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Spiritual Journey – What is Reality?

The spiritual journey is an interesting and always unique one. No one journey is the same. Their are many ways to be in this world and discover the true nature of who and what you are. A spiritual being having a human experience. I speak from personal experience when I say this is a tough road to follow. Its the most rewarding you could take, but tough and often painful none the less. Its a road for warriors, spiritual warriors that have an inner knowing that all is not what it seems in the world around us.

Walk the Spiritual Path Alone

I have had the pleasure and privilege of working with lots of clients and helping them discover their true nature also. Its great to have a guide, but its a journey you must walk alone at the same time. Your guide can point you in certain directions but will not be able to walk the path with you. It can often be lonely as your friends, loved ones, colleagues look at you in dismay, wondering why you are being the way you are being. Asking, bemused, why you don’t watch television any more, why you practice this strange thing called meditation, why you read so many books, exercise and eat well.  That is OK. They are just less aware and engrossed in the illusion. The material world of form.

3 Common Questions Regarding Spirituality

I have created this video for you to share 3 simple tips to helping you on your own spiritual journey and to also answer three questions I get asked all the time.

1. What is spirituality?

2. How do I go on my own spiritual journey?

3. What is reality?

I trust you enjoyed this video and it was of value to you.

Please share these message with your friends |& loved ones. Lets make this world a better place.

With Loving Energy,


P.S – Your spiritual journey is challenging. We all need a coach. Would YOU like me to coach you go here

If your serious about this journey you try the First 4 Free Weeks. No hesitation. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

See you on the inside.