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Part 2 Super-Charged Frequencies in Egypt – Star Magic Ascension Tour 2019

Today we have been to one of the biggest museums in the world, more than 144,000 Ancient Egyptian Artefacts lace the walls and deck the floors of this place. The Egyptian Museum in Cairo is phenomenal. The energies still contained in some these tombs is crazy powerful…

The tablets carry a Super-Charged Frequency… light flows from a number of these stones. Once you connect, awesome vision and deep rememberings appear in your consciousness…

The power coming from Sekmet in this statue was super-cosmic… I highly recommend a visit here.

It’s been perfect before we head into the Pyramid tonight to face our fears in the Well, Download Divine Feminine Frequencies in the Queens Chamber and Upgrade inside the Kings Chamber…

Wherever you are on this Planet, I love you beyond measure… We Truly at One!!

One Love. One Heart. One Human Family!!!