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“You can get a knife and stab someone. You can get a knife and break bread and feed another human being and nourish them.”
I love you with my heart with my soul with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? So, men we need savage, dangerous, ruthless men on this planet but not savage, dangerous, ruthless men that do not have it all under control. We need savage ruthless dangerous men that have it all unlocked, that have dived deep into their own inner workings and experienced their savage dangerous ruthless nature and equally have dived into the other side, the compassionate loving kind affectionate feminine side of the man that balances this dangerous savage ruthless side. So many men on this planet right now are soft. So many men on this planet right now are confused. They’ve lost that deep connection to that savage ruthless dangerous part. That man that would go to war that man, that would go on hunt, that man that would climb heaven and high water to defend their family, their tribe, that would fight to the death, if necessary, that would love fiercely and ferociously when the time is necessary.
Where is that man? That man is inside every single man and women. On planet Earth we require savage dangerous ruthless men that have it all under control, that are zero pointed and balanced and carry that energy, that warrior energy that can support the feminine love, the feminine nurture, the feminine men that are so sure of themselves and fully love and appreciate and understand who they truly are at the core of their being, that they encourage their partners, they encourage the feminine to express herself to go out into the world and be mighty, to go out into the world and be brave, to showcase her talents to be fierce and ferocious and savage in her own rights, to express her creativity, to express her voice, to express her magic, her authenticity, that true feminine beauty from within, and requires that man to support her within a loving relationship, within friendship, within the masculine community.
Men must carry this fierce warrior energy. It’s required for humanity to accelerate and expand just as much as the feminine is required for this world to grow into unity consciousness to expand and for us to experience these higher frequency bands. Inside every single man is the ability to kill another human being inside every single man is the ability to love another human being you can get a knife and stab someone. You can get a knife and break bread and feed another human being and nourish them. Maybe not with bread but with something healthy. The world has got a little bit mixed up and lost. You have all these genders right now. The more humanity is conquered and divided and the more that it’s separated the less that it’s unified the harder it is for us as a species to come together to unify, expand, raise consciousness, and live in a better world, create a better world.
The divine feminine frequency is the key and that divine feminine frequency, that womb frequency, that womb energy of the female, of the feminine, is beautiful and magical so creative magnetic and nourishing and that energy must be fiercely supported by that ruthless Savage dangerous but balanced man. When the masculine and the feminine merge, when the masculine respects the feminine and the feminine respects the masculine, and there’s that equilibrium that’s when the world is going to change. There are too many toxic relationships in relationships. The man and the woman must support each other. They must love each other fiercely and ferociously. They must honour and respect each other and allow each other to be who they truly are, and by holding space for your partner, and allow them to truly be who they are, that’s where the magic happens, that’s where the magnetic energy pulls you closer and tighter. When you want to control your partner, change your partner, you’re going to create friction and separation.
The man for so many years has been so scared of the feminine going out into the world and being powerful I love seeing a powerful woman. It didn’t used to. I used to be like that I used to fear powerful women. I didn’t realize that I was scared and why I was scared but I was doing the inner work, and diving into your heart you get to know yourself being with powerful women. You get to understand, you get to understand the truth and how the gap is bridged magnetically through frequency, code, mathematics. Men you’ve got to be brave you’ve got to dive into the inner workings the labyrinth of your magical mystical heart. You’ve got to do that deep inner work. You’ve got to love those parts of you that you’re scared to love, that you’re in fear of, that you may not even know you’re in fear of. But by diving in deeply you’re going to realize and be aware of it and you’ve got to hug those parts of you and bring them into the zero point, into the now space.
You’ve got to go out into the world, and you’ve got to discover those parts of you that are dangerous, savage, and ruthless. You’ve got to experience them and then master them and own them and bring them into the zero point. You’ve got to get in touch with all those parts of you that are kind and caring and loving and welcome them into the zero point including ones you’ve got to alchemize all this energy and become whole. That’s where your powerful, that’s where you can support the feminine, that’s where the feminine will thrive and grow and expand and then the feminine in return will create more magic on this planet. Everything is cyclical, everything will be reciprocated, everything is a dance and balanced an alchemical cauldron of magic, beauty, love. A little bit of chaos, a little bit of confusion, it’s all part of the great big puzzle that we’ve got to put back together seamlessly and flawlessly to realize that it was never broken in the first place. It’s a game. Enjoy playing it.
Men dive into your soul and unleash all of who you are. That ruthless savage dangerous part of you is mission critical but you’ve got to own it. You’ve got to balance it. Otherwise, everything can go haywire and then you end up back in square one, back at the start, trying to figure it out all over again. Angry, destructive, blaming, judging, that isn’t the kind of man we need on this planet. But that part of you that’s been there through all that chaos and turmoil is an important part of who you are and all that energy, and all of that fractalized code, needs to be brought back into your heart so you can grow and thrive and be of service on this planet.
You are amazing, you are phenomenal. Go out into this world and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never ever, ever, be the first to let go and remember next year we’re going to be launching a new program called The Savage Man. Women send your men on this course, men sign up for it. More details will be coming very, very, soon.
Remember to check out our website We got some of the best Ascension tools on the planet for raising your energy levels, expanding your consciousness, elevating your frequency, and becoming a supersonic superhuman. So go and check it out. Shine your light, speak your truth, live your truth, be authentic, and don’t give to anything, anyone ever. Just laugh and love and hug and smile and do you because you’re the most important human being on planet Earth. I love you, beautiful soul. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out.
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