Being a galactic being or a star seed on planet earth and in a relationship is not always easy. Star seeds are born with a mission and will let nothing stand in the way of them or their mission and so it’s important that the star seeds choose the best kind of relationship. One that supports their vision.
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You are amazing, beautiful soul. This message is about relationships and star seeds. I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
I was having a conversation with a dear brother of mine yesterday and we were talking about relationships and what I want to share with you is what I shared with this brother of mine and it’s very important to understand this information whether you’re a star seed in a relationship with another star seed or you’re a star seed in a relationship with someone who’s not awoken, a highly decisive mission here on planet earth. I say highly decisive because when you’re a star seed then you’re here on this planet you have a real drive and a real focus to help your sisters and brothers to shine your light, to open your heart to share information, to help everybody on this wild and interesting journey that we call life here on this planet.
Okay, it’s not always easy. At the same time, it should be fun but when we get into relationships boy oh boy it can get tough, and you may know this already. You may have experienced relationships where it’s just been mind-bending, heart-wrenching, gut-wrenching, because you’re on this mission and you’re so focused but you’ve got a partner that doesn’t understand exactly where you’re coming from and exactly why you’re here on this planet. It doesn’t matter how much you try and explain to this person they just don’t get it because they’re just built slightly differently and that’s not a bad thing. We’re all unique on this path but when you’re a star seed then you’ve got a mission. You got to be with a partner that truly respects your mission, that truly loves you for all of who you are, that loves your mission, that respects it, that loves you that shares your vision with you.
Even if they don’t quite a hundred percent share your vision, they respect your vision and they don’t try and crush your freedoms in any way. They respect that your mission comes first and foremost over and above anything else because it really is no one away forests are seeds we are galactic beings that came from the stars and we came here for a purpose, for a mission, for a reason and that is to raise the vibration of planet Earth and to help our sisters and brothers and Gaia herself through this ascension process. We’ve done it on hundreds, thousands, of different planets all over the multiverse and now we’ll come into earth to do it again and when you’re a star seed it’s so important. It’s in your blood. This in your DNA and nothing’s going to stand in the way of it. So, if you have a partner that gets a bit jealous when you’re out helping other people, that tries to hold you back that tries to stunt you a little bit and lets you know that you don’t spend enough time with them and this sort of thing, when you really have to go out and do what it is that you’re doing, star seeds aren’t meant to be with people like them.
Star seeds are supposed to be with higher consciousness beings, higher consciousness humans that inner stand the way of life with a star seed. They have to love you and support you and equally the star seed has to love and respect and support their partner but you see when a star seed knows who they are they don’t need anything else or anyone else to help them feel whole but when you have a partner that still has a little bit to do and doesn’t love themselves a hundred percent, they’re still looking from validation from someone else or something else, they’re looking for their other half to be their other half, and that is dangerous because we’re all whole it’s just that some people don’t realize it, so they need the person they’re in a relationship with which could be that star seed to be there for them. They can be a little bit needy. If you’ve experienced anything like this, you know exactly what I’m talking about.
Now this is no disrespect to anyone else because I love every human but we’re all here for a reason and it doesn’t mean that the star seed should be kind of hard-hearted and not care about their partners. No, we should care about our partners needs and requirements, desires, dreams, and goals but at the same time we must both put ourselves first and that means our visions and our missions and what we came to the planet to do should be first and foremost. Our relationships should just blend in with that, the relationship should be free, open, trusting. If you’ve got a partner that wants to jump into bed with you 24/7 and all they think about is things like sex and shopping and all these 3D things, you don’t need a partner like that.
A star seed needs someone that likes to be in nature, that is free in their own consciousness, that doesn’t conform to the rules and the regulations, and the belief systems have been shovelled into our mouths since we were born spoon-fed. The star seed needs to be in a relationship with a tree, or a cloud, or the sunshine and they should be free to express being the spirit of a koala, a tree, a moon, a sun, a bird. A free spirit is someone or something that just floats and glides through life dancing, having fun, and at the same time dedicated to their mission laughing, seeing life is a great big cosmic joke, and at the same time being truly dedicated to the reason they’re here. You are phenomenal, you are incredible, your vibration is everything, and frequency never lies. If you meet someone and you’re on the same frequency, there’s a good chance that it may work out.
You’ve also got to understand that as you evolve if your partner doesn’t evolve too then you’re going to separate like oil and water. You’re going to drift away from each other unless both consciousness levels frequency and vibrational levels expand and grow together it’s never going to work out ever. This is just the way that it is and what you can’t do as a star seed is lower your vibration to mirror your partners because as you expand, and your vibration goes up there’s a subconscious pattern within your partner’s programming that is going to try and hold you back. It’s where the jealousy and the mistrust kicks in. It’s why they don’t want you to go and do this or go and do that. They try and pull you away from your mission because they’re a little bit jealous. Number one, you’ve got a vision and a focus but, number two, you’re connecting with lots of other people. If you’re a man, they could be jealous of women, if you’re a woman they could be jealous of the men or maybe if you’re a man and you’re gay they could be jealous of the men and versa if you’re into women. Whatever the situation it doesn’t matter. The protocols are the same. You came from the stars to earth; you can’t change that. We all did but some of us have a mission and some of us have a different mission and star seeds are here to help humanity and raise the frequency of the planet and your partner must be along for that. Otherwise, you’ve just got to separate and go your separate ways and at the same time continue to love.
I got divorced about four years ago, split up with my wife of 16 years. I met up with her for the first time six months ago with our kids. I remember thinking to myself afterwards you know she’s a completely different person and I was sharing this store with a story with my friend, and he said, Jerry she’s probably still the same. It’s just that you’ve evolved, and the light bulb went off and I kind of know this anyway but when it’s yourself in your own relationship you always think it could be the other person that has changed but you know you should never put anything outside of yourself. Again, it was another slap around my face. We always get these slaps, and it’s beautiful. It’s what it’s like to be human you know. Our friends, our sisters, our brothers, when they get it, they’ll slap us in the right way. It’s always divine timing. Know that you’re changing, know that you’re evolving and if your partner doesn’t evolve the rest is history,
Beautiful soul, whatever your mission is, follow this. Start to enforce your boundaries, sacrifice your values for no one and go hammer and tong at your mission and do whatever it is that you came here to do. At the same time, you’ve got to have balance in your life. Don’t get me wrong. Balance is mission-critical but balanced does not mean sacrificing your mission because someone else in in your life doesn’t trust you or someone else hasn’t got their own mission, so they feel undervalued. That’s their problem to work out. You got to follow your path beautiful soul.
I love you you’re amazing and I’m so grateful I’ve had this opportunity to share with you remember wherever you are on this planet go out and hug your sisters and brothers. Hug them so tightly and never be the first to let go, never, ever, ever. It’s the golden rule of hugging, beautiful soul. Love fiercely and ferociously. Remember to hit the notifications button on this YouTube channel so you can stay up to date with all the videos, all the content. If you’ve not subscribed, subscribe, and share these positive messages with your friends with your family, with your loved ones. Let’s make this world a much more harmonious place. Remember to check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on the planet to skyrocket your frequency. I love you unconditionally. I’ll see you again real soon.
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