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“It’s like going to the doctor. You go to the doctor and the doctor says, ‘Oh my gosh, you’ve got this problem. Here’s some pills, here’s some cream.’ You take it, you go away. You apply the pills, you take the cream, the problem doesn’t go away. Why? Because pills and cream will not get rid of the emotional trauma.”
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? So why is the spiritual community so ‘fucked up’? It’s a good question. Within the spiritual community, so many people blame and judge. Within the spiritual community, everybody is trying to create something different inside the spiritual community. People don’t question. People take this information that other people share with them, and they just run with it. Nobody questions the information that people are sharing and a lot of the time the information is skewed. A lot of the time the information is actually running off false code, different frequencies that actually are detrimental to a human being’s health and well-being.
What a lot of people do in the spiritual community is they don’t look into themselves and do their own inner healing. So many souls blame and judge other people, and we in this human reality are all mirrors. We are all mirrors reflecting back to each other all of those things that that human being needs to work on. People reflect back to me. I reflect back to other people. You will do the same with people in your space and they will do the same to you. But what a lot of people like to do is to pass the buck. Oh, this person’s this or this person’s that, and people don’t like to look into their own inner workings and realize that they’re just being reflected a piece of themselves back to them.
Remember, we are connected. Everything inside you is inside me. Everything inside me is inside you. Everything inside everyone else at some level is connected to all of us because we all came from that original substance. We all came from that original frequency. We all came from that original code. Now, as we move through time and space and we have different experiences as biological computers, especially in human form, we can download programming and these pieces of code and get a little bit altered. I understand that. But ultimately at the core, if you go right to the core, we’re connected to everything through everybody else. So, nothing is really separate, and so whenever you see something in someone else that you don’t like, you’ve got to love them because by loving them, you’re loving a piece of yourself.
By blaming and judging them, you’re blaming a piece of yourself. You’re judging a piece of yourself and that’s crazy. So many people find it really difficult to love themselves. I’ve been one of those human beings that find it extremely difficult to love myself because of my own programming. But now whenever I get tried and tested with other human beings and my ego kicks in or that old programming tries to surface and interweave itself in my own mathematical code, I just smile and laugh and I love that human being regardless of what they’re doing, regardless of what they’re saying.
There are so many people out there in this spiritual community that are still running Fibonacci mathematics. Now, don’t get me wrong. In this dualistic world there has to be this level of contrast so we can understand where we want to be and where we don’t want to be. But so many people are still out there with those Metatronic teachings, those fallen angel teachings, and they’re causing chaos and mayhem. Now, maybe on some level they needed to cause chaos and mayhem to help other people realize that they need to start questioning, that they need to start realizing that not everything should be taken on trust.
We should always question everything. We should always question the thoughts in our head, the emotions in our body, the things we experience in our space and all around us. We should move through time and space consciously. Every step that you take, you should be feeling that step, being conscious of that step, not thinking about the end of the driveway, the end of the pathway, the destination that you’re going to get to once you get into your motor car and drive down the motorway. We need to be conscious every step of the way. When we’re conscious every step of the way, we harness so much more energy.
I started Star Magic about seven years ago, 2016. I’ve been to so many spiritual exhibitions, so many conscious life exhibitions, so many mind, body, spirit festivals. The amount of people that I reach out to and say, “why don’t we do something together?” Everybody wants to do their own thing in this spiritual community. Nobody wants to join forces. There are some, yes, don’t get me wrong. It’s not a one-mould-fits-all, and there are some amazing people in this spiritual community delivering amazing information. But most people want to keep their healing tools to themselves. Most people want to keep the information that they’re discovering to themselves. They don’t want to share it. That’s division. That’s separation. That’s coming from a scarcity mindset, a lack mindset, a fear mindset. If we’re living in an abundant world where there’s enough resources to feed, clothe, house, the whole planet’s human family over and over and over, then we should be sharing these resources. We should be sharing the information, which is actually free.
I’m not saying that you shouldn’t monetize certain things. Absolutely not, because we live in a world where we need to earn money to live and get by. Hopefully that’s going to change in the not-too-distant future when we build healing centres and communities and find a way of bartering and exchanging energy without money. That will happen, but when? Who knows? So, monetizing things is okay. But if you’ve got some certain skills, and I’ve got some certain skills, why not join those skills and those tools together and create something even more formidable for our brothers and sisters of Earth?
There are so many reasons this spiritual community is so ‘fucked up’. Proper ‘fucked up’. But it’s okay. Maybe it needed to be a little bit ‘fucked up’. Maybe it needed to be a little bit ‘fucked up’ so there was plenty of contrast. Because contrast helps us know. It helps us see, it helps us feel where we are on the zero point or out from the zero point. In alignment or out of alignment. Sometimes when you’re floating around in that sea of purity and bliss, you forget what it’s like to move into fear. You forget what it’s like to move into guilt.
So, every now and again that programming rises and tips you out the zero point a little bit. Just so you can feel it for a few seconds, a few minutes, maybe 10, 20 minutes, an hour, who knows? And you’re like, that’s not where I want to be. You lock back into the zero point. So sometimes contrast can be important. But if human beings in this worldly environment don’t start raising their levels of awareness and start becoming more conscious of every decision they make, every choice they make, everything that they actually take on board into their consciousness, the spiritual community, and the world at large, the total community, is going to have major problems.
It’s like going to the doctor. You go to the doctor and the doctor says, oh my gosh, you’ve got this problem. Here’s some pills. Here’s some cream. You take it, you go away. You apply the pills, you take the cream. The problem doesn’t go. Why? Because pills and cream will not get rid of the emotional trauma. You can cut cancer out of your body. It’s not going to get rid of the cancer because the emotional trauma is still there. Nine times out of ten, it will come back. If you want to get rid of injury, illness, disease, you’ve got to hit it at the trigger point, and that most of the time is in the quantum field. Past lives, future lives, soul fragments, splits, need to be healed, and then the physical symptom disappears. What we need to do as a spiritual community is to start living from our hearts and start coming together. Start unifying and start working as one and what you’ll often find then is that the original teachings will come back. Those old mystery school teachings.
Before the Bible, before the Quran, before all of those crazy books that got raped and pillaged and indoctrinated, they actually used to tell the truth. They used to tell the truth. But the problem with the truth is, the truth brings people together. Because the truth is love. The truth is joy. The truth is happiness, the choice is sovereignty and freedom. But when you’ve got sovereignty and freedom, there’s no separation, and without separation, you can’t create war. You can’t create opposition. You can’t pit people against each other, and so you can’t control and dominate a race and it’s about control and domination.
When we bring back the original mystery school teachings, we’ll become one, and the only teaching will be love, and within that framework, many, many interesting mathematical equations which are based on expansion, truth, passion, love, honesty, unity, growth, harmony, passion. We get to choose beautiful soul. Where do you want to stand? Do you want to stand at the back of the queue? The front of the queue? Or do you want to stand in a horizontal line where everybody’s equal, working together as one harmonized mathematical field? That’s where it’s at. That is where it’s at. Start questioning. Don’t just take everything on trust. Don’t believe a word that comes out of my mouth. Go into your heart. Feel these words. Maybe they resonate, maybe they don’t. Maybe you think I’m full of ‘shit’. And if you do, that’s okay. I’m still going to love you from all of my heart because we are brothers and sisters on this planet.
So, go out into this world, beautiful soul, and love your sisters and brothers. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go. Love them fiercely and ferociously, like a lion or lioness loving their cubs. That’s the way we got a role. It’s the only way. Remember to check out our website, We’ve got some of the best ascension tools on planet Earth. Light language transmissions, light codes, meditations, cosmic yoga, qi gong, nutrition, hundreds of master classes on all different subjects and topics to help you raise your knowledge base in the correct way.
We’ve got private telegram groups so you can connect with like-minded, like-hearted souls just like you that are on this mission, wanting to evolve and expand and come together. They’re there in the tribe waiting for you, and it’s free right now for seven days. You can get access to all of these tools at I love you, beautiful soul. You’re truly amazing, formidable, phenomenal, extraordinary, powerful beyond measure. You are a walking, talking, breathing, living alchemist that gets to live in the eye of the storm and using your own is-ness and presence, you can rearrange the mathematics around you. It’s alchemy, baby, and you are a quantum architect. So, get out into this world and shine your light ever so bright and I’ll see you again real soon. Love this life, beautiful soul. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out.
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