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When you know how to tap into the back end of someone’s biological computer, their body and brain, you can change the coding, you can change the mathematics. You can tap into the past life experiences, future life experiences, childhood experiences, and you can change the computer program.
Now, when we run the codes and we change the computer program, people have a biological upgrade. They shift on a metaphysical level, which has physical results. So, they bend, they shift, they shake, they fall. They have all sorts of physical experiences. People’s eyes are closed. They fall backwards, they fall forwards, and people assume that they’re under some kind of hypnosis or they’re completely unaware or they’re passing out. When you have this experience, you’re completely 100% aware of exactly what’s going on.
We’ve had people come into these sessions with tumours on their kidneys and you run the frequency through their body. They go into this kind of space where they’re fully conscious but altered and they know exactly what’s happening. But the body is downloading light. It’s downloading information. People with tumours on their kidneys have got up. 20 minutes later, 30 minutes later, 40 minutes later, whatever that time faces, and they say, wow, it was like I went back to source. It was like I was floating through the universe. They go to the doctor the following week, get a scan done. The tumour is gone. We see this over and over. People standing from wheelchairs, people taking the hearing aids, the phenomenal results. They’re breathtaking. You are completely fully aware your heart explodes into a level of love that you’ve never experienced.
When your heart opens like this and the energy starts to flow, you reach a level of wholeness that is second to none and when you step into an experience, that level of wholeness, your whole consciousness blends with the universe. When you become at one with the universe, you want for nothing and by default, the universe gives you everything because you’re so plugged in and connected and then things like businesses and abundance just flow. Relationships just work themselves out because you are on that frequency of love. You are super plugged in and connected, and the only way is with ease and grace.
But you’ve got to ask yourself the question, Am I prepared to die? Am I prepared to shed the layers, to shed the skin like a snake over and over? Am I prepared like a cat? Some pillar to dive into the chrysalis, to turn to mush, to sit in the darkness, in the chrysalis, not knowing when I’m going to come out the other side. But knowing that you will be reborn, are you prepared to take that plunge, that deep dive, knowing that you’re going to go through a roller coaster of emotions, maybe you cry, maybe you scream, maybe you dance, maybe you laugh. Maybe you have all of these experiences over and over within the space of the six- or nine-hour period that you’re in this group healing container with us for. It’s going to be a ride. It’s going to be a journey. But I guarantee you one thing, you are going to rise like a phoenix from the ashes and your whole life is going to change in the most positive way.
But you’ve got to step into that containment. The team and I will be waiting for you there, ready to facilitate the most profound experience of your life. We run these healing sessions all over the world. Check out our website Go to the events section. Within the events section go to the group healing section and see when the next event is near you. If it’s not near you, get off your back, jump on a plane and get there because it will be the most transformational experience of your life. You will grow new wings and be a whole new human, and it’s going to be beautiful. It won’t be easy, but it will be beautiful. Your amazing, beautiful self. Trust the process of life or anything you engage in. Trust is important.
Remember to check out our website We have some of the best ascension tools on the planet. Whilst you check in at the group healings, you can check out infinity for seven days. You can get free access to all of our tools like language transmissions, meditation missions, nutrition, cosmic yoga, masterclasses, private telegram groups so you can connect with beautiful souls just like you on the same mission with the same vision.
Ready to raise consciousness on this planet? At Star magic, you will find your tribe. So go ahead and see this world and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never, ever, ever be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging, beautiful soul. I will see you again real soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out.
“When you know how to tap into the back end of someone’s biological computer, their body, and brain, you can change the coding; you can change the mathematics. You can tap into the past life experiences, future life experiences, childhood experiences, and you can change the computer program.”
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