The Star Magic Energy Healing Way
The Star Magic Energy Healing method is extremely simple and can be carried out in less than 10 minutes. The method is that there is no method. Star Magic is a disciplined, flexible, non-systematical approach to energy healing and is by far the most powerful energy healing modality on the planet to date. Star Magic Energy Healing does not involve physical contact, and it is a perfect medium for distant healing. Face-to-face energy is also extremely effective.
All Star Magic practitioners are aware that they are merely observing the healing process and that Higher Intelligence and its agents are actually performing the healing. They are aware they are Facilitators of the process.
Most people who experience a an energy healing session (and also those who attend the training) attest that they are able to witness certain physical sensations (a feeling of warmth and comfort, an overwhelming sensation of love, pulsating energy through the body, body parts lifting and moving without control of the client etc). Others feel a loving and strong presence around them and other sensory activities such as being lovingly held by the hands.
Star Magic Energy Healing does not need to be confined to matters relating to health. Indeed, those who have experienced healing’s consistently report considerable benefits in all areas of their lives.  Financial, relationships, business success and more.
Therefore, even if you enjoy perfect health, this is a very good thing to experience. I have included below a detailed list of the benefits reported and also the various applications of this wonderful and gentle experience. Contact us here to find out more about Star Magic Energy Healing Courses.
At the core of Star Magic Energy Healing is the presence of a Higher Intelligence. This Higher Intelligence is also referred to as Source Energy or Universal Intelligence.
Indeed if the identity of Higher Intelligence had been clearly revealed in the past, there would not be the need for a multitude of religions, warring and slaughtering one another, all claiming to be the right one.Â
Star Magic Healing teaches that there is a Higher Intelligence that is at the core of all that exists. We also know that this intelligence is benevolent and friendly towards us. All Star Magic Energy Healers are perfectly aware, that when addressing Higher Intelligence, they are not addressing an external “divinity”. All Star Magic Energy Healers are aware that they are all expressions of Higher Intelligence on earth–each of them being a drop of the ocean of Light. Therefore, there is no worshipping of people, gods, or idols at Star Magic Energy Healing.
Star Magic Energy Healers are Conscious Loving Human Beings and Star Magic is available to all people of goodwill, irrespective of colour, nationality, social status or creed.
Contact us here for more information.
If you are in need of an energy healing session then go here for more information.
With Love, Light & An Abundance of Energy,
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