This powerful Star Seed activation will open your heart and connect you to the frequencies of liberation and unification which are much needed right now on planet earth. This meditation transmission is also extremely healing.
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Close your eyes take some nice long deep breaths. Settle down into this space, breathe into your body. You are a star seed. Welcome to this space. Breathe deeper and longer and slower.
As you’re breathing into your body, you’ll become aware of a golden light that starts to flow in through the walls, down through the ceiling, up through the floor of your space. This golden light moves towards your physical body and starts to swirl around the outside of it over your head, underneath your feet, around your chest, around your back, swirling in a clockwise direction getting brighter and stronger, swirling around the outside of your physical body like a golden tornado.
You start to breathe this frequency in. You breathe it in through your nose, up into your mind. You breathe it into your left brain, into your right brain. It flows around the outside of your skull down through your head, your face, your neck, your throat, through your shoulders, your chest and back. It flows through your spinal column, middle back, lower back, into your buttocks. It flows through your heart, your lungs, your rib cage, down through every vital organ. It flows through your hips, your groin, swirling through your thighs, your hamstrings, your knees, your calves, past your shins into your ankles. It flows through your feet all the way to the tips of your toes. It flows through your shoulders down your arms, through your elbows, your forearms, your wrists, into your hands, fingers, and thumbs.
Continue to breathe in this powerful golden frequency until the inside of your body is completely full at the top of your head to the tips of your toes from the tips of your fingers and thumbs to your crown. Once the inside of your body is completely full in your mind say thank you and keep breathing. As you breathe into your body you feel your heart expanding and expanding. There’s this golden light flowing through every cell, every atom, every molecule, every fibre of you. Your cells they dance and smile like one big happy cosmic family. As you feel lighter and lighter your heart expands through your chest out through the boundaries of your physical body and into the empty space. As you vibrate in this space, the star seed that you are, a galactic titan from the stars here on planet earth remembering the truth, remembering your way home back to your hearts, back to the stars, you become aware of an inverted electric blue pyramid spinning 90 centimetres above your crown chakra.
As this pyramid spins faster and faster it starts to draw in light streams from the stars. Energy flows from the constellation of Orion, from the star Sirius, from the Pleiades, it flows from Lyra, from Andromeda, from Alpha Centauri. Light flows through the cosmic fabric racing through space down towards earth. These light frequencies they race through mother earth’s atmosphere, down through the skies, through the roof of your space and into the base of this inverted electric blue pyramid which spins faster and faster. It continues to draw in these frequencies and light codes start to flow down through these electromagnetic rays. They flow into the pyramid, these light streams they mix and merge together. The codes they communicate with each other these are DNA activation codes to upgrade your system, to advance your consciousness, to elevate your soul.
The pyramid spins faster and faster drawing in more energy and then the apex of the pyramid opens, a powerful stream of light flows down through the empty space, through your crown, through your pineal gland, through your throat, down through your higher heart, through your heart into your solar plexus. Boom it explodes and you start to download this information. Your solar plexus spins, vibrates, and expands. The codes then continue down through your sacral, into your root. All three low energy centres they spin in a clockwise direction glowing and vibrating. As this frequency flows through you, the apex of the pyramid opens a little bit wider and more starlight flows down through your crown. Be in this space and receive this information as these codes work their way into the cells communicating and connecting with your DNA unravelling those double helixes, unlocking the wisdom, the knowledge. Surrender to this experience.
As these light codes activate your DNA you become aware of a diamond Merkabah spinning in your heart, the top tetrahedron clockwise, the bottom one anti-clockwise. Inside the centre of this diamond Merkabah are platinum and ruby red-light codes. They’re drawn out from the centre of your being; they flow around the inside of this Merkabah and then the merkaba sends these codes up into your higher heart. Boom, your higher heart expands and explodes with light. The codes are sent up into your throat chakra. Boom, your throat chakra explodes and starts to spin. These codes flow up into your pineal gland, into your left and right brain. Your pineal gland starts to expand glowing brighter and brighter. The codes flow up into your crown chakra. It expands and spins. These codes then flow down into your solar plexus, sacral and root chakra. You vibrate uncontrollably. The love is intense, the frequency is incredible, the energy so strong.
The electric blue pyramid up above your crown spins even faster drawing in more light codes from the stars, extra-terrestrial light codes. These star frequencies are the most potent in the galaxy. They continue to race down through the base of the pyramid mixing and merging, creating master codes that flow down through the apex into your crown. They communicate with your central nervous system. Light travels up and down your spinal column. The inside of your spine vibrates and glows, the energy gets stronger and stronger. Be in this space as your DNA is switched on, as this star seed nature is activated: knowledge, wisdom, technology housed in your cells is being released. Be in this space and observe, be in this space and feel. As you vibrate in this space your cells, they glow brighter and brighter, your DNA strands are glowing and vibrating.
The electric blue pyramid up above you it starts to descend slowly. It moves down towards your crown chakra, opens even wider like a thousand petaled multi-coloured lotus flower. This electric blue pyramid still spinning, still drawing in the information, flows down through your crown and fits neatly around your pineal gland where it continues to spin transmitting information, transmitting light codes. Your crown chakra slowly closes, and you then become aware of an emerald light. This emerald light starts to flow in through the walls, down through the ceiling, up through the floor. This emerald light contains chromium light codes. It flows towards your physical body and swirls around the outside of it once again in a clockwise direction. This time you breathe this light in through your heart. You breathe in through the palms of your hands and up through the soles of your feet. You breathe it in through the back of your neck, in for your solar plexus, your sacral, your root.
You breathe in through your crown and it rapidly races through your body communicating with the codes from the stars communicating with the golden light. These frequencies are truly healing. Any toxicity from inside your system dissolves, your heart expands, you feel loved, nurtured, cared for. As these light codes race around the inside of your body your frequency shifts your consciousness, expands. As you vibrate in this space you start to become aware of your breath once again, the in-breath and the out-breath and the space in between. You realize it’s the space in between the in-breath and the out-breath that keeps you alive like the space between the notes creates the music. You start to feel the vibration in your bones, the tingle in your cells, the frequency in every muscle.
We’re going to count from five back to zero. When we get to zero, we’ll open our eyes and come back into this space. Take your time, there’s no hurry. Five four three two one zero. Whenever you’re ready open your eyes, come back into this space and just be. You feel the calmness, the freedom. These codes of liberation and unification are going to continue to work on your soul, on your spirit, on your light body, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. They’re going to continue to work activating you.
I recommend you come back and do this transmission every day for the next eight days, nine days in total. After that you can revisit it whenever you feel the calling. You are amazing, beautiful soul. You are powerful, divine, cosmic, extraordinary but you must know this, you must feel this. Feel this in your heart, feel the truth. You are a star seed. Deep down you’ve always known this. You have a mission on this planet. Accept it gracefully and shine your beautiful light.
Remember to check out our website I’ll see you again very soon. Go out into this world, hug tightly never be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously and I’ll see you again real soon.