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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, this is a message to parents, and it’s about teaching your kids to fight or taking your children somewhere so they can learn to fight. Now a lot of parents would jump down my throat because they don’t understand the benefits of putting your children into martial arts, combat sports, fight sports. Men and women that don’t understand may think that their child may become more violent, more lethal.
Now yes, they become more lethal, but it doesn’t mean they become more violent. When you put a child into combat sports, martial arts, they learn respect and discipline. They let out their anger and their frustration. They channel it in a positive way, and they’re taught and guided by whoever their coach is to keep it in the gym. The thing is right until you’ve been punched in the face you don’t really understand what it’s like to be punched in the face, and so really and truthfully the last thing you want to do is to go out and get involved in a ruckus or trouble on the street because you know that it can lead to pain and misery, broken bones, potentially death.
Very quickly you start to have this respect for combat, and it makes you not really want to do it unless it’s in a controlled environment. Now there are obviously some men and women fighters that go out and do get involved in ruckus is on the street. It does happen but they’re very few and far between. There’s this discipline that’s installed when you’re in martial arts or combat sports that focuses your mind, your heart, your body, your soul in such a constructive fashion and I truly feel that getting in a boxing ring, jumping in a cage, is one of the biggest spiritual pursuits or endeavours that you could possibly engage in.
Again, for people that don’t understand this, they think that what I’m saying is wrong and crazy but when you get in that ring and the bell goes and it’s just you and another man or two women or whoever it is, and I can speak from experience because I’ve been in a boxing ring. I’ve been in and out of fight gyms all my life sparring with some professional guys, Muay Thai boxing, mixed martial arts. I know what it’s like to get in and have a tear up and when you’ve trained like crazy, and you’re fight fit which to me is the ultimate fitness being prepped and ready to go to war to go into combat in a ring in a cage. It’s the best feeling ever and when you’re in there, those that are truly successful are those that have spiritual discipline that can connect to this energy and it’s this energy that we use in in Star Magic, in our healing sessions.
You’re connecting to source, that infinite intelligence that flows through all things. It’s available in the empty space, it flows through your body, and whether you’re healing or you’re in a boxing ring, when you channel that energy and you bring that energy into the centre point, the zero point, and out from your heart, and you connect on that level, you go way past thinking. They say that boxers think a lot and yes, they do think but they think for a small portion. Most of it is intuitive, instinctual because you’ve been inspired and trained and fought so many times that it becomes second nature and you’re plugged into that universal intelligence. When you’re in that ring, that universal intelligence it takes over but what the man or woman that is going into combat must do is they must stay present; they must stay a hundred percent focused and calm and then that universal energy can flow through you. For me that is that is a high spiritual discipline. In a way it’s like meditation in a boxing ring.
A lot of people think when you know when you go when you go into meditation that your mind is completely empty, that there’s nothing going on, that’s not actually true. You just remove yourself from the situation and take an observational standpoint and you observe what is taking place. You can do the same thing in a boxing ring. You can observe yourself within that combat situation. You take your mind out of the equation. You use part of it to remain present and focused to breathe calmly so you don’t use up any unnecessary energy but ultimately your spirit takes over. This universal energy takes over and therefore parents should put children into combat sports because it is a high spiritual discipline.
Now you may be disciplined when it comes to training and in in your combat situation, in a ring or a cage or wherever it is, but at the same time what happens is that child that grows up with these disciplines, these disciplines carry out into the child’s life as they grow into a teenager into an adult. This discipline flows into relationships. This discipline flows into business. This discipline flows into the way that they take care of their nutrition, their body, exercise, everything. This discipline flows through their life and discipline are the key to freedom. When one is disciplined, one can set themselves free. When someone is undisciplined, and they let themselves just bounce around life like a pinball in a pinball machine bouncing off situations and events. They’re all over the place. Their energy is harvested, their mind is frazzled, their health deteriorates. But when you’re in control and you’re disciplined it’s the foundation for everything to grow from.
When someone goes into a boxing ring, for example, two men they go in, they can beat each other up inside that boxing ring but when they leave that boxing ring, they can be best of friends. They can go out and have a drink. They can go out and break bread together, share foods, chat. Then they can get back in the ring and they can tear it up again. It’s also good to have those skills because when you’ve got those skills you carry yourself in a different way. Not only do you have discipline, but you have courage and confidence because you know that you can take care of yourself and that energy it exuberates and illuminates from your physical structure. So, a child growing up in school that can handle themselves very rarely gets bullied because this energy just flows out from their body.
When you carry yourself with courage and confidence, people respect you because they can feel it. Everything’s energy and when you know how to handle energy and play with energy, you can defeat any man or woman in a boxing ring, in a cage, because everything is energy. I truly feel that all parents should put their kids, their children, into martial arts at a young age. Whether that’s wrestling, karate, boxing, mixed martial arts, Muay Thai kickboxing, it doesn’t matter. Put them into several off that list. As a child I did Judo,
I did karate, and then I got into rugby, football, tennis, and I played those at a high level and left the kind of combat stuff behind. then when i was about 17 or 18, I picked boxing back up again and I’ve been in and out of fight gyms all my life. I had my own mixed martial arts gym for four years in New Zealand. I understand combat sports. Both of my children know how to throw a punch, they know how to throw a kick. They understand how to defend themselves. Think about it, feel it, encourage your child to get off their phone to move their bodies. Take them to a circuit training class. Take them to a boxing class. Encourage them to go out running. You go out running with them even if they’re four or five. Take them for a run for a few hundred meters or encourage them to do a few sprints in the park. You do it with them. Maybe you’re one of these parents that isn’t into exercise. You use your children as an opportunity. Allow your children to be an opportunity to fuel your own health and fitness regime and in the process inspire them to get involved in it too when you’re fit and strong and you can fight. You’re spiritually connected like this to this infinite intelligence.
Nothing phases you in life. It doesn’t matter what’s thrown into your path. You just find the way over it. You find a way through it. When you’re training in martial arts, especially if you’re training for a fight, those levels of hell that you go to in your training, those levels of pain that you go to in your training, those levels of sacrifice that you go to in your training, nothing’s as bad as that. The thing is this it’s not bad because when you start to go into those deep dark horrible places you start to enjoy them. You start to relish that space. Going into the gym when your heart’s beating through your chest, when your lungs are on fire, when your legs are on fire, and you got to do another circuit, another round, you’re getting beaten on by a fresh opponent in sparring and you’re in hell. You get to get comfortable being in hell. Then anything in life that unfolds around you it’s nothing because you go there every day whilst you’re in training.
You never really maintain that kind of high-level fight fitness 24/7 365 because it’s not possible. That’s why you’ve got a cycle in your training. You build it up, you taper it down, you build it up, you taper it down, but unless you’ve been in that game then you don’t know but put your children in and give them the opportunity. All you can do is put them into it, see if they like it or not. It’s one of the best things you can do for your children. Home school your children, put them into martial arts, give them the space to create, take them into nature, show your children how to meditate. Inspire them with nutrition, good clean nutrition. Don’t be one of those parents that gives your child a mars bar or a Twix or a KitKat or a bag of chips on the iPhone just to shut themselves up, just to shut them up because you need a bit of down time and a bit of space, no.
Encourage your children to go and do something useful and constructive. If we can’t put the time, the effort, the energy into our children to show them the way of the world, to unite them with this intelligent force, we don’t deserve to be parents. We took on that responsibility of bringing a beautiful divine light into this world. So, honour and respect that decision that you made and see it through. Give them everything you can give them. All the love, all the encouragement, all the guidance and direction but ultimately never tell them what to do because children are like flowers. You got to water them, you got to love them, and you got to let them grow.
You can be a role model and you can show them how to be and nine times out of ten they’ll follow you because they want to be like you. So, give them something positive and inspirational to want to be like not because you want them to be like you but because you want the best for them, and you know that eating clean foods meditating jogging running going to the gym breath work qigong getting into nature hugging some trees connecting with the magnetic and the electromagnetic frequencies of the earth and the stars these things are powerfully energizing uplifting expanding engaging in so many ways. If you’re a parent, give your children the opportunity to fight to learn that respect, honour, and discipline. Be one of the best things you can ever give them, one of the best gifts ever.
I love you, beautiful soul. You’re amazing, truly you are amazing. Let’s give these starseeds the opportunity to be amazing too, well, they are amazing but let’s give them the opportunity to be even more amazing. I love you. Wherever you are on this magical planet go out into the world, hug your sisters and your brothers. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously and I’ll see you again real soon.
Remember to check out our website where we got some of the best ascension tools on the planet to raise your vibration and unleash the most extraordinary version of who you are. Remember to check out our new Telegram channel spiritual gangsta number one and gangsta one is g-a-n-g-s-t-a numerical number one. I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul.