The shift in consciousness is here. The royal coat of arms has changed and the golden age is upon us. It’s in our face. We are being given a choice. We can accept slavery, or we can choose freedom. It’s a free-will planet and the choice is really ours for the taking. Bill Gates’s vaccine or freedom on planet earth. What will you choose?
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I love you with my heart with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, today what I’m having to share with you is extremely deep and what I’m going to do is just give you an overview of this situation and a way forward because this is one of those subjects that you could talk about it for hours and hours and hours. Now we as human beings for as long as I can remember you can remember which is as far as you can into your childhood because it goes way deeper than that and you’re never going to be able to remember further unless you start tapping into past lives and parallel realities and other timelines and when you do that if you can remember you’re still going to see and feel and experience the same situation.
Now what I’m talking about is human beings being enslaved, I’m talking about human beings being under the rule of the queen, now something interesting is happening on planet Earth now. There’s this whole Corona circus, coronavirus situation scam event which is unfolding all around us and many negative things are happening. But also, many positive things are happening and it’s like two fast sprinters, two of the fastest sprinters in the world racing the hundred meters and they’re both 80 meters and they’re neck-and-neck. The dark and the light, and who’s going to cross the finish line first. Now we keep getting clues, we keep getting signposts, and we keep being shown the truth. Only those that see through their real eyes see the real lies because they realize.
Now if you look at the coat of arms in, the UK the Queen’s coat of arms, the royal coat of arms, you have a unicorn in chains and you have a lion. Okay, underneath the crown and what has happened over the years over history. That coat of arms has changed slightly here and there through the course of linear time. Now very recently that coat of arms changed the game and the wording that is on the coat of arms is not there anymore. Now what this represents is a huge shift, now you could call it a consciousness shift but it’s also a real shift in this physical reality. Now if you look at the queen has been in the House of Windsor for a short while now and some say she’s under house arrest for crimes against humanity. There are many high-profile figures that have been arrested. Many movie stars other men and women.
Now what is happening is to do with the coat of arms okay. if you look back through history the coat of arms goes back to the constellation of Leo it goes back to Aldebaran and what it does. Is it used to represent that we were under control and under the leadership of that constellation. Now why would the unicorn be in shackles and change. I mean first unicorns are functionally mythical creatures, mythical beings, that don’t exist but on some level some people accept that they do exist. Why would the royal family the Queen, the crown has a unicorn in shackles and chains what they deem, the unicorn to be dangerous. Now if you look at this in spiritual terms. The Unicorn resembles love peace harmony, longevity, eternal life. Now that is detrimental to the goals and the dreams of those beautiful people that try and rule this planet through manipulation and corruption because they don’t want loving beings, unicorns, roaming the lands. They want slaves in shackles and chains that were underneath the role of the Queen which owns about six of the world’s landmass. Maybe more with being her slaves who were deemed to be in her control.
Now because this coat of arms has changed recently, the wording that’s disappeared from it. It now means that we’re being asked to look within and to be our own rulers and not to see the Queen of England as the governor, as the ruling force. we are the ruling forces, we the unicorns, the mythical beings, the spiritual beings. The spirit within us is rising back to the surface. We are becoming divine sovereign beings and we’re relinquishing the control from Rome and bringing back our own sovereignty, reclaiming our own divine sovereignty. Now this is beautiful, this is truly mesmerizingly beautiful, and it is seen now in the public eye. It’s being recognized, even the most important chief of police in in the UK yesterday came out and said that what we’ve been doing to the people you know arresting them and charging them for these crimes under the Coronas virus act are completely unlawful. So even that the highest man at the top is recognizing there’s a difference between legal and lawful. He got the coat of arms changed. There are many things shifting. Some say that President Trump has taken control of the Federal Reserve. Now there are amazing things happening on the planet, but it is a race to the finish line from light and dark.
Now what you’ve got to do as a human being is go into your own heart, activate your thymus gland, which is in the back of your heart which will open and activate your higher heart. If you look on a multi-dimensional chakra system which is different than our seven chakras, we have a higher heart, okay. If you go like this and you put this by your root chakra this, it will hit the first chakra. If you go like this all the way up, you’re going to hit all these multi-dimensional chakras including the normal seven and you can continue up and you can continue down through the empty space, below your body, but this is the whole other story. Your thymus once it activates and opens, you open your higher heart, and the sacred blue fire starts to shine and when that happens it activates multi-dimensional elements of your extended light body, and you shift vibration and consciousness massively.
Now for you to do this, you’ve got to go in and you’ve got to heal parallel realities and past lives and I know that this is something that a lot of people can’t access. So, what I want to do with you now is share a short transmission that you can listen to, a light language transmission. It’s only going to take a few minutes; you can listen to this every day. I want you to absorb these frequencies and codes into your body and just be, and what they’re going to do is they’re going to drill into your DNA deep on a surface subatomic level and they’re going to activate your thymus gland. So, close your eyes, take some nice long deep breaths and just be in this space with me. Breathe deep and long and slow and feel your body breathe and be in this space with me, beautiful soul, deeper and longer and slower. Surrender to this experience, bring your awareness into your heart, into the back of your heart where your thymus gland is, and listen and feel.
light language transmission
Breathe these frequencies into your body, absorb them into your consciousness. Allow them to flow through your soul. Just be in this space, be still and acknowledge the divine sovereign elements deep inside of you waiting to burst through the seams and embrace this planet with gratitude, confidence, divinity, mastery, unity, unconditional love, and compassion. You are a divine sovereign beautiful soul and consciousness is shifting massively. Come back and do this every day. You can skip the first part of the video and you can dive right into the part of the light language and do this every single day, and just keep doing it and the frequencies and the codes are going to shift, timelines collapse, timelines heal, heal certain aspects of your multi-dimensional self on these other timelines so you can bring yourself back into wholeness, so you can reclaim your sovereignty, raise your vibration and step forwards onto this magical planet in the new vibration on the new frequency band.
I love you unconditionally. You are amazing. I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. Wherever you are on the planet, love fiercely and ferociously, hug tightly and never be the first to let go, beautiful soul. Remember to check out our website I’ll see you again real soon.