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You are going to shift karmic, ancestral, deep-rooted grief, anger, fear, and many other issues. You are going to be hit with the cellular healing frequencies. All you’ve got to do is kick back, smile, relax and just enjoy this process beautiful soul.
So, wherever you are on this magical planet I just want you to know that you are awesome, and I love you and I invite you to close your eyes right now and come into this space with me. Close your eyes and breathe in through your nose all the way down to the pit of your stomach and back out through your mouth. Take long slow deep breaths. Breathe into your stomach, breathe into your hips, breathe into your buttocks, breathe into your groin, and settle down into this space as the weight of the world falls off your shoulders, as you know that you deserve this time in this space to kick back, to transform, to heal, to upgrade, to expand your consciousness in infinite ways.
As you breathe into your magical body, I want you to become aware of a diamond and a violet frequency imbued together swirling in through the walls down through the ceiling up through the floor. This powerful diamond and violet healing frequency flows towards your physical body and starts to swirl around the outside of it over your head, underneath your feet, around your chest, around your back swirling in a clockwise direction getting brighter and stronger, swirling around the outside of your body like a diamond and violet tornado. You start to breathe this frequency in. You breathe in through your nose up into your mind. It flows into your left brain, into your right brain. It flows around the outside of your scalp down through your head, your face, your neck, your throat through your shoulders, your chest, and back. it flows through your spinal cord. Each one of those 33 vertebrae lights up, the first one violet the second one diamond, all the way down through your spinal column down into your sacrum violet diamond violet diamond they glow and vibrates.
As this frequency flows through your middle back, your lower back, into your buttocks. It moves through your heart your lungs, your rib cage, down through every vital organ. It passes through your hips, your groin, it swirls through your thighs and your hamstrings moving through your knees your calves past your shins into your ankles. It flows through your feet all the way to the tips of your toes. It flows through your shoulders down your arms, through your elbows, your forearms, your wrists into your hands, fingers, and thumbs. Continue to breathe in this powerful light until the inside of your body is completely from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, from the tips of your fingers and thumbs to your crown. Once the inside of your body is completely full in your mind say thank you and keep breathing as the light flows through every cell, every atom every molecule every fibre of your entire being your cells they dance and smile like one big happy cosmic family.
You feel your heart expanding and expanding and expanding as love fills you up from the inside out. This infinite supply of unconditional love flows out from your soul as though your soul is a universe spilling out healing frequencies min infinite supply. You breathe into your magical body, deeper and longer and slower and then you become aware that up above your crown chakra spinning 90 centimetres is an inverted turquoise pyramid spinning in a clockwise direction. As it spins it starts to draw in a high vibrational six-dimensional golden light. This golden light flows from Sirius through the ether through the cosmic fabric. This golden light also flows from Alpha Centauri. These powerful golden streams flow through the geometrical fabric moving towards planet earth, that green and blue ball that you call home, that high vibrational golden light pours down through mother earth’s atmosphere down through the skies through the roof of your space and into the base of that inverted turquoise pyramid which spins faster and faster and faster drawing in the codes drawing in the information.
These are powerful healing codes whilst the pyramid spins up above you and you continue to breathe in the diamond and violet lights. I’d like you to set an intention. I’d like you to place this intention into the pyramid up above your crown you can talk to the pyramid telepathically or out loud and tell the pyramid what you’d like healed in this session. It could be some childhood trauma, maybe some physical pain, mental emotion, maybe all the above and you get to choose. So just take a moment and decide and place that intention, all those intentions into that pyramid.
Now as you’re placing in those intentions, I’m going to open my heart and connect with you in this space, a powerful diamond, an electric red frequency, with platinum light code starts to flow from my heart through the empty space towards yours. It gets closer and closer, two metres one meter, boom. The frequency from my heart penetrates yours. As I download healing codes into your consciousness the apex of the pyramid opens and a powerful stream. Turquoise and gold flows down through the empty space towards your crown, 10 centimetres, five. It flows down through your crown, through your pineal gland, through your neck, your throat, your higher heart down into your heart chakra and boom that frequency explodes. The codes from the pyramid merge with the codes from my hands and they start to work on a deep root cellular level.
These codes start to move and communicate with your DNA. They flow through your bones, your bloodstream, your muscles, your tissues, your organs, your lungs, your kidneys, your liver, your spleen, your pancreas, heart, lungs, large and small intestine, stomach, adrenal glands. From head to toe you vibrate faster and faster as that intention you set is brought about just be in this space and feel be in this space and surrender to this experience. Let go. Let the codes work their magic. This universal intelligence it knows exactly what to do. Step out of the way and let it happen.
The light from the pyramid gets stronger. The apex opens wider. More light pours down through your consciousness flowing throughout your physical body, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. You heal at a deep level. You feel your heart expanding and expanding out past the boundaries of your physical body and into the empty space. That love from your own being, your own divine essence fills you up and overflows spilling into the space right now. You are connected. As you vibrate in this space you become aware of a green and platinum light that starts to flow from mother earth’s core up through the rocks and the minerals up through the surface of the planets, through your roots, sacral, solar plexus, up into your heart, your higher heart.
That magnetic divine motherly frequency races around your higher heart centre and activates it. Light codes flow up into your throat up into your pineal gland. They flow into your left and right brain. As the frequency from the earth gets stronger and stronger you feel that magnetic pull the electromagnetics from the stars. They flow fast and furious as you heal as you expand as you release. As you become aware of your own divinity, your own magic, you are a divine conscious spark of creation and right now you are co-creating your own health, your own reality. Be in this space and allow these frequencies to work their magic. Let go, beautiful soul. Be in this space. There is no time, there is no distance, there is no measurement.
I’m going to place my right hand over the back of your neck and my left hand over your forehead and start to run some codes, another set of high vibrational healing codes into your consciousness. These are ruby and emerald codes flowing out from my right hands into the back of your neck, up through your mind into your pineal gland, your pituitary, gland, your left and right brain. They flow out through your forehead, through my left hand, down my left arm, around my back and back through my right arm and through my right-hand circling around and around each time. They flow, they get stronger and stronger. These emerald and ruby codes communicate with the violet and diamond light, with the turquoise and gold codes from above, and mother earth’s magnetic frequency, the mag of the magdalen, the mother the divine feminine.
Be in this space. Allow your heart to expand and expand as the apex of the pyramid opens a little bit wider that starlight gets stronger and stronger. Every cell in your body vibrates from head to toe uncontrollably. The love you feel is supersonic. Just be in this space beautiful soul. You are amazing, incredible, extraordinary, a galactic titan from the stars. Feel this, know this. I’m going to take my hands off your neck, off your forehead. As you vibrate in this space the pyramid up above you start to shrink and descends. It moves down towards your crown chakra which opens like a thousand petals diamond lotus flower and that pyramid moves down through it. It shrinks and fits neatly around your pineal gland and then your crown chakra closes.
As you vibrate in this space the light from mother earth continues to flow, the light from my heart continues to flow as you vibrate in this space. You now become aware of multi-coloured rainbow light codes flowing in through the walls down through the ceiling up through the floor. These multi-coloured rainbow light codes move towards your physical body and your physical body starts to absorb them. You absorb them in through your back, your chest, your stomach, through your arms, your legs, your hands, your feet, in through the back of your neck and through your crown. These rainbow light codes race around the inside of your body and then boom they explode. Boom they explode again one after the other like fireworks exploding inside of your body letting off a new charge, a new frequency, a new level of healing.
Allow these rainbow light codes to work through your body as I close my own heart bringing my light back within myself, the frequency from mother earth slows down and eventually stops as these diamond rainbow light codes continue to race around the inside of you exploding and exploding. You start to become aware of your body, the in-breath and the out breath and the space in between. You start to feel the vibration in your bones, the tingling your cells, the frequency in every muscle. We are going to count from five back to zero. When we get to zero, we’ll open our eyes. Come back into this space and just take your time. There’s no hurry.
Whenever you’re ready open your eyes, come back into this space and just be. Take your time. There’s no hurry. Feel the energy, feel the love, feel the lightness and the vibration from head to toe as the healing continues to work. You can come back and do this as often as you like. You can set a new intention each time you come back and experience the magic. You are amazing, beautiful soul. You came to planet earth to express yourself fully, to be the magical being that you are, to live your own truth and your own divinity, to make up your own rules and regulations and to bow down to no one. You are a major force. Together when we unify as a global family, as a tribe, we’re unstoppable.
Speak your truth. Live your truth. Be your truth. Express yourself fully and dampen that magical sparkle for no one. Wherever you are on the planet right now go out into this world, hug your sisters and brothers so tightly and remember the golden rule of hugging, never, ever, ever be the first to let go ever. That’s the golden rule of hugging. Love fiercely and ferociously.
Remember to check out our website We have hundreds of powerful guided meditations, light language transmissions, light codes, ascension recipes, healing videos, to help you turbocharge your human experience and live at a level way beyond extraordinary. Be your power, be your truth, smile, have fun, laugh because we’re playing in a great big, gigantic game and we shouldn’t take it so seriously. We’re here to experience life fully, beautiful soul. So stand your ground, be your truth, respect who you are and let the magic flow.
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I love you so much, beautiful soul as my sister or brother. Wherever you are I love you beyond measure. Go out and make this world a much more harmonious place together as one human family. We can create and birth a beautiful new world. I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul.
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