This video discusses the injection, how it attacks the human body and separates the soul. Jerry also shares how to reverse the damage done, which has been Facilitated on many occasions.
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I love you with my heart with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So today I wanted to share my feelings on the injection that separated the soul. Over these last weeks, months, we’ve received so many emails messages at star magic asking how we can reverse the effects of the injection. You know what I’m talking about. “I’ve had it and now I realize that it was a mistake”, “my husband had the injection and didn’t tell me about it”, “we made love what am I going to do?”, because they only needed to inject a certain percentage of the human population because what is in that vaccine will spread through bodily fluids, saliva sexual intercourse, sneezing droplets of human bodily fluids going into the other person’s mouth.
This thing is ruthless, deadly, and we as a human species are spreading it a little bit like HIV back in the day, a man-made created virus. There are other people saying, “Jerry I’ve had the injection because otherwise I was going to lose my job”, “’I’m a doctor, I’m a nurse”, “I’ve had the first injection on such and such date and the second one is coming up. If I don’t take it, I’m going to lose my job. Please after the second date, will you?
help me reverse the effects”. Now if I was to do that, I would become a part of the problem because what these doctors and nurses should be doing in my opinion and it’s just my opinion and the truth doesn’t give a f*** about opinions, the truth does not give a f*** about opinions, beautiful soul.
Regardless of the opinion, regardless of the truth, if I was to help a sister or a brother that was in a position of potential power, where they could say no to authority, where they say could say no to the system and walk stand up for their sovereignty and their human rights, I would become a part of the problem. As a human that cares about other humans it’s difficult to say no to people when they’re coming to you and saying please Jerry help me. It’s a real tough situation and we’ve had so many people, hundreds of people. If I wanted to make money and this was all about money, I’d say yes to all these people because some of them are offering silly amounts of money to help them through this process. But I’ve said no every time and some people might think well you know you don’t really care about humanity Jerry, you’re full of s***.
If you cared you’d help them no look at the bigger picture. The bigger picture is sovereignty and freedom, and we must stand in our truth and our power and our authenticity. There are scientists who helped create what goes inside these injections saying that people have a two-year lifespan once it’s inside of them. If you have the second or the third it reduces it more. Exactly how much but it reduces it under the two-year time frame, so people haven’t got long and this information starting to come out. There are men and women that have come to me and said, “listen Jerry my wife had it or my husband had it or my girlfriend or my boyfriend they didn’t tell me, and I’ve slept with them. Please help.” In that situation when it’s honest and truthful I’ve stepped in, and I’ve helped.
I had a nurse contacted me and tell me that she wanted me to help her after her second injection I said I can’t do it because I’ll be part of the problem like I just explained. She said I tell you what help me, and I will walk, I will leave my job, I will stand in my truth. I said OK I’m prepared to help. If we don’t stick together and rise like lions and lionesses and take control of this situation it’s only going to get worse. Millions of people have been injected already millions. Now what happens to the human body when this injection goes into it, I’m going to try and explain this from my perspective as a facilitator of healing.
When I’ve seen people that have had this injection and believe you me once it’s inside of you it goes to work fast, and you see this like build up around the spinal column. It’s like these. I see them as this blue mass that looks like all these little bits and pieces that congregate and glue together and form all the way up the spinal column and they surround it and somehow, they’re plugging in to the electromagnetics of the nervous system, the spinal column they’re going into the spinal fluid and then through the spinal column. They’re spreading throughout the nervous system, and you can see the body it starts to change. The energy around this mass starts to go grey. If you look at the person or the human’s energy fields that work person’s, no good but it slipped out of my mouth.
When you look at the human’s energy field when you look at a normal energy field someone that’s in a high vibrational state. It’s a fluid geometrical spiralized encoded light bubble that has many layers that extends out into the space and obviously it has the geometrical components too. You’ve got your toroidal field and your Merkabah, your octahedron, the icosahedron, various components that expand. All these geometries come in a spiralized fluid moving fashion. None of them are stagnant and the colours are exquisite, and you can see the different layers now. When someone has had the injection that changes the energy field starts to lose its colour and you can see there’s this. The best way to describe it is like a dull vortex that is opened in the energy fields, and it could be a meter, it could be several meters away from whoever you’re working with, and you can see the essence of the human being pulled through that there’s like this detachment. It’s like it’s being sucked somewhere.
This is how I see it when i am working on other people. Now this hole may not be behind them to the left to the right. It could be up above, it could be down below, it could just be there in the field because when everything’s quantum, everything is in the same space, at the same time. But what is very clear and very apparent is that something is breaking away. But it doesn’t happen straight away. It starts with the build-up of these little kind of particles, molecules, like this blue stuff. It looks like a coral reef. It’s like a blue coral reef forming around the spinal column and it’s thick. You see the first layer, the second layer, the third layer and it grows out and it expands.
I’ve worked on people that have had the injection. Literally within hours and you can see the build-up. It’s intense. After a few days it gets even thicker. After four five six days maybe a week you start to see this greyness appear in the field. You can see inside the brain there are these little things that build up like little atoms or little like little tadpoles, hard to describe again, it’s energy okay. They’re in the brain and they’re building in the brain. They build a lot slower than they do around the spinal column but they’re building. There are reports now of people driving their car and just crashing at the steering wheel. People are kind of going under. Some people are passing back to spirit, some people are falling very ill. This thing isn’t cool.
Now how do you shift this? I’m going to share this with you. This is how I do it because I really don’t want to go around working on all these different people that have had it but i am prepared to share how it’s done, and you can go and use this on yourself family friends or you can just share this video with other people. Now you’ve got the human being that you’re working on. Now all the healing that I facilitate is at distance so I always work on holograms and what I’ll do is I’ll bring up the hologram of whoever I’m working on in the empty space and i will entangle that hologram with their physical body so the hologram could be a phone the hologram could be like arms and legs and a body like an empty vessel.
Just be in the empty space and I’ll entangle the two. Now once they’re entangled what I’m going to do is I am going to bring all my frequency, I’m going to turn all my energy into liquid. I’m going to go into the hologram of their physical body that I’ve set up over here. The physical body’s over here. I’m going to go into this hologram. All my liquid frequencies are going to blend with theirs and I’m going to set an intention to bring their frequency and their codes back to their original template. Now it’s going to be a bit different to mine because we’re all unique. We’ve all got our own energetic blueprints but there are some fundamentals within our human DNA, within our human codex.
Once you turn yourself and shift yourself to pure liquid energy, you see and feel all their hologram turn to this liquid frequency and yours changes theirs at a DNA, at a liquid frequency level, and you merge with all their light. Now imagine this hologram is like a container like a jar in a science lab. You see all that liquid frequency merged. I then take another hologram or another jar, whatever you wanted to call it. I take all this liquid frequency; I pour out of that hologram and into the other one which was completely empty. I then spin it like it’s in a protein blender. It’s flying around and around and just mixing and mixing. I’d leave it for 40 seconds to a minute and blend it all together.
Then what I would do is take this and pour into the hologram of their physical body and I’d pour it specifically through the crown chakra and down and watch it go through their spinal column so it would fill up the inside of the spinal column. Then it would start to filter back out through the nervous system and dissolve all these clusters that are around the spinal column. It will start to reconfigure and reformat their original templates and then you start to see the greyness. It starts to disappear in the fields because the energy has shifted massively. Then what you’ve got to do is you’ve got to reach out to that kind of quantum hole, the vortex, and you’ve got a pull that’s the soul essence back through and I put it all back into the spinal column.
The spinal column is like a magic wand. It really is a magic wand, and it just is so phenomenally powerful. So, I bring that soul essence back into the magic wand and then leave it in the spinal column. Then from there let it filter out. It will naturally do its own thing. i will bathe the hologram of whoever I’m working on in a chromium frequency. Chromium is the most powerful frequency that I’ve ever come across, kaleidoscopic chromium. I’ve just written about it in my new book, “how to be superhuman”. if you’re a member of the star magic tribe you will know all about kaleidoscopic chromium because we use it in our meditations. We use it on our training experiences. We show you how to use it effectively.
Within kaleidoscopic chromium you have every single colour range imaginable, an array of pinks, greens, blues, multi-dimensional across all the frequency bands arranged a high frequency colour range that is just breathtakingly powerful. So, I bathe the hologram of whoever I’m working on in this kaleidoscopic chromium and i will hold space for them and just let the body reconfigure. This works if you speak to people that have worked with me. After having this done, they will say that it’s like I’ve climbed into their body, and I’ve literally liquefied every cell of them. They say it’s a completely your euphoric feeling and they feel the reconnection afterwards. They didn’t realize there was a disconnection until they felt the reconnection because it’s very subtle. It’s not just like boom that you’ve been unplugged. It happens slowly and it phases out.
Okay, this injection’s nasty. We the people however have the power to shift things back to where they need to be. You my friends, my sister, my brother, have the power to take charge of your reality. To be a sovereign being you do not need to say yes to this, you can say no. I’ve spoken to so many people that say, “well I may not be able to travel”. I was with a dear friend a few days ago and she was at my house and i called her a car to take her to the train station and when the car turned up it was only the driver that normally takes me to the airport when I’m traveling and said, “hey bro, how’s it going”. I said, “you haven’t had that injection, have you?” He looked at me and he said, “I have you now”. I said “why?”. He said, “well you know they’re talking. about you not being able to travel and all this sort of stuff”. I said, “but they haven’t said you can’t.” He said, “yeah but it might happen.” I said, “well why didn’t you wait for it to happen and then make that decision instead of just buying into the fear now.”
You see this is what is gripping people. This is what is getting people. It’s the fear, beautiful soul. On one hand it’s very sad, on another hand it’s beautiful because everyone’s playing their part in this crazy game, we call life and there are some souls that came here to sacrifice themselves through this phase through this transitionary period. There are other souls that came down to wake other souls up. We’re all playing our part. The question is this: “Do you know your power? Do you trust yourself? Do you love yourself? do you honour and respect yourself?
If yes is the answer to those questions, then you know that the injection is a non-starter. You may be one of these people that is telling everyone else all this information. It’s out there. Everybody knows but people don’t listen they take it anyway. They’ve bought into the fear they’ve bought into the lies they’ve bought into the manipulation – sheep. Let them go let them walk their path. Not everybody is ready to remember not everybody is supposed to live. The truth doesn’t give a f*** about your opinion.
Wherever you are on this planet, beautiful soul, my love goes out to you. Big galactic brotherly hugs go out to you. I love you so much. Go out into this world and hug your sisters and brothers love them fiercely and ferociously. Shine your powerful light, shine it so bright. The world needs, wants, is expecting, the miracles and the magic to shine from your cosmic heart. They’re waiting you came here with incredible gifts. So let them out into this world to uplift and inspire your fellow human family.
Dampen that sparkle for no one, beautiful soul. Speak your truth live your truth. Honour yourself 24/7 365. We are a human family. Remember to check out our website We got some of the best healing tools, meditation tools, on the planet. I’ll see you again real soon.