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VIDEO: The Greatest Drug in the Universe – This is NOT What You Think It Is


I want to share with you my secret stash to the greatest drug in the Universe! This is NOT what you think it is! This drug is more powerful than cocaine, pills, and heroin combined. This drug has the ability to raise your vibration, open your heart, and bring you happiness beyond your imagining. You can create this drug yourself, in endless quantities. It has no side effects, no comedown. It is potent and powerful and only brings positivity and unconditional love. You can share it with your friends and family. So many people in this world take their experiences and allow themselves to descend in a negative spiral, they judge and blame and create anxiety. This drug is the ultimate cure for negativity. Forget panic attacks, this drug will encourage love attacks! Watch the video as I share my secret recipe for the greatest drug in the Universe.


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I love you with my heart with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right in there, beautiful soul?

So, what is the fastest way to elevate your vibration? What is the fastest way to raise your vibration and send it up. So many people when they see things in their environment, they experience things, they go into a negative spiral or they start to judge, blame, whatever it is. Some people have a panic attack. What about a love attack? What about having a love attack instead of a panic attack? No one ever talks about a love attack. You know people always say well we use five or ten percent of our human brain. Most people are using five or ten percent of their hearts. What about if we focused on our hearts a little bit more and expanded those in a colossal fashion and started to expand and love and go deeper into a compassionate way of being on this planet. Let’s have a love attack. You can cultivate love even if something around you is a little bit negative. It’s easy to change your perspective to reframe a situation to consciously come into this thing we call our heart and open it consciously like a beautiful flower blooming in the spring.

There are people in the jungle that are using cocoa leaves and making up a paste and turning it into cocaine and they’re sending it all over the world. People are snorting lines of this or injecting it and getting high. What about if we created our own drug. This love drug to enable us to have a love attack and we call that drug life. In my house we got these big containers. We are putting oxygen into them and high frequency energy and we’re mixing them around. Then we’re making our own paste and we put it into these little bags and every now and again and we tip those bags out in front of us, and we snort them up. Life,  it’s like this all around us. This magical drug that we call life is everywhere. I was messing around the other day with someone, and we were getting these imaginary bags of fat and we were tipping them on the side. We’re doing big lines of life and I’m telling you I was getting higher and higher and higher. No joke. It was amazing. I was off my tits.

When you focus on something and you decide that that something is going to make you feel a certain way and you put your emotion into that thing and you get into this playful, you can make a line of invisible life and send you through the roof. Your vibration can elevate, your heart can open, and you feel amazing, and you know what? When you snort lines of life, there’s no comeback, there’s no ‘shitty’ feelings, there’s no grime, there’s no chemicals in the line of life. It’s just oxygen and high frequency energy. What can happen sometimes is that oxygen and that high frequency energy can wear off a little bit, so you just get your never-ending bag of life out and you pour yourself back another line and off you go again and you feel amazing, and your vibration goes through the roof. Inside the trees, inside the rocks, inside the flowers, inside the eyes of every human being that you encounter is this light, is this magic. It’s everywhere, it’s available to every single one of us. Life baby, it’s everywhere. You should start creating your own bags of life  and keep them on your inside pocket of your platinum suit made of high vibrational frequencies that nothing can infiltrate.

Every now and again you take out your bag of life. You create a line; you might have a little line or if you’re feeling a bit greedy you might want to have a big line. Me, I deserve big fuck-off lines all the time, big fuck-off lines of life, and my vibration stays high. Easy peas-y, lemon squeezy. This stuff isn’t hard. You just got to decide. You can choose how you want to feel, you can choose how you want to think, you can choose how you want to act. Nobody controls you. You’re in control of your own consciousness. Once you become aware of it, you might get a little bit of infiltration here and there, other people’s feelings and thoughts or thoughts sent from other spaces but when you’re aware you know they’re not yours and you can just chuck them away or get your bag of life, fat and pour another line. We’re flying. Nothing can stop us honestly. This might sound a little bit crazy, but this is true. You create whatever environment that you want. Why don’t you create a love attack from the minute you wake to the minute you go to sleep and even whilst you’re dreaming. In the nighttime get your bag of life out in your dreams and have some fun.

This life should be one wild party. Why are we not making it and creating it like a wild pie having fun, getting high off nature, getting high off the trees, the clouds, the Sun, the moon and the stars, the bumble bees, the butterflies, the whales, the Dolphins. All these things in our environment, we can travel around the world and experience, encounter, all these different things.  We can buy and allocate to these different locations, we can even shift our consciousness into a whale, into a dolphin, into a flower, into a frog, into whatever we want. We can always shift perspectives. Life should never be boring. I could come into your consciousness and experience life for you for a few minutes if I wanted to. I could do it with any animal, any fish, anything, and you have that potential and capacity to do this.

So, get out a big line of life, snort it up and go and bi-locate and experience life through another being’s eyes, another fish, another animal, a snake, a gorilla, whatever you feel like experiencing it through that day. Depending on what country you want to travel to around the world. We’re not limited by travel, by airplanes, and trains, and buses, and cars. We can be anywhere, anytime we want. We can have as much fun as we want, as much laughter as we want. We can be as crazy, as insane as we want in a positive fashion. Life should be amazing, beautiful soul. So, what are you going to do? What are you going to have? A panic attack or are you going to have a love attack? Are you going to hit the bottle when life is a bit **** or you’re going to hit the bag of love, the bag of freedom, the bag of energy, the bag of compassion. It’s a bag of unity or oneness. The natural bag of life you get to choose.

You’re amazing and I love you unconditionally. I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being, with sisters and brothers. Play in the game of life on this magical planet. Let’s come together, let’s hug each other. Let’s love each other. Together let’s be free together as sovereign beings on this green and blue ball. Wherever you are on this planet right now go out into this world and love fiercely and ferociously. Check out our website We’ve got some amazing ascension sources. Get yourself over there and see for yourself.

If you’re watching this on YouTube, please subscribe and share. If you’re watching it on Facebook like it and share it. If you’re watching it on Instagram share it with your friends your family, with your loved ones. Let’s share these positive messages and let every single one of our sisters and brothers know that bags of life are available 24/7, and the beautiful thing is they don’t cost you any money, no money at all. So, you can develop the most incredible habit you want you can go and snort kilos of this every single day because it has no weight. It’s weightless. you’re never going to be able to snore any volume or amounts. It’s just an infinite supply that’s around. You’re inside of you, up, down, left, and right. It’s beautiful, beautiful soul.  I’ll see you again real soon, laughs, smiles, hugs. Feel the bliss, the divinity and the joy and be the magical being that you came to this planet to be. One love, one heart, one human family.