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“The man or the woman trying to fit into the mould of what the other person wants them to be like loses themselves. If you’re not in a relationship where the other human being totally loves who you are then it’s not the right relationship. He who dares wins. She who dares wins. But she or he who goes into a relationship and moulds themselves into someone they’re not it’s a recipe for disaster.”
So, I wanted to just take a quick dive into one particular element of relationships, and this is so vitally important because sometimes people are drawn to another human being, and they feel or think that they want this person so badly that they bend and become someone they’re not in the pursuit of trying to fit into this relationship. What ends up happening is the man or the woman that is trying to fit into the mould of what the other person wants them to be like loses themselves and this is dangerous. You don’t want to go into a relationship and lose yourself. You want to go into a relationship as you are. If you can’t show up in a relationship as you are, as who you truly are, then that’s not the relationship for you. Now I’m not saying that there shouldn’t be happy mediums and there shouldn’t be compromise because there should be in relationship, but you should never sacrifice who you are as a human to fit into the mould of that relationship.
There might be something that one partner wants to do and the other partner wants to do something else and you can find a happy medium there but you should never change who you are because if you change who you are and you lose yourself you’re going to have to take a whole heap of time to find yourself again because I guarantee you if you dive into that relationship and allow yourself to get lost and become someone you’re not, at some point that relationship is going to crumble or you’re going to lose yourself forever and you’re going to be stuck in a miserable relationship being bullied, undermined, crushed and you’re never going to be happy. The reason that someone goes in and tries to change themselves is because they’re scared that they’re going to lose this person or scared they’re going to lose that person. What is even more scary is the fact of losing yourself in the pursuit of trying to fit in. That’s the scary part.
If you’re one of those human beings that’s in a relationship like this, that’s trying to fit in, this is another form of bondage. This is another form of slavery. If you’re not in a relationship where the other human being totally loves who you are then it’s not the right relationship. It’s that plain and simple. Walk away, do yourself a massive favour and walk away. I’m not going to say before it’s too late because it’s never too late. You can always make a change. You can always make a shift. But why go down a road that is paved with chaos and pain. Take a different course of action. It might feel a little bit painful to start with because you’re walking away from something, but I promise you everything will recalibrate. You stay true to your own values and respect and love yourself in the process and the universe will reward you for that. The universe will support you and back you up through that but if you go into a relationship and change yourself, you’re basically training the other human being that you’re going into a relationship with to treat you like this and to keep on trying to change you and mould you.
If you’re a man or a woman that’s in a relationship and you’re taking children into that relationship, you’re teaching your children that it’s okay to be bullied and manipulated and that you should sacrifice your values and change to fit into the mould of this so-called relationship. It’s like a man or a woman that’s in a relationship and they are getting bullied by someone and they stay in that relationship and don’t walk away. They’re teaching the children that it’s okay to get bullied. People say, “well I want to stay in the relationship for the children well you’re teaching them extremely bad habits. You’re teaching them to be weak. Why not be strong and teach them that it’s okay to walk away from something that doesn’t serve you. That’s the real teaching, the real lesson. Never shift and change and allow yourself to be bent and twisted and moulded into shape for someone else’s benefit. That’s not just in relationships, that’s in life. You are powerful, you are strong, you are supersonic. You are a powerful galactic being. You are Stardust in human form. You are a multi-dimensional being with supersonic abilities, superhuman abilities. Why would you let another human bend you and twist you.
Why would you sacrifice your values when you have the ability to be your own living legend. Be an alchemist and an architect. Be the lion, the lioness, the warrior God, the warrior Goddess that you are. You can build new worlds; you can recreate universes so why get lost in a in a crazy human relationship. If you have that level of self-awareness and you keep on going down that road that’s even worse. Again, that’s like suicide. If you have that level of awareness and you keep diving into that relationship knowing you’re being manipulated then you deserve to experience some pain because that’s madness, absolute madness. It’s like when people have that level of awareness, they know they shouldn’t go and have that ‘shitty’ food, or they know they should go to the gym but their mind’s like saying, “Ah, you know what. Take a day off”, and they listen to the mind. They listen to the ego. When you know you should do something for your own benefit, and you don’t then you deserve to experience whatever comes next. When you’re unaware and you’re asleep and you’re making these choices from a kind of walking “being asleep” state. It’s a different story but once you have that level of self-awareness you got to make different choices.
Wherever you are on this planet, beautiful soul, go out into the world and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. I love you even more because you’re the most important soul on planet Earth and you deserve to truly thrive, not just to live and to make it through, but to thrive beyond measure and have an amazing experience on this planet. The world is massive, the world is beautiful. There’s so much to experience and explore so live your greatest version. Step into your superhuman potential. Ride your sacred surfboard into the unknown where the magic happens because remember fortune favours the brave. He who dares wins, she who dares wins. But she or he who goes into a relationship and moulds themselves into someone they’re not, it’s a recipe for disaster. I love you so much.
Remember to check out our website and we’ve got some of the best ascension tools on planet Earth. Hundreds of meditations, activations, light codes, light language transmissions, cosmic yoga videos, high frequency recipes. We’ve got mystery school teachings over years on all different subjects. We have everything you need to be a high vibrational being and advance your ascension, accelerate your ascension in the most powerful way. We have a private telegram group so you can connect with beautiful souls just like you, day in day out on the same soul mission with a high vibrational frequency, with a big open heart that want to make this world a better place. When we come together and alchemize, we can create magic at supersonic levels. Check out and I will see you again real soon. One love, one heart one human family. Peace out, beautiful soul.
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