Have you ever wondered why the world feels fake, or know that the universe is much greater than you can imagine when you meditate, spiritually journey, or dream? This is because we live in an encoded reality where even the laws of physics emerge from a greater oneness or synthesis of reality.
In this article we will look at how to use your everyday reality to peak beyond the veil of illusion. Then you will be able to peer beyond the boundaries of the holographic matrix of 3D reality. Read on to discover different ways to experiment and test reality and give you a boost to your spiritual awakening and ascension.
Thinking is a massive drain of your physical and spiritual energy. Unnecessary thinking leads to worry and anxiety and dwelling in the past or future instead of being in the present moment. There are many ways you can stop your trains of thoughts from derailing you. You can meditate with your eyes open, focus on your breath, and letting go of thoughts as clouds or bubbles from your awareness.
To relax, hold your breath for a few seconds when you breathe in, count 1,2,3,4, and exhale, then hold for 1,2,3,4, and inhale. It is very difficult to think when you focus on your breath. Alternatively, you can use rapid breathing as a focus or open eye meditation. Gently allow any thoughts to be guided back to the task at hand and keep your mind and your thoughts on a leash. The general idea is to remain in the moment whilst being mindful of your thoughts and feelings and allow the universe to guide you.
All natural and human events unfold in cycles of time. To feel into the flow of time and be in the present moment it helps to passively observe your reality. Look at the flow of your day, and the cycles of morning, afternoon, evening, and night. You may be a morning person or a night owl and when you find your zone, you will find your flow and you will also awaken more.
When you observe your week, you will notice that there are different energies at different times of each day. You will also notice that the weekend feels different to your working week. Fridays feel happier, Saturdays are great for social stuff, Sundays are quiet, and the working week is hectic with quieter spells. Maybe you find the night good for energy healing and spiritual channelling, or early in the morning.
You may also wish to observe the moon cycles and how you feel at new moon, waxing moon, full moon, waning moon. Also, the solar cycle and the seasons are great to watch, as are the events and experiences you have in correlation with your astrological and numerological charts.
You will find on your spiritual journey that some days are effortless, and on other days it feels like you are climbing a steep mountain. If you are finding things difficult, go into your heart and shift your perspective. Keep a positive attitude that is based on love and joy and see the growth in the challenge. Observe your life, your birth, your childhood, and the interactions and experiences that you have had. See the patterns in your life. Discern what is your own stuff and what is caused or other beings or the holographic matrix itself.
Be with people you resonate with and then stretch your comfort zone by engaging in new projects, acquiring new knowledge, and creating music and art. Then the synchronicities will flow, and the more you write down and share your life’s miracles, and act on any opportunities that arise, the more synchronicities and miracles you will attract in your life. Always live from your heart, the place of love and healing. Then your energy elevates, your vibration rises, and you shine brighter.
Observe the scales of things, the very small and large, from the quantum to the atomic, the microbiological to the macroscopic, and the global to the cosmic, and go beyond. See past the smallest and the largest. All atoms are space (vacuum), and the smaller particles are denser energies. Your fingers never touch anything because of the microscopic repulsive force that keeps the electrons apart. Another physical force keeps groups of atoms together as tight bundles of energy.
You can also use meditation and spiritual journeying to get a feel for the void and infinite density by meditating on black holes and the vacuum of space. Or to get an idea of pressure and density, you can meditate on the difference in density of water at the surface of the sea and at the sea bottom, or the difference in density between the air pressure at the Earth’s surface and the vacuum of space. Meditating in these ways helps you to get a feel for the various densities that lie beyond the physical. Your mind opens when you look at the different spatial and temporal scales of the universe.
Spiritual journeys are like adventures that you live and experience with other aspects of yourself. Spiritual journeying is as ancient as it is modern, and you can use lucid dreaming techniques, astral projection (spiritual journeying) and psychedelics to guide you and aid you in your healing and transformation. Ask your soul, your guides, and your angels to guide you to the places and things that you need to work on in your current life.
Spend time to get to know your spirit guides and communicate with them. Ask the universe to show you something you don’t know and to reveal one or more of your guides or go on a journey with the Star Magic healing team, or extra-terrestrial guides. Ask them questions and visit the Akashic library where you can ask the Akashic guardians to reveal things to aid you on your ascension journey.
The most powerful meditations for gaining insight about reality are meditating on the nature of reality and meditating on death and impermanence. Both meditations will disintegrate your perception of normal reality whilst bringing you closer to the love and compassion of the divine creator and the greater universe beyond the veils. You should also meditate on love. Feel the love in your heart and the love of the universe. Let love elevate you past duality and thinking. Then you are ready to meditate on your own death and how things change moment by moment in time.
Emptiness and oneness are two sides of the same coin. When you meditate on emptiness, you can take any one object such as your body, your mind, or the universe, and break it down to its smaller and smaller parts. You then look for an independent body or mind but will fail to find this because as everything is interconnected. Aim to focus with clarity, with your third eye, on the dependent-relationship or interconnectedness of everything.
You can increase the power of your perception and insight in your meditations and spiritual journeys. Try using different senses in your meditations to induce synaesthesia and multi-sensory perception. Practice engaging on meditations and real-world experiences which require the universe to react or respond to infinities, eternities, recursion (turtles all the way down), opening multiple windows or portals on reality, or integrating many lifetimes or timelines at once. Then let it all go, be completely silent, and listen.
You can also use rituals and items of power to amplify the affect including crystals, cards, mandalas, and light language. Plus, you can join a global meditation group and have thousands of other people meditating on healing the planet and humanity at the same time. Then you will feel ‘the matrix’ wobble, and stuff will happen that defies normal explanations, even days or weeks later. Use directed dimensional travel whilst physically going for a walk or a journey and imagine that the next traffic light you see through the woods is blue not green, or you see a cat at the next corner. This will also help build up your third eye, your psychic muscle.
You can create and use your spiritual toolkit to probe into the deeper nature of humanity, nature, the world, the universe, and spirit. Unconditional love and compassion are key ingredients as are non-attachment, patience, and wisdom. Getting your mindset correct is mission critical.
You experience your subjective and objective reality in your unique way. So, it is important to develop your own toolkit of meditations, exercises, journeying, and wake/sleep techniques that resonate with you and give you the energy and motivation to keep going every day. It is also important that you accept your darker nature and transform this into light as you awaken, evolve, and ascend on this amazing planet Earth.
Visit our website at starmagichealing.org to further explore Star Magic healing. We have many powerful ascension tools that will increase your vibration, expand your consciousness, and reunite you with your soul.
Take advantage of our free 7-day trial of Infinity where you can test drive our suite of amazing ascension tools for free right now. We also run four levels of energy healing training called facilitator training which will transform your world in the most magical way.
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