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βNow we can go to the slaughterhouse. You got a first-class ticket to the slaughterhouse if you want one and you know what. It isnβt going to cost you nothing. They’ll come around and stick one of those in your arm for free. You might pay with your tax and all that sort of stuff, but you can go and get one of these for free baby, a free world-class direct, a ticket to the slaughterhouse if you want it. Or you can say no. I am not going down that road. Iβm going into my heart and then Iβm moving up into my thalamus, into my higher heart, and I’m going to keep raising my levels of vibration. Iβm going to move up. Iβm going to activate my third eye, open my crown, connect to those cosmic frequencies that are flowing in from other stars including Alcyon and Lyra. There are many portals and gateways open now. They have been for a little while.β
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?Β It’s good to be alive on this planet watching all this craziness unfold. They’ve changed the rules in England. There, the pubs are closing at 10 o’clock. this virus is starting to be able to tell the time. I’ve got this kind of vision of the virus just kicking back chilling out at home having a cup of tea with his misses looking at the clock and saying you know what love it’s ten o’clock. Iβve got to go out and kill some people.
Why are the pubs closing at ten – what’s wrong with eleven or twelve. What difference does it make if you’re going to let people into the pub up to 10. It’s crazy man. Anyway, it gets more and more bizarre, this crazy old pandemic that we’re going through now whatever you want to call it. But what I do know is this okay. We as a human species have got to stand and be counted right now. We got to stand, and we’ve got to say no. We’ve got to say no to all these draconian rules and regulations. We’ve all known for so long that this second wave is coming, this second wave baby. Even Alana, my unicorn, she’s been telling me about this second wave for yonks, but she doesn’t care because she’s in the fifth dimension. That’s where you’re headed too. That’s where we’re all headed. It’s where we all are.
If we choose to be there in that higher density 5D baby, 40 to 100 hertz, raise the vibration. You can do that right now and you get to choose that higher heart, that motorway straight through to source where you’re rigged up, where you’re linked, where you’re plugged in to that magnificent connection. That connection is just open 24/7 to all of us but so many people are lost in the chaos and the mayhem buying into the fear. What I want to do right now is take off my cosmic hat and say I respect those that are in power, those that are controlling, and let me tell you why – because they’re giving us a beautiful opportunity.
Humanity for so long has been lost. We’ve been corrupted. We’ve been manipulated but we’re so lost. Right now, these creators of this crazy low vibrational game are giving us the opportunity to move into colossal amounts of love. They’re also giving us the opportunity to move into massive deeper fear, but this is the nature of duality. These beings, people, whatever you want to call them, are creators of duality but they’re also gift bearers of unity, yes creators of duality and gift bearers of unity. You get to choose where you want to play. Do you want to be in duality, or do you want to unify with your sisters and brothers? Because right now humanity’s being pushed and squashed and squeezed and there’s one of two things that are going to happen.
We’re going to move into massive amounts of fear on a deeper level or we’re going to say Iβm not putting up with this anymore.Β Our hearts are going to pop open. We’re going to come together; we’re going to rise like lions and lionesses and we’re going to move into huge, colossal love. We’re going to move into unity, divinity, oneness. We’re going to open our hearts and live with compassion, joy, and bliss, and the world’s going to become a different place. But we’re right on that precipice. Iβve mentioned this before.
You’ve got two pathways to choose, and everything is shown to us. You’ve just got a look at cv19, the certificate of vaccination passport. At the same time cv19 in Chinese acupuncture means the higher heart, the thalamus. So, it’s the gateway, the cv19 that is the opportunity to move into a higher heart space and raise our vibration and move into those universal harmonics where we truly identify with nothing apart from oneness, where duality fades away, or we can move on the other path towards. Fear, death, vaccination, you get to choose. We all know that Covid 19 covered 19c, is 3 in numerology. In Greek βcβ means the angel of the abyss, βovidβ means sheep, and nineteen means the slaughterhouse. The angel of the abyss is taking the sheep to the slaughterhouse.
Now we can go to the slaughterhouse. You got a first-class ticket to the slaughterhouse if you want one and you know what. It isnβt going to cost you nothing. They’ll come around and stick one of those in your arm for free. You might pay with your tax and all that sort of stuff, but you can go and get one of these for free baby, a free world-class direct, a ticket to the slaughterhouse if you want it. Or you can say no. I am not going down that road. Iβm going into my heart and then Iβm moving up into my thalamus, into my higher heart, and I’m going to keep raising my levels of vibration. Iβm going to move up. Iβm going to activate my third eye, open my crown, connect to those cosmic frequencies that are flowing in from other stars including Alcyon and Lyra. There are many portals and gateways open now. They have been for a little while.
Syrian portals, there’s new rainbow bridges being built linking that 3 to 5D highway. We just got to move into those quantum spaces mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually. Rig ourselves up. We’re electromagnetic beings. We’ve just got to plug into the magnetics of the earth, plug into the magnetics of the sun, plug into the electromagnetics of both, the electromagnetics of the stars, the frequency, the code, the information is everywhere. But the only human being that can choose is you. So, you can wait around praying, hoping that everything’s going to be okay, or you can stand up and be counted, be a man, be a woman, be a human, and not a person or a slave. Say βI’m not doing this. I’m not putting up with this. This isn’t for me.β
Iβm going to keep my business open; Iβm going to keep functioning; Iβm going to keep meeting my friends and my family because if you don’t stand up now the net will get tighter and tighter and tighter and eventually, you’re going to get strangled, and the noose will be so tight you won’t be able to move. You’ll be stuck and Iβm sure that’s not a place you really want to be. Right now, beautiful soul, know that you’re the power. Iβm the power, we are all individual unique divine sparks of cosmic energy here in these human vessels and we are so powerful as individuals. We are powerful when we come together as a collective. We are un-fuck-with-able, we are unstoppable.
What do you reckon Alana? She’s smiling. She loves it. The horn, that diamond tip on her horn, is glowing so brightly. She knows this is truth, she knows that this is the way, the way of the heart, the way of the warrior, the way of the brave, the way of the lion and the lioness, not the way of the meek and the worried and the fearful.Β It’s the meek, the worried, and the fearful that live outside of their hearts. It’s the brave that step into their hearts because this is a journey for fearless brave individuals. This thing it isnβt an easy ride, but once you go past the initial chaos and turbulence that this life compass will take you through, because it always knows the best way, the fastest route for you to get from where you are right now to your dreams to be living in dreamlands,Β to be living in bliss, to be living in success., in divine harmony with your sisters and brothers. But it often takes you on a perilous journey to help you learn along the way.
Right now, we’re inside a game, a holographic reality, and this game is giving us the opportunity to step into unity and love but we must take it. So, go out and take it. Go out and seize it and hug your sisters and brothers. you got to do it, beautiful soul. Every single one of us has got to step up now anyway, beautiful soul. I think you understand my message or maybe you understand my message in here because understanding it in your head is just going to keep you in the same old mess. But when you βinner standβ it and you feel it, oh yeah, then you’re making some ground, then you’re making some headway. You’re off down the hundred-meter track and you’re going to race through the finish line, and that higher heart thalamus gateway to the divine is going to crush the angel of the abyss, trying to lure his sheep to the slaughterhouse.
Go out into this world and hug your sisters and brothers. Hug them so tightly, beautiful soul, and remember never being the first to let go.Β Never, ever be the first to let go of a hug. That’s the golden rule of hugging. Promise yourself, commit to yourself. Once you engage you arenβt letting go. You’re going to hug them and squeeze them and love them until they melt into your own heart, and they feel that truth. Go out and love fiercely. Go out and love ferociously. Share this video with your friends with your family, with your loved ones, and remember to subscribe to this channel. Hit the notifications tab but keep coming back and checking it.
Iβm not showing these videos as they should be on YouTube. They’re being censored because every time you engage with these videos whether it’s a healing or a meditation or I’m just sharing information like today you’re being activated, because my heart’s always open my heart is penetrating your heart with every single word that I speak because I love you as my sister or brother and we really are a global family.Β We’re one family unified connected by light to divine source frequency, no black no whites, no rich no poor, no countries, borders, languages. They’re just illusions baby. We bleed the same. We’ve got our hearts, eyes, nose, ears. Let’s be on that frequency.
Remember to check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on the planet for opening your heart, activating your third eye, and sending your vibration up to the cosmos.Β Iβll see you again real soon, beautiful soul. Go and be free. Stand in your power, live your truth, and dampen that beautiful bright spark for no one. I’ll see you again real soon.
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