The Pleiadians are watching you from beyond the veil. But what are they thinking when they watch us playing the game of life on Planet Earth? What other extraterrestrial species are watching us?
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What do you think those beautiful Pleiadean beings are doing up in space looking down at you. I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, I have this kind of like vision and it started when I was drinking ayahuasca at the end of last year, last November, with a few friends of mine at one of our Star Magic deep in space retreats. We’re all sat around and we’re talking about various things, tripping out and having the time of our lives. We were in this space, and we were wondering sat here on earth right now trying to figure all this stuff out at this kind of ascension path. We’re trying to become successful and figure all these things to do with relationships, family, money, abundance, health. It’s crazy, it’s like a minefield of information in here on planet Earth and we were kind of sat there and then someone in the group said you know imagine up in space you got these Pleiadeans and not necessarily just Pleiadeans. It could be some other extraterrestrial race, it doesn’t really matter, but let’s just would work with the Pleiadeans.
These beautiful awesome beings from the Pleiadian star system, from Alcyon, from wherever they’re up there sat around in their living room you know smoking a spliff, drinking a whisky, having a cup of herbal tea, I don’t know but they’re all sat there and they’re looking down at us crazy beings laughing their nuts off saying look at those crazy people trying to work all of this stuff out. They’re trying to figure out how to make money, they’re trying to figure out how to be in a relationship. They’re trying to figure out how to love, they’re trying to figure out how to love. I mean that is just the craziest bizarre thing ever. We’re trying to figure out how to be in a relationship, how to love ourselves, how to love other people. We’re trying to figure out how to be what we are. These guys up in space they must be laughing their nuts off looking down us trying to figure this stuff out. It’s wild baby, it’s completely crazy.
We are like these lunatics running around in this green and blue ball striving for success, striving for this trying to get there, trying to get here, but every time we should we strive to get there or over there or wherever it is the world around us comes up with all these signposts and what these signposts do is they lead us back into our heart. They lead us back to life, they lead us back to our own divinity and we realize all along that we are what we’ve been looking for, we are the one that we’ve been trying to find to have the relationship with. We’re the one that we’re striving for when we’re trying to be successful. Its ourselves that we’re trying to find in the success that were chasing. It’s all just an external illusion and these guys up in space they are rolling around in their front room laughing their ‘bollocks off’ and it’s crazy.
If you knew that you were being watched 24/7 by your sisters and brothers from the stars, how would you be down here on earth? If you’re one of those people that watches pornography, I think you think you’d think a little bit differently about going and watching it and masturbating. Maybe you’d think a little bit differently about going to see your local drug dealer you know to snort some cocaine or take some ecstasy to go to a pie. Maybe you’d feel a bit differently when you’re drinking shots of alcohol in the pub. Maybe we’d think a little bit differently about the way that we treat our fellow sisters and brothers if we knew we were being watched 24/7 and the truth is we are being watched 24/7 by our sisters and brothers from the stars. So why don’t we start to act with love and kindness 24/7, why don’t we act like we’re inside the Big Brother house 24/7. What will happen when we start to do that will start to be ourselves.
What will happen when we start to be kind 24/7 people will realize that being kind is a beautiful thing and they’ll realize how much enjoyment they get out of being kinds 24/7, how much enjoyment and fulfilment they get out of being compassionate and serving their fellow sisters and brothers and how good it feels to actually love yourself and to realize that you don’t have to run around all over this crazy planet chasing your dreams, chasing this, trying to be successful because everything you’ve ever needed is inside here now. Once you realize that everything you’ve needed always and forever is inside your own heart that it’s you. You then start to flow and vibrate in the most magical way and that my friends are when success starts to chase you, that my star sister or star brother is when relationships start to chase you, that’s when you go out and find your twin flame. That’s when you go out and find and connect with your soul mates. That’s when you discover your soul mission on planet earth right now. This is when everything starts to flow, this is when your body becomes a high vibration or home to your soul, and all the aches and the pains just disappear.
We’re running around trying to find everything externally but it’s already here. This is just a great big comedy show to them, a cosmic comedy show, and I’ll tell you I can’t wait to get back up to the stars and look back down on earth, smoke my spliff, drink my whiskey, and laugh with my sisters and brothers up there watching us guys down here. Oh boy I’m going to have a right laugh. It’s going to be crazy, but I just hope that I don’t get sucked into wanting to come back down here again because this is my last time on planet earth. I am not coming back down here again. I’m going to be here for a lot longer, maybe another couple of hundred years, because I am not checking out too soon. There are loads of work to do but once I depart it’s going to be my last time on this planet, I can assure you. I don’t know how you feel about. That is your choice. You’re your own being but whilst you’re here right now, beautiful soul, please do yourself a favour. Stop trying too hard because you’re amazing. You’re everything, you’re enough.
Wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, and look into your own eyes and see the magic inside of your own self and say to yourself, look deeply into your eyes open your heart, and say “I am enough, I am whole, I am perfect, I am strong, I am healthy, I am sovereign, I am free. I am a galactic titan from the stars, and I am here to crush life and to crush life I’ve just got to be me and to be me I’ve got to stop chasing things. I’ve just got to take a big nosedive into my cosmic heart and unleash that inner wisdom.” It’s that simple, beautiful soul. Anyway, wherever you are on this planet go out and hug tightly and remember the golden rule of hugging is you never ever, ever, let go. Wherever you are right now I am giving you a great big cosmic hug and I love you unconditionally as my sister or my brother. Go out and love fiercely and ferociously and shine your light as bright as you possibly can and never dampen your sparkle for anyone.
Please if you’re watching this on YouTube share it with your sisters and brothers. Together we really can make this world a much more harmonious place. Teamwork is the key. Tribe work is mission critical. We are a human family so let’s be that human family. I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul. Remember to check out our website One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out, beautiful soul.
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