Preparing your body for ascension is a science. As extraterrestrial or spiritual beings having a human experience, we knew before incarnating on Planet Earth, that we would be going through this process. It’s nothing new. There are fundamental protocols to follow to ensure you maintain a strong, happy, high vibrational body, mind and spirit and you are able to handle the increasing electromagnetic waves from the stars.
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“The energy is ramping up on this planet. The voltage that is traveling through your physical body is amplifying big-time. So how do you prepare for ascension?”
I love you with my heart with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? So today I want to share with you a message about voltage electricity and the amplification of light codes that are traveling through our galaxy down into our local planetary environment down through our physical bodies and into the Earth’s grids. You are so much more than a physical being; you are a spiritual being having a human experience as I’m sure you very well know.
Now as you’re walking around these earthly planes, you’re always receiving and sending information. You are like a transmitter, you are a conduit, and light codes are constantly streaming down from space through mother earth’s atmosphere down through your physical body and into the ground. We’re dispersing them through the Earth’s grids. Now what is happening on planet earth right now is the energy is ramping up big time and its mission-critical that you, me, and all our sisters and brothers do everything necessary to prepare our body for this energy increase. If you can imagine a plug that takes 20 volts of electricity and then you try and ram ten times through it. What’s going to happen to that plug is that plug sockets’ going to explode. Now what is happening now is our physical bodies have a circuitry, a bio circuitry. Inside of it we have our nervous system which is 45 miles of electric wiring.
We are these amazing beings and to think that we’re just these physical things you know vibrating in our spaces, walking around this green and blue ball, and we’re just here to work and to earn money and build families and kids and so do all these kinds of earthly things is just madness. I mean that is part of our experience but we’re here for a much greater mission and that is to help earth for ascension and to help ourselves go through this transformation or doorway. A massive part of it is to prepare our bodies for the application of energy that is flowing into our bodies. Beautiful soul, you are so amazing. Never ever, ever forget that you came to planet Earth to be a spark, a beacon, a pillar of light to pave the way for your sisters and brothers not so they could follow you but so you could give them an opportunity to step into their light and onto a different path, smile, laugh, have fun, and enjoy this magical ride. We are conduits.
A part of our mission, as well as to return to unconditional love and to step away from the judgment and to raise our vibration and move through these frequency bands into higher densities or higher dimensional spaces, as well as enjoying all the earth experiences, is to raise our vibration and become strong and robust so that we can take these amplified frequency streams and download them into the planet through these conduits, these physical vessels, will take an electromagnetic light and grounding it down into the diamond grids, the golden grids, and various other grid structures which are a part of Mother Earth’s planetary nervous system. Now if your body cannot handle the voltage you’re going to overload, and things can start to go wrong. So, you’ve got to be prepared. How you prepare yourself is what I want to share with you.
Before I share that I want to share it a real quick story. I met a lady a couple years ago in Turkey, a 93- or 94-year-old lady, I forget how old she was. It was either 93 or 94 and I sat in her office for several hours speaking to her about spirituality. She runs a huge spiritual organization and we spoke about the most amazing things and this lady was sharp as a razor like on the money, so knowledgeable you wouldn’t have thought she was 93 or 94 years old. At the end of the day her assistant came into the room with an electric Zimmer frame, and she held onto the Zimmer frame, and I was like I couldn’t believe it. I’ve been speaking to this lady sharp as razor all day and she’s got a Zimmer frame. You’d have never known there was anything wrong with her and I said to her what’s going on? What’s wrong with your legs she said, “Well if I’d have known what you youngsters know now, I probably wouldn’t be in this situation,” she said, “I’ve been downloading so much cosmic energy for many, many, years. My electrics are shot to pieces.” She said, “my legs, the circuits are blown in them,” she said, “if I knew about yoga and breath work and healthy eating and I exercise more and I really took care of my body I wouldn’t be in this state.
It really made me realize that what we’ve been doing with star magic is the way that we should be training people. It’s not about floating around in the ether doing all this spiritual work and they get and neglect in your physical body. The physical body is so important, number one. It has your soul number so it’s the vessel in which our electromagnetics are housed, a part of them anyway, because we do have our extended light body which resides outside of the physicalness. But the physical body houses the main part of us that downloads these light codes through the 45 miles of electrical wiring that flows throughout a physical body. Now she said, “if I was doing the physical work and making my body strong, my legs would not have overloaded with electricity. I would have been able to handle the voltage passing through my body,” and this is what we’ve been training people to do with star magic.
What I’m sharing with you now on this video is the reason why you should be training your body and making it robust, making it physically strong, creating an environment where you are mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually ready to download these off-planet light frequencies. So, how do you do this? Okay, this is not ‘rocket science’ beautiful soul. This whole journey is over complicated by many people. You’ve just got to exercise, you’ve got to meditate, you’ve got to put clean foods into your body, you’ve got to do your breath work, your chi gong. You’ve got to get out into nature and hug the trees, take your shoes, and socks off and get your bare feet on the earth. These are very simple practices but how many people do it, how many people truly adopt the lifestyle that they need to adopt, to be on this spiritual mission? A lot of people want to continue half in their old lifestyle, half in this new lifestyle.
A lot of people want to float around in the ether meditating, journeying, flowing and traveling through the universe connecting to guides ETs, whatever it is, and they don’t want to do the physical work because the physical work requires a bit of discipline it’s a lot harder for some people and so they resist it but by you resisting it you’re only putting yourself into a detrimental space where you can potentially harm your own physical body. You know there are people that are getting heart issues where the electromagnetic and the magnetics are up. I’m not want of a better word, people whose nervous systems are shot to pieces. There are people getting nauseous, people that are getting kidney pain and liver pain where certain parts of their body are overloaded with electrical energy. What you’ve got to do is really take care of your physical body. Drink 3 to 4 litres of water minimum a day, get that crystalline energy flowing through your body.
You’ve got to look after yourself okay. Otherwise as these frequencies continue to amplify you just might not be able to stay here on this planet. It’s that simple okay. You might have to check out and go back to spirit and not be here to see the end of the journey. So, you get to choose beautiful soul. Do you want to be a high vibrational strong human that can handle this journey or not. It’s entirely up to you. You get to choose. I can’t make you do anything, okay, and neither can anybody else. You are a powerful human and as a powerful human you get to make decisive choices and they can either empower you or disempower you. I am here to tell you right now, no ifs, buts, or maybes, point blank. If you don’t do the work, you’re not going to be able to handle the work. It’s that simple.
So, my suggestion is that you get off your ass if you’re not already and you get out and you start running, doing yoga, meditating, hitting the punch bag, lifting some weights, doing your chi gong, doing your deep breath work, putting Mother Nature into your body, eating those photons, drinking those electrons, consuming sun-drenched foods. Get out and do your sungazing if you live in a hot country. Do all the things that are going to make your body strong and robust so you can handle the high voltage as it amplifies and increases, especially as we move through ascension, as we move through these turbulent times. You must prepare yourself; you must be ready.
I know that you are watching this video must be a high vibrational being. You wouldn’t be listening to this if you weren’t a high frequency being. So, go out and do the work and be the high frequency being that you are, metaphysical and physical. Work inside the veil, and beyond the veil you’re a multi-dimensional being. It doesn’t mean that you flow all the time. You got to be grounded down into this physical planet as well as being grounded into fifth and sixth density. You’ve got to get that balance. It’s so important.
Wherever you are on this planet beautiful soul I want you to know this I love you unconditionally and so do your sisters and brothers. So go out into this world and hug tightly hug so tightly and never be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging. Love fiercely and ferociously, beautiful soul, fiercely and ferociously. Go out and hug those trees, go out and shine your light, be authentic, speak your truth, and dampen your sparkle for no one. Remember to check out our website and I’ll see you again very, very soon. One love, one heart, one human family, peace out, beautiful soul.
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There are complementary healing sessions uploaded regularly. As a valued member you can access them 24/7 to heal. There are private healings geared towards different mental, physical, and emotional issues. Any deep pain will be brought to the surface and healed so you can live a happy life. There are also monthly interactive master classes where you’ll discover the latest information on healing and transformation and top tips for the month. New codes and frequencies are shared that you can apply in your life to go deeper on your journey. This is a one-stop shop for your healing and ascension requirements. If you want to be a highly vibrational human and happy, full of joy, totally healthy, full of vibrancy and vitality, then infinity is a must. You get seven days free with unlimited access. See you on the inside, beautiful soul.