We are entering the cycle of the 13 new moons as we move into the new year on the Mayan calendar. Its a time for transformation, alchemy, and new ways of living on Earth. Telepathy and other abilities will start to ground through our consciousness onto Earth, within her grids, and through our global family. Don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and share this video with your friends and loved ones. Together we can create a beautiful new world, by restoring this one to her former glory!
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Happy new year, beautiful soul. Oh yeah, we are entering the time of big intentions. We are entering a new 13 cycle of moons. It’s the start of the Mayan calendar today, 26th of July 2020.
This is the start of the phase of the alchemist. This is the phase of the transformational specialists. This is where we as the galactic star beings here on planet earth start to ground that star knowledge that’s coming from the stars down into these earthly planes. This is the start of the cycle. This is the reason you came to planet earth. We’re going through all this chaos and mayhem at the moment clearing the way so that we can bring through the new stuff which is really the ancient stuff. You know this but to a lot of human beings is going to seem completely and utterly new. But for those of you galactic titans that have been traversing the multiverse for billions of years this is old hat. It’s the flip of another coin.
It’s nothing new but it still gets you anxieties. It does me anyway, beautiful soul because I just love the challenges. I love assisting our sisters and brothers climb the mountains, navigate the tunnels, move their way through and around the geometrical code and the mathematical equations that are flowing into this earthly environment. It’s a great time to be alive baby. I’m sweating, beautiful soul. I’ve just been exercising but I had to get this video out because I’ve got to do an online training in a couple of hours and had to get this done and move on to that so didn’t really have time to kind cool off too much, so in the shower, get dressed, boom camera on. Anyway, that’s the whole other story.
I love you. You’re amazing. Thank you for being here in this space and giving me the opportunity to share with you so it really is for me to wish you happy new year. It’s what this video is about and just to remind you to remind you, beautiful soul, not to teach you but to remind you because there’s nothing, I can share with you that you don’t already know in here this here. This is where you got a look. This is where I’ve got a look where we’ve all got a look. All the answers to all the questions and all the questions to all the answers are in here baby. I know that you’re a brave soul that is willing to take that inward journey to discover the beauty and the magic that lies within. It’s important that you do that now.
Okay, we’re moving through this phase of chaos and out from chaos comes order but not the kind of order that we’re used to, not the kind of order where there’s strict draconian rules and regulations. I’m talking about the kind of order that magnifies and enhances our starseed knowledge. Inside you, inside me, inside we, all of us on this planet is deep, deep, wisdom and over these next 13 years, over these next 13 moons between now and 2032-2033 when we enter a new phase, starts in 13 years but this phase that we’re in right now, this is where we start to alchemize and transform in a major way. This is where we start to solidify and bring into the forefront of everyone’s consciousness certain abilities, this 13-moon cycle.
For those of you that don’t really understand the numerology in number 13, 13 is the number of the divine goddess we have 13 months in our calendar not 12. One was taken away and certain days were spread over other months. We’re supposed to have 28 days spread across 13 months okay, but they shifted it and changed it to tip the masculine and feminine balance but that’s another story. Just know that 13 is very prevalent, very powerful. 49 days after conception in the womb DMT appears in the brain, also eight little cells appear inside the womb. Those eight little cells they form a Merkabah which is what you are at the core of your being, a bouncing bubbling cluster of tetrahedrons. You have merkabas through your body as part of your whole mathematical geometrical makeup as well as part of your extended and your multi-dimensional light body.
13 is very important and this next 13 moon cycle is where we’re going to ground telepathy into our earth’s grids and throughout human consciousness. Telepathy over the next 13 years is going to be boom rife and people on planet earth are not going to be able to lie to each other. I mean you know yourself right that frequency doesn’t lie. You know this already so if someone’s feeding you crap you can feel it a mile away but just imagine when you can hear everybody’s thoughts. No one’s going to be able to lie to anyone. That means everyone’s going to be telling the truth.
Imagine what planet earth is going to be like when everybody tells the truth. I mean first it’s going to be magical because nobody’s going to lie to each other on the flip side of the coin. Nobody out is going to be able to not say what they truly feel. So, you know you’re not going to be able to kid one of your friends that might be a little bit overweight, or they might be not putting enough effort into a certain project that they’re on and you can see this instead of saying instead of sugar-coating it and saying well you don’t look too bad. You know, yeah, you’re doing okay. You’ll be like you’re overweight. You’re doing a **** job, pull your socks up. You know you’re just going to be telling the truth. It’s going to be beautiful and it’s going to ship everybody into line.
Everybody’s going to be held accountable because worse than lying is sugar-coating the truth. It’s another form of lying and for me that’s the worst especially when you love someone. You love someone and you sugar-coat the truth and that puts them into more harm, into a state of like falseness because they think that what they’re doing is okay. They think they look okay; they think that their project’s going okay. They think they’re putting in enough effort into whatever it is that they’re engaging in, but you can see a mile away they’re like on a six out of ten. They’re like 40, short of the mark, but you love them and so you sugar-coat the truth, but real true love is telling the truth and saying listen you’re not doing a very good job. I love you but if you did this, you’re probably going to hit your mark. That’s the way you should be with someone when you truly love them and as telepathy comes about all this stuff’s just going to be normal.
There’s going to be no lies. It’s just going to be truth baby. Imagine living in a world like this. I mean there’s going to be no media stations pumping out garbage like there has been for the last god knows how many years, okay, indoctrinating, infiltrating manipulating your consciousness, giving you false paradigms and perspectives, and using different mind control devices and techniques to warp your consciousness in such a major colossal way that you don’t even know who you are. You don’t even know what you came to this planet to do. You don’t even know that you’re a galactic being from the stars. You think you’re some kind of measly little human that’s supposed to work a nine to five that’s going to get old, have a pension, survive for the last 20 years, and then die, go back to heaven, and off you go, not realizing you’re going to come back and do it all over again.
They warp your consciousness but with telepathy on the rise through this next 13 moon cycle this divine feminine frequency rising massively on the planet and the masculine coming through and everyone in balance with the feminine, boy we are going to be a bunch of powerful souls in human form. This world is going to change. This is the time for big intentions, beautiful soul. Right now, what you should be doing is setting massive intentions. Today is New Year’s Day. This is the time for you, me, we to set massive intentions and ride this wave of energy that is coming through right now through the Sirian portals, through the Alcyon portals, through the Lyran portals. There are stellar gateways open right now that are feeding high vibrational information down onto planet earth and they are giving us the opportunity to create and manifest whatever we want.
Everything is fast right now. It doesn’t matter what I want to create. I’m creating it. My life is beautiful and so should yours be, and maybe it is it’s interesting because you and I or me and someone else, whoever it is. or you and somebody else. Two people could live in the same street in the same neighbourhood, have the same jobs and one lives in heaven and one lives in hell. Yet they’re having the same experience. The only difference is that they have different perspectives on that experience.
So, the best thing you can do right now is reframe your whole reality, realize that it’s magical, that you’re powerful, and then you’re going to give yourself the perfect foundation to move forwards because you’re living in heaven and when you’re living in heaven that internal reality creates your external reality and everything starts to flow and then on top of that start laughing like crazy, start laughing, being joyous, having fun, feeling the bliss, see the magic in everything see, the magic in everything baby. I mean this space in my hands right now is just so beautiful. I love this space, the geometrical code that is floating around in my hands and through my hands, I just want to wash myself in. It’s so beautiful. Life is just so amazing, everything is amazing. I’m amazing, you’re amazing, life is just wild baby, but you’ve got to see this, you’ve got to feel this.
There’s no point me telling you. You’ve got to feel this. There’s no point your best mate telling you, there’s no point your family members telling you. You got to know this in your heart, beautiful soul. You got to take a nosedive. Stick on your diamond space helmet, stick on your goggles and dive into your own heart and don’t look back and I guarantee the rest is history. You’re never going to look back and your life’s going to open in the most magical way. So, spend the time today setting these massive intentions. I’m talking gigantic, colossal beautiful universal intentions. Why? Because you are a gigantic being. You did not come here to be tiny. You came here to be larger than the planet itself.
Do you know mother earth is actually inside of your own heart? Did you know that you’re the universe. You created her. Get your head around that one, get your head around that one, beautiful soul. You’re the universe. You created planet earth and she’s inside of your heart and so am I and so are the other 7.5 billion people on this planet, and all the whales, and dolphins, gorillas, monkeys, insects, spiders, everything is inside of your heart and if you created that do you not think you’ve got the power to change it. Do you not think, do you not know, that you’ve got the power to change it? Of course, =you have so change it. Set these massive intentions, soak up these ET frequencies coming through these celestial gateways. You’ve got the grand central sun kicking out heaps of plasma like photonic rays from the constellation of Sagittarius rapidly streaming into your consciousness. Your DNA is doing backflips, your DNA is doing front flips, your DNA is up on the vault doing all the craziest somersaults any gymnast could ever possibly fathom, and some.
That frequency is shifting on a major deep subatomic level and your DNA is so excited because it knows it’s going to be able to express itself. All those skills, all that knowledge, all that wisdom that’s locked inside of your cells, is rising to the surface and through these next 13 moons you’re going to realize this. You may have realized some of it already, telekinesis, telepathy, healing at distance, bilocation, teleportation, remote viewing, these things are easy. You’ve done it before on many planets and you’ve also done it here on earth. So, start to go into your heart and tap this potential, start to realize with your real eyes their real lies and don’t take it to heart because it was just part of the game. It was just part of the game; it was part the magic because if you didn’t see dark and light you wouldn’t see the contrast and you wouldn’t know which way to turn. You’d get lost in your own bubble of love but luckily there’s a little bit of darkness in your bubble of love to remind you that you are in a bubble of love.
So, you can stay in it because if you didn’t, you’d probably exit it and then end up in the darkness and if there was no darkness, you’d probably create it because you needed some contrast because you got lost because everything was the same, you see. We forget as human beings. We forget, beautiful soul, we forget, and we move into a new phase of reality and forget what it was like before and so we get a little bit lost and often go back to those things that tormented us. But the torment has been so fierce, so chaotic, so turbulent on planet earth for millions of years and it’s all boiling to a head right now like a huge pimple like a zit on your face, like exploding like a tornado. That’s what’s happening. Mother earth is spewing everywhere right now and it’s beautiful.
Right from this mayhem is going to come beauty. So, get ready to ride this beautiful new wave. Set your intentions. That’s what I’m here today to remind you. You’re a cosmic being from the stars. You came here on this timeline to make the change so be the change, make the change and enjoy the process and wherever you are on this magical planet go out love fiercely and ferociously. Hug tightly, oh yeah baby, hug tightly. Never be the first to let go, never be the first to let go of a hug, that’s the golden rule of hugging, and remember that crazy old virus that a lot of people believe is real has a 99.96% recovery rate. Take those masks off and start enjoying your life, okay. You are magical.
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