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The 5th Dimension | How Do You Perceive Reality?


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So, I want to talk to you and share with you a little message about 5D and allowance and what it means to be in this 5D space as our frequencies are rising. You know, people say we’re going from 3D to 5D. What happened to 4D? We’re in a fourth dimensional space right now. It’s just that most people can’t perceive that, and that’s okay but we are moving into this fifth dimensional space.

Some people would say fifth density, but when you’re talking about fifth density, you’re talking about frequency bands and frequency bands have multiple dimensions within them. You’re talking about five harmonic universes, five frequency bands, and that’s 15 dimensions in total. Now we’re talking about harmonic universe number two, frequency band two in the fifth dimension here on this physical earth plane. Now, at the same time, we are bouncing around in other dimensional spaces. Don’t get me wrong, you know, we’re in higher dimensional spaces and lower dimensional spaces because we’re multidimensional beings. We’re souls having multiple experiences in the now space right now and they’re not over there or over there or down there or anywhere. It’s all here in the same space because there’s no time, distance, or measurement in the quantum field.

Only in this holographic reality you’ve got to travel from here to there and it takes some time. So, it does exist on one hand, but on the other hand it doesn’t and both perceptions are completely right, and everybody is allowed to perceive reality however they want to perceive reality. But what’s important as we move through these high frequency bands is that we come into allowance. It’s important that we allow everybody to have their own perspective and to dance around and play this human game however they want to play this human game. No judgment whatsoever. It doesn’t mean you’ve got to agree with me, or I’ve got to agree with you. We’re allowed to disagree. That’s cool but at the same time, we must love every single human and realize that everybody’s playing their game, or their part in the game perfectly.

Life is amazing. Life is beautiful. Life is absolutely phenomenal, and we get to experience so much here on this Earth plane. We are here to literally experience everything, to run, to dance, to have fun, to play, to get a little bit mischievous, to experience what it’s like to be human beings. This is a good, positive thing not to hide away under your shell and to retreat. There are some people on this planet that think that the divine feminine should rule. That’s completely bonkers. The divine feminine energy is beautiful and it’s in you, it’s in me, it’s in everyone but the masculine is beautiful, too. They’re both strong. They’re both wise. They’re both intelligent. They’re both beautiful. They’re both courageous, they’re both fierce and what we must do is to bring our inner lioness queen and our inner lion king into divine union.

Divine union happens down the centre point and in our own cosmic heart. It’s not necessarily a man and a woman coming together or two men or two women because people are attracted to souls right. Forget about the human vessel. I mean, the human vessel’s amazing this thing that we’re inside of. It is phenomenal. It can open portals. It can traverse time and space. It can conjure magic and miracles. Okay, this thing’s amazing but it’s the soul inside the consciousness that controls the avatar. We simply interface with other human beings through this physical thing that we call a body, and it is amazing, but it’s not everything. It is phenomenal, and it’s important to look after it because this thing’s going to help us navigate this human world and we want to really take this thing through Stargates and be able to travel anywhere we want to go in the multiverse with this thing. Okay, that’s true mastery, but this is a whole other subject.

What is important is that we merge the masculine and the feminine inside of us and we find divine union and wholeness without the need for a partner, without the need for anyone else. Everything is inside of every single one of us and when we realize this and we find this and we own this and we harness this, we realize this 5D alliance, this 5D divine expression of self-worth, of self-respect, self-love, compassion, unity, and we literally allow everyone just to be whoever they want to be without getting angry. You see, anger is like a poison when you’re angry at someone else. You may as well get a syringe and inject it into your own arm or straight into your pineal gland, you know, and inject yourself with that poison because when you’re angry at another human being, you’re just going to put that energy back into your own heart. It’s going to bring you down. It’s dangerous.

No man or woman is above anyone else, and I tell you what’s important. You know, there’s so many souls on this planet that think that they’re that Jesus Christ or Mary Magdalene or Guanyin, one of these archetypal figures. Can you not smell the B.S.? That’s spiritual ego in full effect. We are all multidimensional beings playing out through the multiverse, and we can access every single energy signature that has ever graced these earthly planes. So, you’re all these beings, and so am I. So, anyone that says I am this person or I am the reincarnation of that person, and you can’t be because it’s me. Total bonkers, total nuts.

We all have access to the same tools, to the same energy, to the same code. It’s just some of us haven’t really dived deep enough into our multidimensional toolbox to access them and to really under understand the tools that we have at our disposal but when you do, magic and miracles will flow through your inner ecosystem, your external ecosystem, and change you on a multidimensional level. You, my brother, or sister, are just the most amazing thing that has ever graced these earthly planes. You’re a formidable force of nature. You get the most powerful tornado. The most powerful tsunami, the most powerful comet. You roll them into one neat little space, and that’s not even a millionth of the power that you possess. A trillion. Your supersonic man, super-sonic and I love you with all of me.

As the frequency rises and consciousness expands, remember, allow people to be who they are. Observe, zero judgment. This is mission critical Beautiful Soul. Go out into this world and love your sisters and your brothers. Love them fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never, ever, ever be the first to let go and remember, sovereignty is something that you decide. It’s not something that anyone can offer you. It’s not something that anyone can give to you. It’s not something that some document that you sign will allow you to have. It’s a simple choice that you are an un-fuck-with-able, powerful, sovereign being. Own that energy. A master of dark. A master of light brought into wholeness. The centre of point. The zero point. This is you. You’ve got planets and stars sizzling in every cell of your body.


Remember to check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on the planet. You can go and take our Seven Day Free Meditation Challenge right now. You can get access to all our light language transmissions, meditations, cosmic yoga videos, masterclasses, and so much for free right now for seven days. So go and check it out it’s and maybe I’ll see you on the inside. Go and shine that light Beautiful Soul. One Love, One Heart, One Human Family. Peace Out.

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