Ascension is here. Right now, on planet Earth there is an opportunity to be free. When you know how to decode the truth that is staring you straight in the face, offered by the queen, the unicorn and the code for ascension, you can take action, expand your consciousness and embrace the true essence of COVID 19 and activate your higher heart. Decoding the high vibrational code is a mystery in itself and freedom is your birthright. Are you ready for the true ascension process and the connection to cosmic energy?
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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, I have a question for you. Are you ready for 5D consciousness, are you truly ready for 5D consciousness? This is a question that you must ask yourself. Are you ready to question everything that you’ve ever known? Are you ready to question every single belief system, everything that you’ve believed about other people, situations, events in our history, in our current environment? Right now, are you ready to question? Are you ready to obliterate and shatter some of your deepest belief systems so you can bloom and unfold and grow in a mesmerizing fashion to ascend into 5D?
We must know the truth and your truth might be a little bit different from my truth and my truth could be different from this tree’s truth. It could be different from someone else’s truth. The leaves on the floor, I’m sure they’ve got their own truth too, the bumblebees, the birds, the whales, the dolphins, whoever. It doesn’t matter. We’ve all got different perspectives on life and as you ascend and as you move up the vibrational spectrum you can accept other people for who they are wholly fully and unconditionally and without the need to change who they are, to change their beliefs, to change anything about them because you just love them for the sister or brother that they are, for the cat, the dog, for the butterfly, whatever. You just love because you like to love, because you are love, and you don’t need to change their perspective. You have zero judgment towards their own belief systems and their own perspectives however they view life in different situations.
It’s like David Icke for example. A lot of people think David Icke is working for the good side but he’s not and right now you could be there sitting watching me and saying well jerry’s full of ****. How could they be like be on the other team. Well, he shares some amazing information, and he wakes people up and I take my cosmic hat off to him. But he doesn’t give anyone a plan out of this. He keeps them in a 3 to 4D level of consciousness. He will never push them up to 5D because the negative beings that want to rule our planet, they operate in 4D. So that’s where it’s comfortable to keep us. He shares all the information to keep us in fear, but he never shares the information that will help us ascend and move out of that vibrational paradigm. So, you’ve got to ask yourself who does he really work for. Now that could be a belief system that is completely shattered for you right now or you might turn around and say Jerry’s full of ****. Either way it doesn’t matter. It’s perfectly okay. I love you as my sister or brother and I love David Icke as my brother. he’s part of our human family. Well, he looks human, he might not be so human on a different level. But that’s okay. I love him. I love every single being; I love all the negative extraterrestrials too because that’s the only way that you can rise above their fear game is to love them.
Anyway, the question is are you ready to expand, are you ready to evolve? We’re inside the revolution without an r, the evolution of humanity into the golden age, and you are the catalyst my friends. You are the one, you are the only one because I can’t do it for you. Neither can no one else and neither can this tree okay. You are the one that must bring yourself out of this vibrational space, raise your levels and expand into a deeper awareness so you can see the truth and realize with your real eyes the real lies. This is the truth baby You are your own saviour, no one else is coming to this planet to rescue you. It’s down to you so go into this beautiful thing in the centre of your chest called your heart chakra. Close your eyes and consciously open it like a thousand petaled multi-coloured lotus flower and see it bloom and bloom and bloom again and again and again and evolve into infinite bliss and feel the joy and the harmony in your own cosmic guts.
Everyone is entitled to their own observational standpoint and you as a conscious being must accept that. You must accept yourself; you must accept me; you must accept everyone, and I must do the same for you and everyone else. If I’ve got any judgment about someone then I’m not ready to ascend and you could turn around to me and say well jerry you just judged David Icke. No, I didn’t judge David Icke. I’ve just read between the lines, gone deeper and deep into the information and it’s clearly obvious. If you have a man that’s done 30 years of research, he knows the truth. So why would this man want to keep people in fear and not give them a way out. I’ll tell you now. The way out is for you to realize that you’re a divine sovereign being, to reclaim your land which is your body and to reclaim your soul which is your energy from the states because now your body is owned on the land registry, your soul is in a box owned by the Vatican. Again, that might seem like a little bit of a head twister for you to get your head around, but you are classed as dead at sea under admiralty law. You’re floating in the holy sea of the Vatican. You’re a ship, a vessel lost at sea.
Your birth certificate is a corporation, me, Mr Jerry Sargent is a corporation and for us to truly bring back our power and to become free we must rescind all this from Rome, we must become divine sovereign beings and if you look deep into your heart, you’re going to know the way out. That is the plan, and you are amazing, and I love you unconditionally with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being as my sister or my brother. You are one fascinating being with so much creativity locked inside of you. So, go into your heart and let it out, beautiful soul.
Remember to check out our website and please subscribe to this channel. Share these videos with your friends and your family. Together we can make this world a much more harmonious place. Tribe work, teamwork, one love, one heart, one human family. We are a human family so let’s act like one. Let’s be one. I’ll see you real soon beautiful soul.