This week, I want to get deep with you and talk about the myth of unconditional love. Love is a word we use all the time, we can love anything from people to food to places to dog memes on Facebook. But what exactly is unconditional love? Most people think they know what unconditional love is, many people think they are capable of giving it. But are they really? Is it possible to love unconditionally without any expectation, in the society that we live in that is based on reciprocity? Can you love something and get nothing back without sacrificing part of yourself? And if so, how? Watch the video and I will tell you the truth about the myth of unconditional love, what it really means, whether it can really exist, and if so, how you can achieve unconditional love within your heart.
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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, I want to share with you my feelings on unconditional love and what I feel the truth is about unconditional love. Unconditional love must come from within you, from your soul, from your spirit, from your essence. It’s something that is naturally inside of you but also something that you can cultivate and grow. A lot of people on this planet are focused on their external environments and they’re putting their love into an object. It could be a person, it could be a material object, and they’re trying to find that love from within the object. They are allowing love to flow from them but they’re doing it in a way that they’re expecting some kind of reciprocation from the object or from the person or from whatever they’re engaging in. They feel that love can come back from that thing because that thing gives them some kind of happiness. As long as you’re expecting some kind of reciprocation from a person a loved one, family member, friend or some kind of object that can give you joy and happiness, it’s not unconditional love.
Unconditional love must be something that comes from deep inside of you and flows up from within you and adds with zero expectation. Unconditional love is unconditional. To be honest we’ve got a little bit mixed up as a human species because love is just love. There is only one type of love, but we’ve got a little bit mixed up and now we call it unconditional love. But if you love, you just love, and you should love freely, openly without expecting someone or something else to love you back or give you something in return because you’re sharing that love. Love just is. Love is everywhere. love doesn’t expect anything in return itself. It’s only that human mind that thinks, well if I love then I’m going to get some love back. No, the more you just love freely, the more your environment is going to mirror that back to you, exactly how you’re feeling internally and that is how the expression of love is given back to you or fed back to you through this game of life that we play. It naturally comes back, but through expectation and wanting and that kind of need for reciprocation it’s never going to come back to you.
If you are in love with who you are internally and you just love everything, the empty space, the trees, you just see the beauty and the magic and the love, you just experience love in all situations. Everything in your environment is going to carry that vibration of frequency that shows you how you’re feeling internally and that is that you’re just completely mesmerised with life, you’re completely gobsmacked in the most magical and positive way with everything in your environment because you just see beauty. You just feel joy not because it’s the joy in something but because it just is joyful. It is blissful observing. Your environment is magical. A flower, a tree, a rock, a person. It’s all magical but you’re not loving that tree or that flower or that person. You’re just expressing love from within yourself for the beauty and the magic that everything else is. There’s a huge difference so for you to truly experience unconditional love you just must vibrate and be with no thoughts, just that deep feeling of excitement and love and gratitude for the moment. This magical present moment that gives us everything that we ever need, require, want, deserve it’s beautiful.
Don’t expect anything, don’t want anything. Just know that by being this fluid stream of light and information, of energy, of unconditional love, you’re just going to experience it everywhere you look, everywhere you travel, everywhere you walk, everywhere you run, everywhere you climb, everywhere you sit. You’re going to be in harmony and your external environment is going to mirror back to you exactly how you feel inside your own physical body. Your cells are going to dance, your cells are going to be partying inside of you celebrating a cellular celebration because they feel the juice, the essence, the magic, and they know that everything on the outside is reflecting back to your physical body and in turn your cells, those magical inspirational feelings that put you in awe of everything that you experience that, is unconditional love. You never see it in an object, experience it within your space, but not in an object or a person because there are no objects and there are not people. It’s just one stream of frequency and that one stream of frequency is expressing itself through objects and people. It is unconditional love or just love energy. You are the energy and I love you unconditionally.
Wherever you are on this planet go out and hug. Never be the first to let go. Love fiercely, love ferociously like a lion or a lioness. You’re one extraordinary being. If you’re watching this on YouTube, please subscribe and share. If you are watching it on Facebook, like it and share it. Let’s share these positive messages with our fellow sisters and brothers and let’s make this world a much more harmonious place. Go into your heart and be your own expression, beautiful soul. Check out our website and I’ll see you again real soon.
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