Do you feel a pull inside of you? A calling? A profound yearning for more abundance in all areas of your life? Do you have an intense desire to assist in the growth of humanity?
The Star Magic Academy offers the opportunity to realise your full potential whether you’re an experienced healer, a beginner, or on a mission to improve the lives of everyone on the earth. Learn/remember how to guide your fellow sisters and brothers through this high vibrational experience on their journey to freedom.
Our vision is to build healing and training centres in strategic locations worldwide dedicated to elevating the frequency of the human family and Mother Earth.
Once trained you will live a Star Magic Lifestyle. Qualified facilitators travel, run workshops, and other trainings that expand and share the Star Magic Frequency. The goal is to use Star Magic to help accelerate a shift and growth in consciousness on the planet connecting all of us in the frequency of unconditional love united as one universal force.
The Star Magic Tribe is Your Tribe. We welcome you with a fearless open heart
Our vision is to build healing and training centres in strategic locations worldwide, dedicated to elevating the frequency of the human family and Mother Earth.
Once trained you will live a Star Magic Lifestyle. Qualified facilitators travel, run workshops, and other trainings that expand and share the Star Magic Frequency. The goal is to use Star Magic to help accelerate a shift and growth in consciousness on the planet, connecting all of us in the frequency of unconditional love and united as one universal force.
The Star Magic Tribe is Your Tribe. We welcome you with a fearless open heart
The trainings are for those who want to thrive and live 24/7 in a state of elevated vibration – they are not for the faint of heart.
Jerry and the Star Magic Team guide you through the multi-layered process.
■Level One: Facilitator Training
■Level Two: Advanced Frequency Upgrade
■Level Three: Journey Through the Star Gate
■Level Four: Master Facilitator
Upon completing each level, we ask you to return, assist, and facilitate future training. After completing each level, you will gain your Stars, culminating in becoming a Master Facilitator.
Please note: Level 1 and Level 2 can be completed before collecting the necessary Star. However, to collect a Star, you must assist in facilitating on each level. This means attending several Level 1 Training Experiences and doing a different part of the presentation on each occasion. After attending and assisting on several trainings, working alongside Jerry, you will have delivered all elements of the training schedule.
Level One:
1. Complete 15 practice healing sessions successfully.
2. Join and complete the University of Maximum Life
3. Become an Infinity Member and use the tools regularly.
4. Attend 3 Facilitator Trainings minimum. Some Facilitators take more time to feel confident delivering all training components.
5. Assist a minimum of one 2-day Star Magic Workshops in your first year.
6. Facilitate healing of 10 people per week using Star Magic.
After finishing the objectives, you will collect your Level 1 Star and move to the next Frequency Band – Level 2.
For more detailed information about Level 1 training go here.
Jerry !!! OMG !! I’ve done hundreds of Star Magic Meditations but this one by far is my favorite!! This was exactly what I needed!!! Wow wow wow !! I was crying tears of euphoria !!! Super expanded and anchored even more in my mission on the planet. Wow ! There are no words to describe this! Thank you
Nada Haarb
Your abundance meditations absolutely turned my business around! I was at the point of losing it all! I had to borrow $40,000 from my mom just to keep from going under. I started the meditations. Honest to god that year my revenues were $1.2 milion, and every year since I’ve consistently made over a million in revenues. I now know how to vibrate and flow in the frequency of abundance. I’m so grateful for you and StarMagic
Libby Siebold
Although I have been on my spiritual journey for many years, your meditation journeys are clearing parts of my being that I had not reached so far. Many thanks for being who you are brother 🙂 Love from Germany 🙂
Friederike Kock
Star Magic Meditations have smacked me flat on my ass sending me deep, deep into healing and then leaving me feeling mighty fine, indeed. Jerry, your infinite flow, spectacular skills and genuine gift to your heavenly heart creates the perfect recipe for all of your magnificent meditations.
Dave Trilles
Holey Moley Jerry. What a journey!! I felt at home in the golden trees and started singing as soon as I got there (and I can’t sing at all). The tune went higher when I entered the chamber with the healing bed. I can still feel my bracelet. Love you Jerry. Thank you. I feel so healed. My left leg has been troubling me for months and it feels normal again.
Mary DeRosa
Jerry !!! OMG !! I’ve done hundreds of Star Magic Meditations but this one by far is my favorite!! This was exactly what I needed!!! Wow wow wow !! I was crying tears of euphoria !!! Super expanded and anchored even more in my mission on the planet. Wow ! There are no words to describe this! Thank you
Nada Haarb
Your abundance meditations absolutely turned my business around! I was at the point of losing it all! I had to borrow $40,000 from my mom just to keep from going under. I started the meditations. Honest to god that year my revenues were $1.2 milion, and every year since I’ve consistently made over a million in revenues. I now know how to vibrate and flow in the frequency of abundance. I’m so grateful for you and StarMagic
Libby Siebold
Although I have been on my spiritual journey for many years, your meditation journeys are clearing parts of my being that I had not reached so far. Many thanks for being who you are brother 🙂 Love from Germany 🙂
Friederike Kock
Star Magic Meditations have smacked me flat on my ass sending me deep, deep into healing and then leaving me feeling mighty fine, indeed. Jerry, your infinite flow, spectacular skills and genuine gift to your heavenly heart creates the perfect recipe for all of your magnificent meditations.
Dave Trilles
Holey Moley Jerry. What a journey!! I felt at home in the golden trees and started singing as soon as I got there (and I can’t sing at all). The tune went higher when I entered the chamber with the healing bed. I can still feel my bracelet. Love you Jerry. Thank you. I feel so healed. My left leg has been troubling me for months and it feels normal again.
Mary DeRosa
After you have completed Facilitator Training Level 1 and you have decided to join the Academy, we have a plan for you to get fully involved should you choose, whilst you are working through the first 6 months of the Univesity Of Maximum Life.
You will need to be a Member of the University of Maximum Life for 6 months before assisting on a Facilitator Training. It will be a show of your commitment and will also give the Star Magic Team the knowing that you have some incredible life coaching skills under your belt. These will serve you will as you position yourself to share the Star Magic Knowledge.
During this 6-month period we invite you to assist us nurture Infinity Members in our Private Telegram Group for 6 weeks. After the 6-week period has finished and you have shown us how you support, work and create with others effectively, we invite you to become a Star Buddy (The Star Buddys Team assists our Infinity Members) to further expand your skill set and knowledge base and engage with Star Magic Infinity Members via Zoom calls on a weekly basis. This will give you the opportunity to engage with clients and become comfortable and it will give the Star Magic Team further opportunity to assess your dedication and skill set in regard to coaching and communication and a deeper understanding of the Star Magic Tools available to our Tribe and how to apply them.
At the end of the 6-month period you will get the opportunity to assist on the next Facilitator Training (and more Facilitator Training’s moving forwards) and do part of the presentation. If everything goes well, you will be offered a Free Infinity Membership and access to all Online and Offline Workshops free of charge, as long as you continue to support others Infinity Members as a Star Buddy.
After 1 year (another 6 months) you will be offered payment also, to accompany your Free Infinity Membership and Free Online and Offline Workshops. This structure gives you the opportunity to be a part of our Team immediatley, expand your knowledge and bridge the 6 month period from first taking Facilitator Level 1 Training, to assisting with Facilitator Level 1 Training.
1. Continue with Infinity. Meditate regularly, exercise, and follow the clean lifestyle prescribed in the Ascension Nutrition Section.
2. Attend 3 Frequency Upgrades minimum. Some Facilitators take more time to feel confident delivering all the training components
3. Assist on at least one 2-day Star Magic workshop.
4. Facilitate healing of 10 people using Star Magic
5. Host 2 Star Magic introductory two-hour workshops in your local town or city or online, on your own, overseen by a Master Facilitator.
After completing the above objectives, you receive your Level 2 Star and move to the next Frequency Band – Level 3
For more details on the Level 2 Training go here.
After 2 weeks of non-stop, excruciating pain, I was not able to manage it. I wanted to call for an ambulance . I tried to be brave even though I couldn’t sit down, stand up or go to bed because of the pain. I decided to join your Meditation Library. After the 3rd meditation all my pain was gone! I can sit down and stand up and after not sleeping for several days, I slept 12 hours. This is magical Jerry. Thank you so much.
Marianne Craclunescu
Infinity has taken me to places I was completely unaware of. I feel that I am spiritually grounded for the first time in my life. The Infinity Library is never ending, infinite and expansive and I have connected with frequencies that have changed me forever. The most beautiful part of the infinity “Cosmic” Meditation Library is you can visit anytime you want.
Claudia Wilson
I suffered from anxiety and depression and a lack of purpose in this world. I was also binge eating. I started listening to the Meditations and light Language transmissions and within 2 days my life changed. I tried psychology and other forms of healing but nothing worked. I now feel whole, happy and grateful.
I have personally grown exponentially since using Star Magic. I have found a love and truth in my being that I was unaware of. The meditations have helped me change the world within. I feel so confident and ready for life.
Ambar Biswas
Wooow, how am I going to explain this Meditation & Light Language Transmission? I listened to Quantum Teleport then Valour and then Quantum Teleport again. OMG. It was pure ecstasy / bliss / love. Especially my Root Chakra. I had a huge Kundalini activation.
– Denise Swinkels
Meditation Coach
After 2 weeks of non-stop, excruciating pain, I was not able to manage it. I wanted to call for an ambulance . I tried to be brave even though I couldn’t sit down, stand up or go to bed because of the pain. I decided to join your Meditation Library. After the 3rd meditation all my pain was gone! I can sit down and stand up and after not sleeping for several days, I slept 12 hours. This is magical Jerry. Thank you so much.
Marianne Craclunescu
Infinity has taken me to places I was completely unaware of. I feel that I am spiritually grounded for the first time in my life. The Infinity Library is never ending, infinite and expansive and I have connected with frequencies that have changed me forever. The most beautiful part of the infinity “Cosmic” Meditation Library is you can visit anytime you want.
Claudia Wilson
I suffered from anxiety and depression and a lack of purpose in this world. I was also binge eating. I started listening to the Meditations and light Language transmissions and within 2 days my life changed. I tried psychology and other forms of healing but nothing worked. I now feel whole, happy and grateful.
I have personally grown exponentially since using Star Magic. I have found a love and truth in my being that I was unaware of. The meditations have helped me change the world within. I feel so confident and ready for life.
Ambar Biswas
Wooow, how am I going to explain this Meditation & Light Language Transmission? I listened to Quantum Teleport then Valour and then Quantum Teleport again. OMG. It was pure ecstasy / bliss / love. Especially my Root Chakra. I had a huge Kundalini activation.
– Denise Swinkels
Meditation Coach
Continue with Infinity, meditate regularly, exercise, and follow the prescribed clean lifestyle described in the ascension nutrition section.
1. Attend one ‘Through the Star Gate Training’ (not including yours.)
2. Solo Host two 2-day Star Magic workshops in your local town or city, or surrounding cities, on your own or online, overseen by a Master Facilitator.
3. Facilitate the healing of at least 15 people per week Star Magic.
4. Complete the post training tasks which consist of recording 3 different styled meditations (explained on the training) and the audio files submitted for grading. You will also need to host a live guided meditation for our Star Magic Weekly Meditation Group online and you will also be graded on this.
Once completed, you will collect your Level 3 Star and move to Frequency Band – Level 4.
For more detailed information, go here.
Not even two weeks into the Abundance Meditation Challenge and it has created so much for me. Over the weekend my company suddenly announced a 48 hour flash sale. I didn’t have a huge pipeline,however out of nowhere I had two clients who kept referring to me.
– Wendy Saw
Sales Consultant
Jerry is like a spiritual surgeon who is able to find the root of your trauma and replace it with a frequency that lifts and empowers you. The greatest part is that he helps you to find the magic within you, so that you can truly tap into your own potential and limitlessness.
– Kathryn Aboya
Producer Writer / Actress
I embarked on my healing journey after severe burn-out.I started with meditation, sound healing, reiki, acupuncture and shamanistic healing sessions. They assisted me but the progress I felt with Star Magic Meditations was on a different level.
– Chipo Banda
Health & Fitness Coach
I went from chaos on the inside to inner peace, understanding and freedom. I am not afraid anymore. I am expanding and evolving in ways that I can not describe. I am actually a beam of light traveling through the universe when I listen to the meditations.
– Julie
Once you experience it you will be yearning for more at a deep level and Star Magic keeps taking you deeper. Words cannot really express how it has changed my life and who I am today. It has brought me so much peace..
Not even two weeks into the Abundance Meditation Challenge and it has created so much for me. Over the weekend my company suddenly announced a 48 hour flash sale. I didn’t have a huge pipeline,however out of nowhere I had two clients who kept referring to me.
– Wendy Saw
Sales Consultant
Jerry is like a spiritual surgeon who is able to find the root of your trauma and replace it with a frequency that lifts and empowers you. The greatest part is that he helps you to find the magic within you, so that you can truly tap into your own potential and limitlessness.
– Kathryn Aboya
Producer Writer / Actress
I embarked on my healing journey after severe burn-out.I started with meditation, sound healing, reiki, acupuncture and shamanistic healing sessions. They assisted me but the progress I felt with Star Magic Meditations was on a different level.
– Chipo Banda
Health & Fitness Coach
I went from chaos on the inside to inner peace, understanding and freedom. I am not afraid anymore. I am expanding and evolving in ways that I can not describe. I am actually a beam of light traveling through the universe when I listen to the meditations.
– Julie
Once you experience it you will be yearning for more at a deep level and Star Magic keeps taking you deeper. Words cannot really express how it has changed my life and who I am today. It has brought me so much peace..
Congratulations! You have reached Level 4 and are now a Master Facilitator in Training. Here are the requirements:
■ Facilitate a full 5-day workshop alongside Jerry. Upon completion, you will become a Star Magic Facilitator.
You will also:
1. Continue Infinity, meditate regularly, exercise, and follow a clean lifestyle prescribed in our Ascension nutrition section.
2. Solo Host two 2-day Star Magic workshops (overseen by a Master Facilitator every year)
3. Facilitate the healing of 15 people per week using Star Magic
Please note: Contribution is an essential component of being a Star Magic Facilitator. You must travel with the Star Magic Tribe to help out on humanitarian missions.
Master Facilitators have proven over and over that they have what it takes to share Star Magic with the world.
You will receive your Master Facilitator Emerald Certification and activate your Chromium Conscious Protocol.
■ As a Master Facilitator, you must host at least one full 5-day Facilitator Training a year, two 2-day workshops, and facilitate the healing of 10-15 clients per week.
If you choose to do so, you will have Star Magic’s full support and access to all of Star Magic’s marketing and hosting materials.
You must also:
1. Continue with Infinity, meditate regularly, exercise, and follow a clean lifestyle prescribed in the Ascension nutrition section.
2. Keep elevating, expanding, and sharing Star Magic.
3. After hosting six Level 1 trainings, you will host Level 2 trainings. Once you have hosted six Level 2 trainings, you can start to host Level 3 trainings. You will also have the opportunity work inside the Star Magic healing centers
Star Magic is a Tribe Effort. Together we can Conquer Consciousness
and Amplify the Frequency of Our Human Family!
Your First Step in the Academy – Full details on Level 1 Training
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