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Space Bridges, Ascension and the 5th Dimension! with Jerry Sargeant


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“I used to go and see this human being two to three times a week for several years and she regressed me into hundreds of past lives. She taught me how to remote view, how to bring my light out of my body and travel, how to communicate, how to do soul rescue work, all sorts of amazing things. I used to think it was all mumbo jumbo, but now it’s my life.”

So, I want to dive into past lives today. When I started my journey, this inward journey, I had an amazing teacher, a beautiful lady that had a past life progression business, and she worked for Scotland Yard to solve crimes. You know, she put a lot of people in prison when they couldn’t solve murders. She would find the murder weapon at the bottom of the lake when scuba teams could not find it for the DNA where they looked. A very special individual that taught me a lot and helped me remember. I used to go and see this human being two to three times a week for several years, and she regressed me into hundreds of past lives, and I had many, many experiences. She taught me how to remote view, how to bring my light out of my body and travel, how to communicate, how to do soul rescue work, all sorts of amazing things, which have been really helpful on my journey. For those of you that know, I came from a criminal background. I didn’t used to believe in any of this stuff. I used to think it was all mumbo jumbo, but now it’s my life and past lives exist with souls having multidimensional experiences. Right now, my soul is in a body called Jerry, right now, your soul is in a body that is called blah, blah, blah, whatever you call it, whatever you call yourself. But our soul is also having other experiences or has had other experiences, depending on how you look at it. But all of these experiences are in the now. There’s no past, there’s no future.

These past life experiences, they affect us. I mean, our healing modality, Star Magic, is by hands down the most powerful on planet Earth. We are recoding so many humans and getting some amazing results. People getting up out of a wheelchair. People’s hearing aids been taken out. People that had strokes that were paralyzed then one side of the body start to move these body parts. We recode people mathematically and we recode people correctly and mathematically. Because there are some people that they’re recoding people in an incorrect fashion and changing their mathematics in a chaotic way, which doesn’t produce harmony in the fields. When you go into someone’s past life, you can change the coding and bring the soul fragment into healing through a mathematical alchemical process, which we show people, we teach people, we help people remember this innate intelligence that’s in every cell of our bodies on our Star Magic trainings.

You can go in and recode yourself or another human being, a client, a family member, and the physical symptoms just disappear because they’re not plugged into the information stream, that is the past life that was affecting them. I remember years ago, I used to have these crazy thoughts that if I phoned my ex misses and kids and they didn’t answer that someone had stolen them, killed them, murdered them, blah, blah, blah. When I went back into my first past life, the same souls in different bodies were my wife and children in another life. They got killed when I was away by another tribe on horses, trampled on by the horses, and the children had their throats cut with swords. So, whilst I was away, this happened. So, I was carrying that trauma of something bad happening whilst I was away when I went in and recoded that I never had those thoughts and feelings ever again.

I remember going into a past life where I was an African woman, like a jungle lady, and I had a spear, this loin cloth. I was very athletic, quite young, and I was some kind of leader in this kind of tribe, and I remember my death. When I died, I went very quickly into another body, of a body of a man. But when I went into this body of another man, it was 120 years difference in the soul called future from when I exited this female reality, and I went back in in minutes and that’s part of the game that is set up. Part of the game is to take your soul back into another body because when our souls are in other bodies, we’re a food source to certain lower frequency forces, but this is a whole other story. We don’t need to dive into this right now. This is another video. The reason I’m sharing this is because when we exit our physical body, we’re not supposed to come straight back into another body again. We’re supposed to heal. We’re supposed to go through a cleansing process where our soul and our light body is separated, and the light body goes through this cleansing and the soul the light body on the other side. They piece back together. There’s a download from the soul to the light body and remembering and then there’s a choice. Do I want to go here next? You want to go back to Earth? Based on the choice that you make, a stream of mathematics runs and actually what happens is it’s the stream of mathematics that creates the choice because the stream of mathematics is running at a certain frequency, a certain resonance, certain harmonic, and that certain harmonic will determine what options are available for the next experience.

Now, if you go into a reality and, for example, you kill someone, which I’ve done in most of my, I think. The last one was in Germany, the one before that 1911, I was a devil worshipper. Before that, I was quite a wealthy man in a big sort of stately man at home in the 1860s, I remember correctly, and I killed someone in that reality. The one before that, I killed some person. It’s been about five or six realities in a row where I’ve killed someone, and this is the first reality where I’ve not killed someone in a few hundred years and I’m pretty proud of myself. But I could have done. I mean, I was I’ve been in many situations in this lifetime where people have attempted to kill me, and I’ve been in a situation where I could have killed another human being. But things have happened that have not led to that, and I’m glad that it hasn’t. I feel there has always been a force looking out for me, keeping an eye on me and again, there’s so many stories I could tell within this kind of framework and this topic of conversation. But if I look down the timeline just of this lifetime, I’ve got out of the number of times I’ve been arrested, the number of times I’ve gone to court, the number of times I should have gone to prison, the number of times I should have been killed and I’m still here but I truly feel it’s because I had to do Star Magic, because Star Magic is changing the world. We’re in the process of building our first healing centre at the moment in Transylvania in Romania, encoded with sacred geometry and this is going to be the first of its kind on Earth.

So many people are going to come there and heal, change, shift, recode and so I feel there was forces looking after me to stop that happening. But let’s say, for example, you go back into a lifetime, and you killed someone. When you leave that physical body, there are certain forces that will try and make you feel guilty and if they can make you feel guilty, you’re probably going to choose to come back again and you’re going to get syntaxed into another body so you can be a food source once again. But just because you did something wrong, there isn’t really this thing called karma where you have to be punished and come back then and learn your lessons. It doesn’t really work like that contrary to the beliefs of a lot of other people. We do come down into these human bodies, don’t get me wrong and we do learn lessons and we go on these journeys. In a way, we vibrate into certain life experiences because of our resonance but it’s not punishment and there is a choice because just because you kill someone or do something that’s so bad, everyone within that experience is learning valuable lessons and having experiences that they wouldn’t have gotten another body.

We have to manifest into multiple bodies and have different experiences, so you get contrast to really, truly understand the nature of reality. This earth that we’re on now is dualistic and this polarity on planet earth with the ego and the different games that are unfolding on earth. The different constructs. The different teams fighting for dominion and control make it a very interesting training ground and they actually only let the best of the best onto this planet. You got to train for billions of years to be able to come to Earth because they know once you get here, it’s so fucking hard to get out again. It’s a mission. Consciousness is evolving pretty quickly and some of us have been here a lot of times and we’ve been here a lot of times and we’re finding the remembrance process a lot easier. The recoding of the DNA a lot faster and so we’re elevating and expanding and moving back into our multidimensionality a lot quicker, faster and with ease and grace. So, remembering that we are the stargate guardians on this planet has had a whole heap of experiences that we can draw from and upgrade faster.

Some people are lost in the game, but all we can do is recode ourselves and hopefully trigger them in the process with our own mathematical equation, our own sacred code, our own blueprint. But just because you do something that’s deemed bad in this reality, it doesn’t mean that you’re going to have to come back and do it again and be punished for that. You can still go on to higher dimensional spaces. The trickiest part is getting through the fourth dimension into the fifth, because the fourth dimension is the space between worlds. It’s a dimensional space where a lot of souls get stuck. You know, when you see a lot of souls that commit suicide or they’re in a sudden car crash and their soul pops out of their body, they often get stuck in that fourth dimensional space, which is like a space bridge between 3D and 5D. It’s why you see a lot of people talk about, let’s go to 5D. They forget about 4D because 4D is the bridge, the bridge between dimensional spaces, but it’s where a lot of souls get stuck and I did a lot of soul rescue work in my early years, going into the fourth dimension and helping souls pass to the other side back to source or whichever dimensional space they need to go to, because not all souls can go back to source.

There are lessons for some souls to learn in other dimensional spaces. Some darker entities have to go back to demon school. Yes, demon school exists. I’ve been there. It’s pretty nuts but they teach demons how to be manipulative and how to invade our own personal space closely and from afar and it’s another reason this game is so difficult because there’s other forces at work, you know, feeding off of our energy, controlling our thoughts, our emotions. Some people don’t want to experience pain, but we carry pain on a cellular level. You know, if someone dies in our reality, some of us try and bottle it up, some of us just don’t really feel it but that’s not healthy. It’s OK to cry with humans. It’s OK to get angry with humans. It’s OK to feel guilty with humans. But you’ve got to feel it and move on from it. Don’t get lost in that trauma because a lot of people do. They go rammed and rammed and rammed and then the body gets addicted to the chemical release when the pain occurs. So, the pain is like a crackhead needing crack or a heroin addict needing, you know, a smoke on the foil or a hit on the injection.

So, we have to allow ourselves to feel our emotions, but then move on and trust the process. I remember when my adoptive father died, he died from prostate cancer, and this was five or six years ago. It was around the same sort of time that I was about to start Star Magic. I don’t think I’d started Star Magic. I can’t remember exactly. It was around the same sort of time. But he wouldn’t let me give him any healing. He was an alcoholic, drunk a lot, and he stayed at home, and he didn’t want to die in the hospital. He knew he was going to die. I remember going out with him on his birthday and both of us drunk a shitload of whiskey. I remember driving the car home drunk and pulling up on the driveway, bumping up onto the curb and my mum was standing there fuming. Where did you take your father? We both kind of stumbled at the car. But that conversation I had with him, drinking that whiskey, was all about how to cross over to the other side. How to navigate this space bridge, how to move on from the physical body and make sure that you go to a space which is your greatest good, not a false space which has been set up to trick you and keep you contained or bring you back to Earth into another body.

I had this kind of great conversation with my dad. About a week or so later, my mum phoned me up and said, “Your dads in hospital.”, and I knew he didn’t want to go. But she got freaked out because one day he was in a bit of a state, and she couldn’t handle it. She called the doctors, and they stuck him in an ambulance and took him to the hospital. Anyway, he’s phoned me later. He said, “Jerry, get me out of hospital. I’m not dying in this fucking place.” So, I drive to the hospital and on the way, I stopped at the shop, and I bought a bottle of vodka. Went into the hospital, the only time I’ve given my dad some healing. He was in so much pain and I walked in, and he smiled, and he was weak, you know, and frail. So anyway, I’ve tipped the bottle of vodka down his throat, and I went down by his feet, and I just started working on him, maybe 30 minutes and I went and got a wheelchair, picked him up, stuck him in the wheelchair, wheeled him out of the hospital. The nurses were screaming, telling me I couldn’t do it. I just left, stuck him in the lift, went down to the car, bundled him into the car and took him home and just about a week later, roughly a week later, maybe five or six days, I can’t remember exactly, but not too long after this experience, I was around his house. It was a Saturday afternoon. I remember. My dad was big into football and sports and stuff, and he was watching a sports game on the TV, and he turned round to me, and he goes, “do you know what my favourite song is?” I said, no. He goes, “Don’t Cry for Me Argentina” and I’d never actually heard of the song, “Don’t Cry for Me, Argentina.”

Anyway, I left him that afternoon and he was in great spirit. So, I was like, well, man, you see, feel it for good. I went home, got a phone call at one in the morning from my mum. Your dad is not good. So, I jumped in the car, raced around there, went into the lounge and he was on a bed in the lounge and yeah, he was just about to leave his body like he was breathing but it was the space between the breast was less than that, sorry, more than that, and I connected with him. I set up a vortex space, went in and communicated with him and helped him out of his body and you could see what he left, and you could see the frequency going up. I took him up and we went into these healing chambers and made sure that he crossed safely and came back down. I’m sat in the lounge, and I put the song on “Don’t Cry for Me Argentina” and listened to it and when I listened to it, a multidimensional version of him dressed in these big priest roles. He was all white, he was massive and my adoptive father in this reality wasn’t big, but in this he showed me his true colours. I realised in that moment that he actually came into this reality to protect me from my adoptive mum. She used to beat me when I was a kid and she beat him too, not physically, but mentally. I knew that’s why he didn’t want to stay on this planet because he needed to go. He doesn’t know we could all look after ourselves. We’re old and ugly and big and we could fend for ourselves. So, it was his time to go. I didn’t realise that until afterwards until he crossed, and he came back to see me.

So anyway, that happens, and I wanted to share that because what actually happened at the funeral, I’d bought all of this emotion up. I never cried really, apart from that “Don’t Cry for Me Argentina” song, I bought some emotion up. I never really bawled my eyes out. When we went to cremate my dad, I jumped into the limo, and we’d gone down to the crematorium, and I was cool. Then I got up to do the eulogy and I looked at everybody who was there, and I went to speak, and I felt great. But as soon as I went to speak, I cried my eyes out and I couldn’t stop. The lady that was supposed to be getting people in for these crematoriums, you know, they wanted us in and out in a certain time frame and there’s me taking ages. I can’t get myself together and, my hips flying all over the place. I’m just shaking, you know, and she came up to try and grab the eulogy off me to do the eulogy. I said, no, I’m doing it, and I breathe, and I got myself together and I did it. Anyway, so I’m sharing that because a lot of people bought this emotion up. But it’s OK to cry. You know, sometimes we have to release these emotions.

The healing that we do is Star Magic. When we go into past lives, the reason that we have to go into them is to clear the trauma, because at that trauma point, whether it’s 3000 years ago, 10 million years ago, 250 years ago, the soul in that experience, in that past life, didn’t deal with the trauma. So, they carried it and it compounded and compounded and now in this reality field, they’ve ended up with cancer or brain tumour or, you know, trigeminal neuralgia or some kind of motor neuron disease, or whatever it might be. It starts to manifest in the physical symptom and that’s the body communicating. You need to go back and look at that reality 12 million years ago. But we don’t know how to read our body and we don’t know how to access these multidimensional playing fields unless you’ve been on Star Magic training, and we’ve taught you how to do that. We’ve helped you to remember how to do that. But this stuff is actually second nature for all of us. But it’s important for us to release these emotions. Otherwise, we carry them forwards into the next reality. We carry the trauma in our soul and our soul records and when we manifest again, it’s in our DNA blueprint in our computer. So, we have to deal with it now or at some point. You may as well get it over and done with. Past lives are real. Future lives are real, too. But past and future is irrelevant because once you get out of the body and into the quantum, everything’s there. There is no future. There is no past. Karma is bullshit, man. Karma translates to action. You’ve got to look at this in terms of cause and effect. If I put out some kind of frequency, that frequency is going to flow through the universal playing fields and mathematically find this way back to me at some point. It might not be me now. It could be me in another reality because we’re all connected. Do unto them, you do unto yourself.

If we recode ourselves, we recode others. That’s why we’ve got to be so on point with our thoughts and our emotions and our actions. But when we leave this physical body, there are other entities at work that try and trigger us and make us believe that we’ve been bad to keep our resonance at a level that will go back into another body by bracing at a certain frequency, which was similar to the one you left so they could control you all over a game. It really is a game that we’re playing and once you know you’re playing the game, you can get involved and start moving the chess pieces in your favour instead of moving them unconsciously in the favour of the game master. When you leave your physical body, this holographic construct allows anything to be made to look real. When you leave this construct, they can show you that they’re grandfather, and you think, wow, I want to go and see granny and grandpa. But really, they’re a false holographic construct and that’ll take you into another reality field where they can control your energy again. Whether they control it in this dimensional field or another dimensional field. It doesn’t really matter to the controllers of the game as long as they control the energy source at some level. It’s always good down here on Earth because we produce so many emotions as humans. So, the feeding is a lot better. The vampires feeling off of our fear. But if they can change our resonance frequency, they can control another entry point back into this matrix so that we’re stuck again. Now you know this information, you can make better choices. You can choose to live from your heart on the frequency of love.

You can choose to be a high frequency and not believe in all the bullshit that people tell you. Feel what you know. Don’t believe. Anyone that tells you to believe is an amateur. Anyone that really truly inner stands the way that this universe works will tell you that you must know. Because knowing trump’s believing. Believing is a stepping stone on the way to knowing like a basketball player that’s shooting hoops every day. They believe to start with that they can three point it every time. But after shooting a thousand hoops, ten thousand hoops, they know it’s going inside that ring and down through that net. No excuses or maybes. There’s not even a slight piece of them that thinks anything otherwise. It’s a done deal. You must know. Don’t believe, know. Don’t believe, know thyself. When you know who you are, you’re connected with your multidimensional nature. You’re connected with your superhuman abilities, the telepathy, the telekinesis, the healing at distance, multidimensional travel, teleportation, manifestation through your Merkabah field, instantaneous without time delay. This is where it’s at for us as we move down this crystalline timeline, down through this crystalline set of codes, this crystalline architecture. Those who still run in the old timeline you got to make your choice pretty soon because those time splits will get further and further apart. Don’t wait too long because it’d be too far to jump. You might not make it. You might get stuck in the fourth dimension.

You’re amazing, beautiful soul. You know that. There’s no point in me telling you, you’ve got to know this yourself. You got to feel this with every fibre of your being. You got to know that you are a cosmic gladiator, surfing your sacred surfboard through the multidimensional time waves, living in joy, living in bliss, being supersonic, powerful, un-fuck-with-able, knowing the truth that you wrote this story. Keep your resonance frequency ultra-high and then everything will gravitate into your field at that resonance frequency and the right people, the right resources and life will just flow with ease and grace. The choice is yours, beautiful soul.

I love you so, so much. Thank you for being here with me today. Remember to like this video, comment on this video, share this video, click the bell so you’re notified of more videos coming. Go out into this world and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously, hug them tightly and never, ever be the first to let go, and remember to check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on planet Earth. Light language transmissions, hundreds of meditations, breath work, cosmic yoga, high frequency nutrition, hundreds of mystery school teachings. You can access right now on all different subjects and topics. We got a private telegram group so you can connect with beautiful souls just like you on the same mission that want to make this world a much more harmonious place. It’s all the right now and you can get access free for seven days. So go and check it out. Love yourself first and foremost. Be sovereign and don’t give a flying, you know what? And I’ll see you again real soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out, beautiful soul. Love you.