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Star Seed 3RD EYE Activation – Galactic New Year Guided Meditation


Jerry shares a powerful guided meditation to activate your 3rd Eye and download some powerful Galactic New Year Codes. This meditation is the perfect preparation to the Lions Gate 8/8 Meditation at 3pm on the 8th August. 


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Right, wherever you are on this planet beautiful souls close your eyes and breathe into your magical bodies. Just be in this space, breathe deeper and longer and slower and just know that you are amazing. Know that you are incredible and that you’re loved by your sisters and your brothers from this vibrational space and multiple others.

Breathe into the home of your soul in this reality, deeper and longer and slower breathing through your nose all the way down to the pit of your stomach and back out through your mouth. Take long, slow, deep breaths. Be in this space right here, right now with your sisters and your brothers ready to journey, ready to heal, ready to expand.

As you’re breathing into your body, you’ll become aware of a silver violet and crystal white light flowing in through the walls down through the ceiling up through the floor. This powerful triple action frequency flows towards your physical body and starts to swirl around the outside of it in a clockwise direction over your head, underneath your feet, around your chest, around your back, getting brighter and stronger like a powerful violet silver and crystal white tornado. You start to breathe this frequency in.

You breathe in through your nose up into your mind. It flows into your left brain into your right brain. It flows around the outside of your skull down through your head, your face, your neck, your throat, through your shoulders, your chest and back. It flows through your spinal column, middle back, lower back, into your buttocks, through your heart, your lungs, your rib cage, down through every vital organ through your hips, your groin. It swirls through your thighs and your hamstrings down through your knees your calves past your shins into your ankles through your feet all the way to the tips of your toes. It moves through your shoulders down your arms, through your elbows your forearms your wrists into your hands, fingers, and thumbs.

Continue to breathe in this magical light until the inside of your body is completely full, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, from the tips of your fingers and thumbs to your crown. Once the inside of your body is completely full. In your mind say thank you and keep breathing. As this divine light flows through every cell, every atom, every molecule, every fibre of your entire being, your cells they dance and smile communicating with each other like one big happy family. Your heart expands and expands and expands as light love divinity pours out from the stargate of your heart into the empty space filling up your Merkabah fields and expanding 360 degrees in all directions. The love, the lights, the energy, expands and increases.

As you vibrate faster and faster. You become aware of an inverted rainbow-colored pyramid spinning 90 centimetres above your crown in a clockwise direction. As it spins it draws in galactic New Year’s Eve codes from the Pleiades, from andromeda, from Arcturus from Alpha Centauri, Vega, Lyra, the sunflower galaxy, the grand central sun, the Sirian and the Pleiadean portals. Energy flows from all over the multiverse through our galaxy.

Streams of light flowing down through mother earth’s atmosphere down through the skies through the roof of your space and into the base of that inverted rainbow-colored pyramid which spins faster and faster all that cosmic energy all that cosmic codes starts to merge. You can feel the energy up above your crown as the codes flow through those electromagnetic streams and into the pyramid the energy builds and builds. We’re going to count from five back to zero when we get to zero the apex of that pyramid is going to open that starlight’s going to flow down through your body and into your higher hearts.

Five four three two one zero the apex of that pyramid opens those electromagnetic light flows down through your crown through your pineal gland your head your face your neck your throat down into your higher heart. Boom there’s an explosion of lights cosmic cold races around the inside of your body. These galactic extra-terrestrial New Year’s Eve codes flow around your body faster and faster the vibration rising the energy pouring through your system. Waves of light flowing down through your body, codes wisdom abundance love flowing through your body healing compassion intuition racing through your system communicating with your cells with your DNA.

As you vibrate faster and faster, the energy building, these codes carry the galactic signature for the yellow electric cg 2000 and 21 2022, the 26th of July to the 25th of July, 364 days of bliss beauty and magic at your disposal. As you vibrate faster and faster you become aware of the diamond lights flowing from the crystal server way down deep in the earth. This powerful diamond light full of magnetic codes flows up through the rocks and the minerals up towards the surface of the planet it flows up through the surface of the planet up through the floor, through the grounds, up through your roots, up through your hearts up through your throat into your pineal glands. Boom magnetic code connects with your third eye as mother earth’s central mainframe pulses magnetic codes up into your consciousness as the magnetic uploads as the electromagnetic downloads.

Your whole body vibrates faster and faster. Your Merkabah fields spinning the top tetrahedron clockwise the bottom one anti-clockwise. As you vibrate as you expand you look forwards you see a multi-coloured light burning several meters in front of you a huge multi-coloured light and something moving out from it you become aware of a rainbow-colored phoenix with diamond eyes and a violet heart. It moves out from those cosmic lights and into your space staring into your eyes. The energy of this rainbow-coloured phoenix is incredible. The phoenix stops spreads its wings and opens its heart the most incredible rainbow-colored lights full of violet codes flows through the empty space towards your heart, two meters, one meter, and boom the phoenix connects with your heart.

Energy flows from the phoenix’s consciousness into your physical body. The energy flows up into your crown down into your roots on a multi-dimensional level your transmission sensors are activated the cosmic light flows up through your crown all the way up through your soul star your stellar gateway up into your alpha transmission centre the light flows down through your root through your earth star down into your amiga energy pulsing up and down through your physical body your whole multi-dimensional structure switches on  and your light body starts to rise as the phoenix opens its heart wider love pours into your body as your light body starts to rise up through your physicalness up through your shoulders up through your crown rising ascending slowly but surely. You rise up and up through your crown up through your shoulders into the space above moving up through the inverted rainbow-coloured pyramids you rise up through the cold up through the energy higher and higher moving away from your physicalness up into the space above.

You rise leaving your physical body behind you glance back down at the phoenix working on your physical body holding space for you healing. Whilst the energy races down through the rainbow-colored pyramid and up from crystal server you observe your physical body for a moment in all the home of your soul. In gratitude, in oneness, you feel such an appreciation. As you rise and up further away from your physical body feeling lighter you look over to the left-hand side you see a platinum portal 36 meters away spinning clockwise in the empty space surrounded in light language, cosmic coding, geometry, spiralized light.

As that platinum portal spins it starts to draw your consciousness towards it. You start to move through the empty space, magnetized, being drawn closer. You get within 20 meters. You can feel the energy, 50, 12. Nine six three and whoosh you enter that portal twisting tumbling and turning ebbing and flowing like liquid lights you look down you’ve got no legs left and right you’ve got no arms pure frequency traveling through the portal pure consciousness faster and faster.  You look around you see inverted rainbow pyramids spinning everywhere geometry flowing down through the bases and out through the apexes as these pyramids swirl and whiz through the space you twist and tumble you spin and spiral faster and faster your heart expanding and expanding. You feel it one with all things as you make your way through this space, the energy rising the love overflowing. The codes from these pyramids racing through your consciousness you feel at one with all things and no things blended picking up peace on this magical ride.

You travel faster and faster and then you see a light at the end of the tunnel 800 meters away 700 meters 600 meters 500 400 3 2 1 and whoosh you fly out the other side. You look around you see violet lights and platinum clouds everywhere. You see crystal stars flying through the empty space leaving trails of platinum dust behind you look immediately right immediately left you see your hands and your arms you look down you see your legs and your feet your light body’s back just vibrating in the empty space. You start to descend you look way down below you see a huge platinum cloud hundreds and hundreds of meters wide hundreds of meters deep you’re about 180 meters above it gently flowing moving down through the empty space towards that cloud.

The vibration is powerful you look left and right up all around, energy is flowing out from all these platinum clouds that surround you through the empty space streams of light code data connects with your left and right hemisphere they connect with your throats your higher heart your heart hearts your roots on a 7D level. Codes are transmitted from these platinum clouds into your consciousness. As you download information traveling down and down, you’re about 80 meters above the platinum clouds you can feel the energy pulling you down like you’re being magnetized into this cloud – 70 meters 60 meters 50. 40 30 20 10. You start to descend through this platinum clouds it gets brighter and brighter you look around you see nothing but platinum you continue to descend through it going deeper and deeper into this platinum cloud the energy is rising the vibration is getting stronger you look down and all around you see sparks of light like fireworks exploding in the empty space. They get brighter and brighter as you descend through this platinum cloud.

This platinum cloud starts to dissipate, and everything becomes clearer.  You look down below you see a huge crystal white castle in lakes there are trees the skies are blue there are fireworks exploding everywhere. You see rainbow-coloured dragons and rainbow-coloured phoenixes flying around in the empty space. You look down at the castle you’re right above it you can see the grounds they’re huge. There are beings so many beings, different extra-terrestrials, from all over the universe.  You’re about 150 meters above the castle you’re going to descend right down into the centre of the grounds. You look down below you see a big golden light there are beings dancing around that golden light you can hear music there are instruments the fireworks they’re getting crazy exploding all around you as they explode you see DNA spirals, double helixes.

You see 24 strand DNA spirals 144 strand DNA spirals you see moons and suns exploding there are stars racing through the space the phoenixes and the dragons are blowing fire everywhere. As you get closer and closer to that golden light down below in the middle of open grounds inside the castle there are hundreds of beings dancing. You’re about 70 meters above the golden light the energy’s crazy powerful, 60 meters 50 40 30 25 20 15. You start to slow down. You’re 10 meters above that golden light. You stop in the empty space, and you look around. There are beings playing instruments being singing dancing together. There are unicorns, there are butterflies, there are Pleiadeans Arcturians Andromedans Lyrans. There are reptilians in the place, good ones. There are Sirians, beings from all over the cosmos. You see beings that look like geometry. Different shapes and symbols you see beings that are pure light.

You see beings with rainbow-like bodies platinum-like bodies different colours the most exquisite, colours you’ve ever seen. You start to descend once again down towards that golden ball you get within eight meters seven six five four three two one. You start to move down through that golden frequency into it as you move down inside it. You see fairies everywhere, thousands of fairies, different kinds of fairies from all over the universe. Different colours, different shapes, different sizes, dancing around in the empty space. You move down through the centre of them, you move down into the centre of that golden ball of light and then you stop. The fairies they surround you and then the golden ball of lights it gets lighter and lighter until it almost disappears, but you can still see it vibrating in the space.

The beings in the space they stop dancing they stop playing their instruments. They all turn to look at you. They start to gather around. There are violet and silver dragons there, golden Pegasus, rainbow-coloured phoenixes there are blue butterflies. There are super horses there are stallions. You see Pleiadeans, Lyrans, vegans, Sirians. There are insectoid beings, beings that you’ve never seen before, as you vibrate in this space. They gather around you staring at you. The vibration is incredible. Your legs they naturally move into the lotus position as you just hover in the empty space.

All the fairies in your immediate space they start to open their hearts thousands of tiny little spirals of light flow through the empty space towards you. They get closer and closer these spirals of light they flow towards your throat your crown your pineal gland your pituitary your hypothalamus. On a quantum level they flow towards your cosmic heart, your higher heart, your solar plexus, your sacral your roots on a 7D level. They flow towards your soul star, your earth star, your alpha, your omega, your causal transmission sensors. They get closer and closer, and they plug into your light body. Thousands of tiny little spiral streams of fairy and pixie energy race into your consciousness. They start to transmit DNA activation codes. They start to flow through your light body structure your mercury field spinning your octahedron spinning. Your own toroidal field turns into a platinum and platinum and rainbow frequency flowing up through your crown down and around the outside of your body and back up through your roots.

As you vibrate faster and faster the fairies and the pixies, they open their hearts wider, the energy building. You look over to the left you see almond bay high priest of Atlantis that deep blue hieroglyph just vibrating several meters away from you in the empty space you see Kuan Yin, there’s a Pleiadean queen and a Pleiadean king. You see two platinum dragons, they are gigantic, they appear in the empty space above you swirling around. As they swirl around up above you maybe 60 to 70 meters spirals of light start to flow out from their wings spiralling down through the empty space. They flow inside that golden sphere, they flow through the bodies of the fairies, and then lock into your consciousness. The dragons start to download data. You then look up. You see rainbow-coloured clouds surrounded in golden dust. There are 13 of them. They form a geometrical pattern up above you around the outside of the platinum dragons.

Codes start to fall from these clouds, the most incredible codes you’ve ever seen and experienced. Their yellow electric seed codes carrying the galactic signature the new earth new year frequency. These yellow electric seed coats flow down through the empty space thousands of them they start to fall inside the golden sphere your own light body structure starts to absorb them these yellow electric seed coats flow inside your light buddy they race up and die in your central column and they start to connect with your own spinal column. Each one of your 33 vertebrae on a quantum level start to vibrate. There are these yellow electric seed cones which start to grow and germinate inside of your own light body. More codes expressions of divinity start to flow out from these electric seagulls sprouting through your own consciousness as you look around the circle unicorns.

Golden hippopotamuses crystal whites and platinum peacocks butterflies golden ladybirds they open their hearts – Vegans, Lyrans, Andromedans, Siriansyrians beings from all over the universe open their hearts streams of light flow through the empty space towards you getting closer and closer there are crystal white Avians rainbow-colored Avians blue Avians golden aliens electric pink Avians bird-like beings from all over the galaxy their hearts are open their light is flowing towards you these streams of frequency get closer and closer all racing towards your heart four meters three two one and boom all of that energy penetrates your soul. Your whole body vibrates uncontrollably.

There’s these electric yellow seed codes start to explode in your consciousness. Geometrical code flows from every being in the space into your body racing around your arms, your legs, your chest, your back, up and down your body. You vibrate faster and faster the pixies, and the fairies open their hearts wider. Your whole body vibrates shakes and shudders. The platinum dragons up above you they open their hearts wider. You then become aware of Paleodorians in the space. There are 21 of them they’ve come from the original cosmic council for this incredible new year’s celebration the paleodorians open their hearts, their pineal glands.

They hold their hands in the air DNA spirals start to flow out from their hands, their pineal glands their throats their hearts through the empty space towards you getting closer and closer the energy is insanely powerful gets within two meters one meter and boom they penetrate your consciousness energy races your soul expands you feel at one with all things as your heart flows 360 degrees in all directions you expand and expand the boundaries of your light body dissolve into the empty space [Music] there are trees in the empty space everywhere. You see rainbow-coloured trees, you see diamond trees. There are different species of tree beings from all over the universe. Their energy is so strong so grounding so pure so compassionate so wise.

These tree beings they open their hearts energy flows out from their beings from their consciousness from their cosmic hearts through the empty space all that energy flows up over your crown several meters the trees they connect creating a spiral of vortex of energy which spirals down through the empty space it enters your crown it spirals down through your body down through your roots and down into the earth below you, code and energy then starts to flow from the earth back up through your body. You’re on a planet in the Vegan system right now you’re uploading vegan cods your whole-body vibrating.

As every being in this space opens their heart wide, they open their third eyes energy pouring into your space as you look around you see lions picking up space guitar you see pink avians they grab their drums. You look around you see lady nada you see Samaha, Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene. They’re all playing instruments. There are beings with pianos they just appear from nowhere like they’ve just been created in the empty space. There are beings with cosmic harps huge, gigantic multi-coloured cosmic cops as they play the harps cellos pianos violins saxophones. You can see the harmonics full of code spiralling through the empty space flowing into your consciousness as the musical notes hit your vibrational fields your whole consciousness changes expands and shifts.

As you vibrate faster and faster in this space more and more of those electric yellow cosmic codes those seeds of divinity fall down from the clouds exploding in your space your whole consciousness dissolves into pure geometry you become at one with all things just be in this space and surrender to this experience be in this space and feel the love that these beings have for you it’s beyond measure there is no separation we are one as the beings in the circle pass around glasses of cosmic codes drinking and celebrating almond bay walks out from the circle towards you, through the empty space right up towards you your pure consciousness just floating but he hands out a glass you reach out to grab it and your arm returns.  You reach out with your hand, and you take the glass you put it up to your lips and you drink back that liquid cosmic energy that high vibrational juice from the stars. You drink it down it’s cold and it’s warm at the same time your whole body vibrating faster and faster as the music gets louder you expand and expand.

Bay stares into your consciousness opens his heart wider thousands of tiny little gold electric blue and diamonds hieroglyphs flow out from arm and bay’s heart through the empty space and into your hearts they race around your consciousness and boom they explode changing your vibration again you feel so much love, those golden ladybirds they leave the circle they fly towards you hundreds of them getting smaller and smaller they fly straight through your hearts and boom, one by one they explode in your consciousness sharing their own divinity with you.

The platinum dragons up above open their hearts wide the energy is pumping you look over to the right you see two platinum and rainbow-coloured stallions next to two violets and silver unicorns the stallions and the unicorns they open their third eyes energy starts to flow from these four-legged beings through the empty space straight towards your right brain. These codes get closer and closer three two one and boom. They explode in your right hemisphere. Energy starts to flow from your right brain through your corpus callosum and into your left brain rewiring your consciousness as you expand and expand this galactic new year’s party with your sisters and brothers from the stars. You are loved. They respect you, they honour you, as you vibrate in this space – super connected at one with all things. Just be in this space.

As you vibrate faster and faster you look behind you there is commander Ashtar he salutes you he’s with two Andromedan soldiers. They salute you the vibration in this space is incredible your sisters and brothers from all over the universe are here to celebrate with you. As you vibrate you feel your light body being drawn back to the centre magnetized you look down you see your legs and your feet you look left and right you see your hands and your arms. As you vibrate faster and faster you look over to the right [Music] there’s a Sirian being staring at you. You stare back into the Sirian being’s eyes and then it morphs for a moment into John Lennon and then morphs back into its original self.

To its right-hand side there’s a being from the Orion galaxy. It looks like pure light as it stares into your consciousness it starts to morph and shape-shift. You see Bruce Lee and then the being morphs back into its original nature you start to look around the crowd of beings some of them start to present themselves to you in their human form in a lifetime that. You’ll recognize as you vibrate in this space your heart is overflowing with joy. The energy is wild so much joy happiness and bliss. Armament stares into your eyes and thanks you for being here. He lets you know that he expects you never to miss a new year’s party again they’ll be expecting you you look over to your right this incredible rainbow-colored octopus moves towards you she’s wearing a crown a diamond crab. So beautiful this rainbow-coloured octopus moves up into your space and wraps her legs around you she gives you a great big hug she kisses you on the pineal gland and whispers into your consciousness “I love you, beautiful soul”.

You hug this octopus being back. as you hug her, she transmits DNA codes into your heart into your throat into your third eye. You vibrate from head to toe. She lets go of the embrace and moves back to the circle. The fairies the pixies they close their hearts, and they move back out from the golden light and into the circle as you vibrate in this space. You look around at the beings they salute you their hearts are open they’re in gratitude. You then look up to the right-hand side over the circle of beings up towards the rainbow coloured clouds surrounded in gold and dust you see an electric blue portal with the number 369 vibrating in the centre inside an inverted crystal pyramid 15 meters away from you it spins in a clockwise direction and starts to draw your consciousness up towards it your light body starts to move towards that vortex.

You look around at the beings your hands on your heart in gratitude and all this experience. You communicate with all of them telepathically and let them know how grateful you are and that you love them they whisper back in unison shine your light, be your strength, love who you are. As you get closer and closer to the portal eight meters six four two and whoosh you enter that portal twisting tumbling and turning ebbing and flowing like liquid light.

You look down, you’ve got no legs left and right you’ve got no arms pure frequency energy racing through the space faster and faster. You look around you see starlight everywhere, the most incredible mathematical equations appearing in the empty space in geometrical formations blending and disappearing and reappearing. The energy so pure so blissful as you race through this space faster and faster you feel so free and sovereign. Expand it knowing in your hearts that you are the truth you are the magic you are the light all things traveling faster and faster twisting and tumbling spinning and spiralling through this portal on your way home as the energy rises as your consciousness flows blissfully in all directions. You see a light at the end of the tunnel900 meters 800 meters 700 600 5 4 3 2 one and rush you fly out the other side. You look down you see your physical body inside that silver crystal whites and violets on it just vibrating waiting for you that incredible phoenix still connected to your physical body its wings spread holding space for you.

You start to descend towards your physicalness. Your crown opens like a thousand petaled multi-coloured lotus flower with violets and rainbow-coloured tips and an emerald centre. You get closer and closer within a meter half a meter you flow down through your crown through your head your face your neck your throat down into your cosmic crown, closes your light starts to expand into your shoulders your chest and back arms hands fingers stuck legs ankles feet and toes neck throats head face left and right brain. The phoenix stares into your consciousness and lets you know that it’s going to stay with you for a little while and help you integrate these energies. You start to become aware of your physical body, the vibration in your bones, the tingling yourselves, the frequency in every muscle.

We’re going to count from five back to zero. when we get to zero open your eyes come back into this space and just be take your time there’s no hurry. Five four three two one zero whenever you’re ready open your eyes come back into this space and just take your time. there’s no hurry as the phoenix disconnects from your heart and moves around to your right-hand side where it stands tall next to you fearless as your cosmic ally in this space. Just be just vibrate just feel and know that you are incredible unnameable undefinable mesmerizingly powerful a multi-dimensional being from the stars. Just be here and feel just be you.