaven on earth. Every thought, every emotion, every piece of action is a stepping stone. It’s a brick that you’re lying on the playground building this new world. What kind of bricks are you going to lay? Empowering bricks or disempowering bricks? You get to choose everything that goes on in here, everything that goes on in here, and every piece of action you take. You are never being controlled, not once you know the truth. Once you have that level of self-awareness if you continue to play into the system then you are crazy bonkers man. Anyway, I love you regardless of where you’re out on your journey because we’re all sisters and brothers after all. So, go out and create magic.
Go out and be free and remember to check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on the planet. If you want to train in energy healing, go and check out our facilitator training, if you want access to a load of tools that you can plug into right now, for free meditations, light language transmissions, cosmic yoga videos, nutrition, hundreds of master classes, private telegram groups, breath work, places where you can connect with souls just like you on the same mission, a place where you’ll find your soul family. Go and check out Infinity at star and I’ll see you on the inside. You’re amazing. Be powerful, be free, shine your light, live your, truth speak your truth, and I’ll see you again real soon. Remember to love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging. I’ll see you again real soon. Peace out.
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