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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being.
How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? So, the team and I landed in Egypt late last night and this Sunday we’re starting a 15-day tour with the Star Magic tribe. We got 33 beautiful souls flying in over the next couple of days and we’re going to be traveling from Cairo all the way down through Luxor down the Nile all the way down to the Isis temple and then flying back up to Cairo at the end of the tour.
Now we’re going to be stopping at sacred temples throughout the whole two weeks meditating, downloading codes, light language, the whole nine yards, and more. we’re going to be doing some incredible grid work, architecture work, healing, you know. It’s all rolled in together you know that and every day I’m going to be posting some short videos with activations and transmissions.
So, stay tuned, beautiful soul. We’re in a portal and you know through this March April period. Things are hot, things are lit, and this is a time for massive transformation, massive change, massive catalysation, huge integration on a human, on a planetary, on a galactic level. So, stay tuned for what’s in store.
Light language transmission
You are an amazing, beautiful soul, and we’re going to be transmitting some potent frequencies so stay tuned with your heart open ready to receive the magic daily. Share these messages with your friends, with your family, with your loved ones, and let’s share these activations far and wide.
You are an amazing, beautiful soul. I love you so much and I’m looking forward to sharing this journey with you, traveling with you through these ancient lands and sharing the knowledge, the wisdom, the activities that come through.
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