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Star Magic Egypt Ascension Tour – Day 2 – Activations & Upgrades – Planetary & Human Ascension


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Hey there beautiful soul, how are you feeling? So, I’m up here outside the geese plateau you can see the great pyramid up there behind me. I’ve just come out for an early morning run.

Now today is the 11th of March and tonight I’m going into the great pyramid on my own. I’ve booked the whole place for myself. I’m going in to do some very important work and I just wanted to come out for a run this morning. Just connect with a place, just come by, come into the energy, and just share a little transmission with you guys a heart-based and pineal gland transmission to activate your DNA.

So, wherever you are on this glorious green and blue ball that we call home, just be in this space and feel this energy as I open my heart and connect with you in this space. As we bring down those 12 pillars, those 12 pillars of high frequency, Lyran energy from the original primary light and sound fields. We are grounding them through your energy body through your space, through your heart, from the cosmic grids to the earthly grids, you are the focal point.

Light language transmission

Feel these frequencies, beautiful souls. Feel these energies.

You are amazing. Go out into this world and shine your magical lights and I’ll see you again real soon Stay tuned for more of these transmissions as we travel through Egypt, these sacred lands.