In this video, I will share the secret of manifesting wealth, in just 20 minutes. This short and powerful exercise will open your heart and connect you to the frequency that brings abundance into your life in every way. You can attract extreme wealth in 20 minutes – it is possible! You can be an alchemist for abundance, an alchemical magnet for health, wealth and prosperity. You will connect at such a deep level of gratitude that your consciousness will seek our the beauty and magic in life. This 20-minute exercise will transform you, filling your reality with joy, bliss, love and abundance. Are you ready to put in the effort and change your life beautiful soul?
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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, I want to talk to you about wealth and how you can activate your consciousness, your energy, your brain, your mind, to the frequency of wealth. All the frequency of abundance doesn’t have to be wealth in monetary terms, yet it is, and it can be abundance. You can live a fruitful life in every capacity, every arena, relationships health, all things. Every single one of us can wire ourselves vibrationally to tune into the frequency of wealth. It’s not hard. It just takes discipline because most of us are distracted and focused on things that lower our vibration, take our energy outside of our body, outside of our own self so, we become fragmented and our energies traveling in all different directions.
We’ve got to bring all our attention and our awareness back into our own hearts, into our own bodies, and we must synchronize our brain and our hearts coherently. We must get on to the right frequency, the right vibration, and through the breath through focused intention by being disciplined and doing it regularly following the right protocol. Everyone can be vibrationally wired or rewired onto the abundance frequency or the frequency of wealth and when that happens your external environment just brings and offers opportunity after opportunity and all you’ve got to do as a human being is then take those opportunities.
So, the first part of the process is to get onto the right vibration. Then the universe delivers through people, situations, events. It just happens it’s the way that it is. Then you’ve got to act. People either fall because they’re not disciplined in the first place to get onto that right vibrational frequency and cultivate the gratitude and the love inside of themselves to raise their vibration and bring their heart and their brain into coherence. When people do overcome that obstacle and manage to do that and get on to an amazing frequency, the second place that people fall is they don’t act when the opportunities arise. So, before you get on to that high vibrational frequency and start to create the perfect vibration or mirror in your environment through people, opportunities, events, your total environment, you’ve got to decide when that opportunity comes, I’m going to take it, no questions, no ifs, buts, or maybes. You got to go for it, you got to seize it, seize the day. You got to go for it.
So, how do we get on to this right vibrational frequency? How do we cultivate this gratitude, this love? It’s very simple. You go within. You close your eyes. Once you’ve had enough practice you can just tap into this immediately. You don’t need to close your eyes but if you’re new to this I want you to close your eyes right now. Close your eyes and breathe in through your nose all the way down to the pit of your stomach. Start to take some nice long slow deep breaths and I want you to follow the breath in and out of your body. Long, slow, deep breaths in and out of your body.
Now I want you to bring all your awareness and your attention and your focus into the centre of your chest, your heart space, that energy centre that some people call a heart chakra. Bring your awareness, your focus into that space because that’s where your Energy’s going to go. Your energy always follows your attention and your focus. Keep breathing in and out of your body. Long, slow, deep breaths. You can have a part of your awareness following that breath as 95% of your focus is on your heart. That’s okay but take long slow deep breaths and bring your awareness into your heart. As you bring your awareness into your heart, I want you to consciously imagine your heart is like a flower that’s blooming and I want you to see it opening like the petals in the spring flower blooming, your heart opening. I want you to feel and see light and energy flowing out from your heart, front and back. This light, this energy, this frequency, this love is emanating from your heart. It’s infinite. It’s an endless supply.
So, I want you to feel it growing and growing and I want you to cultivate this energy like a gardener cultivates his flowers or his garden or her flowers or garden. I want you to cultivate the love in your heart. I want you to feel and see your heart opening. You just say to yourself, “I am amazing, I am loved, I am free, I am beautiful, I am powerful, I am joy, I am bliss, I am divinity, I am unconditional love”, and as you say these words in your body see all those emotions flowing inside of you. I want you to see this energy expand up through your chest up through your head, through your mind, up through your crown, only to see it flow 360 degrees in all directions until it surrounds your physical body. I want you to keep saying “I am joy, I am bliss, I am divinity, I am love, I am compassion, I am ecstasy, I am mastery, I am unity, I am oneness, and feel that love, that energy, vibrating out through your field. As this light surrounds your physical body and continues to travel, I want you to fill up the room that you’re in with this energy and continue to cultivate this love. “I am joy, I am bliss, I am divinity, I am mastery, I’m unity, I am oneness, I am sovereign, I am free, I am abundant, I am wealthy, I am the universe in its totality. I am incredible, I am extraordinary, I am unconditional love.
Keep talking to yourself and feel those emotions vibrating through your field, and I want you to sit there for the next 15, 20 minutes doing this over and over and over breathing into your body now as you’re doing this over and over talking positively allowing these thoughts and these emotions to fill up your entire space. I now want you to bring your awareness up into your mind, into the centre of your brain and back slightly. I want you to bring all your awareness up there and at the same time keep opening your heart, so your awareness is kind of in two different places, but your central focus is up on your mind. I want you to continue to breathe as you’re doing this. Remember you’re a multi-dimensional being. Your heart is opening, you are talking to yourself, “I am incredible, I am extraordinary, I am unconditional love. I feel joy, I feel bliss, I am total ecstasy.” Feel this love vibrating and reverberating through your space with your attention on your pineal gland as you’re breathing in and out of your body.
Cultivate this gratitude, feel the gratitude, say to yourself, “I am grateful for my physical body, I’m grateful for my arms and legs, I’m grateful for the people in my life that helped me grow and expand by showing me what I need to work on by mirroring back to me that which I truly am. I am so, so grateful for everything. This universe is incredible, this world is a playground, an incredible and exciting playground, and I love it. I love me.” Cultivate these feelings, expand this gratitude, be in this space. Now what I want you to do as all this is taking place squeeze your perineum, squeeze your buttocks, squeeze your genitals, squeeze your stomach and what I want you to do is bring some of your awareness down into your perineum.
As you take a long deep breath in, I want you to visualize and pull energy from your perineum up through your body, up through your central channel, up into the centre of your brain and back slightly. Then maintain your focus and awareness up in your brain and hold the breath at the top for 13 seconds. Once you get to 13 seconds, I want to let that breath out and let go of the squeeze. Wait for a few seconds and again squeeze again, pull that breath up, pull that energy up. Hold it for 13 seconds. You’re going to keep repeating this as you’re opening your heart, “I am love. I am joy. I am divinity. I am bliss.” 20 minutes do this every day for the next month and come and write your comments in the box underneath and you tell me how your life’s changed. I want to hear from you. This is so simple. You just must exercise a little bit of discipline, and this is where most of humanity fall, because they’re too frigging lazy. They get too distracted by loved ones, family and friends, business partner, strangers, the television, whatever it is.
You must be disciplined like a soldier. You are going to change and transform your being, your essence, your light in the most profound and incredible way wealth, abundance, joy, bliss, divinity. it’s just going to flow into your environment. Why? Because it’s what you spend time to create magic in your life and this simple exercise is going to do that for 20 minutes a day. You do this for the next 28 days and things are going to radically transform in your life. Seriously, you’re going to be blown away, but you’ve got to do it every day and why not do it twice a day, morning, and night. Why not do it three times a day. Can you give up an hour of your day? You got 24 of them. Surely you can give up one or three 20-minute segments throughout your day to do this if it’s going to get you everything that you need and want and require so you can live a phenomenal life and thrive and not survive. Surely, it’s worth giving up one hour of your day of course it is, and I know you’ve got the discipline to do this. So do it. Take massive action. This is the first day.
You’re amazing. I love you unconditionally. You were born to be abundant. You were born to be a wizard or a white witch performing alchemical processes being a quantum architect designing, creating, recreating, and co-creating your reality with your thoughts and emotions activating the wealth factor. I love you unconditionally with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. If you’re watching this on YouTube, please subscribe and share. If you’re watching it on Facebook like it and share it. Share these positive messages with your friends with your family, with your sisters and brothers, and let’s make this world a much more harmonious place. There are enough resources on this planet for every human being to live an abundant life. We are not short of anything so let’s share, lets care, lets love fiercely and hug tightly, and never be the first to let go. I’ll see you again real soon beautiful soul. Remember to check out our website
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