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“Souls are checking out left, right, and centre. People are dying. The frequency on planet Earth is amping right up. If you’re walking around this planet trying to save people, you’re being more dangerous than helpful. The best thing that you can do right now is to work on you to get your frequency high. look after your body, stay away from all of those poisons.”
So, many souls are checking out. People are dying. What are you going to do when your friends and family start checking out and dying all around you because it’s going to happen. The frequency on planet Earth is amping right up. It’s not just humans dying. There’s a lot of animals checking out too. They can’t handle the frequency on Earth. There are so many people that haven’t done the work. They just haven’t done the work. they’ve tried to do the work, or they’ve not even woken up and being made aware of this journey, of this spiritual war. They can’t handle the pressure. There are people that think they’re doing the work but are not really doing the work and so we’re going nowhere. There are some people that are going around in circles self-sabotaging because they can’t break the programs. There are so many different reasons.
Ultimately it doesn’t matter. You either get there or you don’t. You either raise your energy levels, expand your consciousness, raise your vibration, or you don’t. Souls are checking out left, right, and centre, and you can’t help them. There’s nothing you can do to help these people. The best thing that you can do right now is to work on you to get your frequency high because if your frequency is high, if you’re living in alignment in a balanced high frequency state of consciousness where you’re self-aware, where you’re living from your heart, where you’re balanced in every which way, you’re going to be of best service to the human race, to your sisters and brothers. When your frequency is high you’ve got a better chance of triggering the ignition in another human being.
If you’re walking around this planet trying to save people, you’re being more dangerous than helpful. The best thing you can do is to work on you. Like when you’re on an airplane they always say to the moms and dads to put your own mask on first. If there’s an air leak, if the planes going down, don’t go and try and put it on your child. Sort yourself out then you can help your child. You got to look after number one. It’s not selfish. It’s called self-love and if you truly understand the game and the process, you’ll know that by raising your energy levels, by being in a high frequency state, you can help and shift the programming of hundreds and thousands of low frequency consciousness people, human beings, men, women, children. The positive attitude of one high frequency being can counteract and negate the low vibrational frequencies of 800,000 negative humans. That’s some crazy stats man, but it’s truth.
So, work on you and always know that there’s another level. Get down the gym, do your meditation, get out and run, hit the punch bag, do your breath work, intermittent fasting, hit the weights, eat clean, look after your body. Stay away from all those poisons, certain foods, the TV, certain people are toxic. You got to know what is good for your vibration. When you know what’s good for your own heart and your own vibration you can keep your frequency high all the time. You got to maintain that focus, that positive attitude. You got to maintain discipline. Don’t move into that devotion frequency too much. That devotion frequency is a trick. It’s for the soft and the weak. That’s why people hand their power over to Jesus. That’s why people become devoted to Jesus. People become devoted to some kind of faith. It’s a trick. The only faith you should have is the faith in your own heart, in your own self, because you are your own saviour. No extraterrestrial is coming to save you. Allah or Jesus isn’t coming back, Buddha isn’t coming to save you. No one is coming to save you. It’s on you.
So, let go of that devotion and get disciplined because when you’re in a real pickle, when you’re in the eye of the storm, people that are devoted crumble. But when you exercise, discipline, you stick the course. The problem is discipline is misunderstood. Discipline is framed from most people’s perspective with punishment. When I look at the word discipline I don’t see punishment. I don’t feel punishment. What I see and feel is a man or woman, a dedicated soul, that wakes up and does what is necessary, a devoted person. What they will do or what they feel is right in the moment for the cause, and when the cause changes and shifts their devotion drops. If they have to go out and rescue a friend ,if they have to go out and walk 100 kilometres because their town or Village is being bombed, they won’t be able to handle it because they weren’t disciplined enough to get their mind body and soul mentally, physically, and emotionally right for that kind of pressure, only discipline can set you up for those real brutal circumstances.
I know so many people in the field right now that think they’re ready for what’s coming but they’re not. What is coming is going to be tough. What is coming is going to be brutal. So many people think this ascension journey is all love and light. Nothing could be further from the truth. The ones that make it are the ones that do the work, the ones that are disciplined, the ones that have remembered to show their fangs and their teeth and their growl and their ferociousness, but have it balanced. I love that quote that Jordan Peterson says, ‘a harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very dangerous man who has it all under control.’ The problem is with this spiritual community. It’s all love and light and people have lost that ferociousness, that savageness. It’s the whole reason we started running our savage man retreats so we could reconnect men to their inner lion so they could balance it, so they could be ferocious, balanced, kind, gentle beings. It’s not about going out and being horrible and mean and angry. It’s about being savage and wild and dangerous.
So, you’ve got that inner stuff there locked and loaded ready for when you need it because the stuff that’s going to be happening on planet Earth as we move forward is going to be tough. People are going to be checking out. There’s going to be a lot more catastrophes happening. A lot of them created by man themselves to create fear and we’ve got to be able to handle it. This ascension process is going to be going on for another 30, 40, 50, 60 years. No one knows exactly but we’re right at the start. It’s not coming to an end soon and there are still many forces on this planet that want to disrupt the play and it’s going to require men and women to step up and unite to become one to look after each other, to love each other, to support each other, to fight for each other, to build together, to create together. If there’s any separation, the planet is totally doomed, completely f****d. But remember it’s a cosmic joke. So don’t take it too seriously. You got to laugh at this game man. Seriously you got to laugh at this game. At the same time, you got to be prepared for what’s going to happen. So, laugh your way into battle. Have fun and play as we go through this crazy chaotic ride. Love the process, love yourself through the process, put yourself first.
I remember since I was a child I always had it drilled into me, ‘it’s only for the headstrong’, when I used to play sports as a kid, ‘only for the headstrong’. I’ve always said that, and I think it was great training because what we’re going through right now on this ascension process is really only for the headstrong, and for the heart strong. But the problem is most people’s heads are too powerful for their hearts. Most people’s egos, most people’s brains, these incredible super computers inside our skulls, they’re amazing but most people haven’t got control over them. When you have, and are riding your sacred surfboard, cruising on your spaceship with your fellow Galactic gangstas, with your Jedi. Are you rolling with the punches or are you caught up mixed up getting battered and bashed left, right, and centre where you just can’t seem to get those relationships right. You just can’t seem to get that flow of abundance. You just can’t seem to get that body healthy. You just keep getting bashed and smashed. That’s what most of humanity is like. Are you like it?
Wherever you are right now on this planet beautiful soul, I love you so much as my sister and my brother. We’re family. We’re tribe. Remember to be the jester, the joker, the fool. Play up a little bit, be wild, be crazy, make up your own rules of this human game. Break out of the Matrix, let go, move on from here. Get into the labyrinth of your heart, beautiful soul, and remember to go out and love your sisters and brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never ever, ever be the first to let go. It’s the golden rule of hugging. You know that and remember to check out our website We have got some of the best ascension tools on planet Earth. Hundreds of guided meditations, light language transmissions, light codes to activate your kundalini, your DNA, your right brain, your light body, your Merkabah field.
We got high frequency nutrition, cosmic yoga, mystery school teachings on hundreds of different subjects and topics to help you raise your vibration and expand your consciousness and know the truth. We meet every Monday and Wednesday online on Zoom for the frequency spa and the weekly meditation. We meet every second Sunday for Fearless Focus. We got private groups so you can connect with spiritual gangstas just like you on this same ascension mission, and the thing is it’s free for 7 days. All of that, so go and check it out. See if you like it. See if you resonate and if you do, check in and I’ll see you on the inside. I love you so much.
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