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Sirian Portals | Galactic Federation | 5D Dimensional Gateway Open


The Sirian portals are opening and we have the biggest opportunity as a human species to step through this massive dimensional gateway.
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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul. So, today I have a very important message to share with you and some things that I want to discuss with you. Now this topic I want to bring it into our consciousness in a different way, some of the elements of this topic I thought that I probably wouldn’t bring up again even though it is kind of one of the biggest issues that we face as a human species. We’ve ran many global meditations to help with this situation and to heal the souls that have been involved in this situation, but I do want to look at it from a different way so I’m going to bring it up and go over a little bit of old ground again but also shed some new light on this situation.

Some of this information might not be easy to swallow and some of it may make your stomach churn but you’re listening to me right now and engaged in this video because you can handle it on a deep subconscious level. You’ve known about this information for a long-time millions of years. In fact, on a human level for a lot of people it’s extremely hard to even fathom and to accept because as humans you know we like to care and we like to love and we like to be kind to each other, to care for each other, to nurture each other, not to do horrible things to each other. Now when the fall of Atlantis came there were certain portals that will close. One of those portals, several portals, within this network that will close with the Sirian portals. The Sirian portals are integral because they bring into their focal point, their central point, perfect equilibrium between dark and light, so it’s a beautiful place and space for both aspects of polarity to meet in a central space and to merge. When the fall of Atlantis came these portals were shut down.

Now these portals they link to an area in France called Carnac. There are some incredible stone circles down there on the ground on planet earth and they carry the frequency of the Emerald order, some emerald architecture down in the planetary grids. What is happening now and coming up very soon these Sirian portals are starting to open and the link between the earth, the Earth’s grids through these stone circles in Carnac are really coming back online. We’re going to see another amplification of portents cosmic photonic energy plasma waves coming down from the stars to earth. Now this is going to seriously amplify the planetary vibration the vibration of our human collective. There’s something else that’s happening at the same time which is going to create for us as a human species probably the biggest dimensional gateway that we’ve ever experienced.

Now we’ve had opportunities for huge dimensional gateways to bring in plasma waves and light codes to hit our DNA, to wake us up and help us remember more of who we truly are as galactic titans in these physical human avatars, these vessels on planet Earth. But we’ve never really been able to take the action necessary to move through these dimensional gateways and there’s been a significant fundamental reason that this has been very tough for us as a human species. Not just in this lifetime but for many other incarnations. Now you probably are aware of this. If you’re not, then it might be a shock to your system, but human souls have been harvested for a very long time and there’s a reason that human souls are harvested. It’s about energy. There are lower vibrational forces as you know on this planet.

Most people know the reptilians, the ‘draconians’, some people know about the ‘tall whites’, the Zeta Reticule. There are many mantas praying mantis looking beings walking amongst us, also beam in from the inner earth, up above us in ships, walking amongst us, phasing in and out of reality, but also in these avatar meat suits disguised as humans, shapeshifting. Now these beings have controlled humanity for a very, very long time. We’re talking since we first were beamed down onto this planet, we were supposed to be slaves, and we have been slaves. People call this a prison planet.

Now there is a sin taxing of souls that is taking place and that’s the real reason why it’s called a prison planet as well as us being in this kind of matrix, grid like holographic matrix system, where the corporations, the governments, the mind-control machines on a global machine divided into lots of mini machines, control us through the systems that have been in place for a long time that they’re trying to squeeze and make tighter to make the cages and the bars on our prison enclose us even more, to siphon our energy on a physical level, on a mental level, on emotional level, but to also keep control of our souls because you see these dark beings they feed off of negative energy.

These negative frequencies, guilt, fear, anger, jealousy, not only sustain them but what they do is they build a battery down in the planetary grids in the earth, also up in space and in other galaxies in other planets and other celestial beings. These dark beings have batteries, and they siphon our energy through the Earth’s grids. They beam it off planet, they take it down into the ground, and they store this energy. This negative energy they use it to fuel their own agenda and they use it to send these frequencies back into our planetary environment at certain celestial times. So, they completely dismantle our own frequency in our own vibration to lower even more. For example, on a full moon there are more murders, more suicides, more crazy happenings on a full moon because they rebound these frequencies off the moon and back to earth that’s just one way these frequencies are collected in large crystals underneath the ground.

Underneath Stonehenge in the UK is one of the largest crystals but they’re around the planet in different locations. They collect the energy in the crystals, fire it up to different celestial beings where they’ve got these batteries that they’re building fire it down into the ground and they use this energy for their own agenda. Now this is important to understand, not to understand, that to intercept, these batteries are integral to their mission. But what is happening now on planet earth is these batteries are being siphoned and dismantled OK. These batteries are being siphoned and dismantled by positive ETs by groups of humans that understand this game. For example, myself, the team in Star magic we run meditation groups all the time and we work on these planetary grids on these dark negative agendas, and we dismantle them. We do this kind of work and there are many other groups around the planet doing this work, doing this stuff, and it’s awesome. I take my cosmic hat off to you and respect you from the bottom of my heart.

Now you’ve got to ask what is the true source of the energy that feeds these batteries that these negative beings feed off and use to utilize and keep in place this matrix in their negative agenda. it’s the energy from young children, they also feed off our energy our fear pumping through the news stations and the media and all this sort of stuff, wars you name it, vaccinations, Covid 19, all that sort of stuff. We don’t need to go there, you know, we know, this this stuff is taking place, but the energy of the children is one of the main things and also every single soul that leaves this physical space for a long time has been sin taxed and sent back straight back down into a human body. They have certain systems and structures in place and I made a video about this a few weeks back so you can go and watch it but we have a choice when we leave this physical vessel but because so many of us are locked into this fear-based reality and it’s all we know, we’re engrossed in the external reality, in the matrix in turn, into material goods, all of this sort of stuff.

We go deep into our heart to raise our levels of awareness, expand our consciousness, you know, elevate our vibration, do the inner work, and realize our own power that we’re in control of our consciousness, not just on this reality but once we leave, our soul, our like body, these two things they’re supposed to go on a cleansing process. It could be a hundred years, two hundred years. We’re supposed to go through a process and then our soul and our light body comes back together. We get a download of our previous lifetime and then we get to choose where we’re going next. But these negative beings have structures in place to make us think and believe that we shouldn’t go on this journey. We should come straight back to earth because we’ve been bad humans, or we’ve got karma that we need to kind of do or make right. However, you want to call it. I don’t like the word karma and we’re talking about energy exchange. We’re talking about cause and effect. You know we’re human beings having experiences they’re neither good nor bad. They’re just experiences and we’ve all had lifetimes that are negative, we’ve all had lifetimes that are positive.

So there should be no judgement in that effect and all of the negative beings that play out this role, that have controlled this space for a long time, they’re also given us as earthlings, as sisters and brothers of earth, an opportunity to go into our hearts, to grab our sword and our shield and to win this battle because there is a spiritual war that’s being taken place here on earth and in the higher realms of consciousness. There are battles taking place and they’re being fought over earth. Earth is the heart chakra of the galaxy. It’s also a living library. So many crystals, so many minerals that store information. It’s an incredible, beautiful planet to be on and you, me, we, we, came to this planet as galactic guardians to take care of the earth, to see our sisters and brothers, for ascension to take control of our prison planet back again, to release it and liberate it. It’s why you came to this planet because you looked at the timeline and you knew what was happening and you just you signed up for this stuff.

So, don’t think that this is something that you can’t deal with because you can you knew what was going to happen before you incarnated feel this in your heart beautiful soul feel it in your hearts you are mega powerful supersonic you’ve got so much potential, and wisdom locked away in your DNA. It’s breathtakingly beautiful just like you inside, we’re amazing beings. We’re reconnecting on this earth now right now and we are going through the motions that are going to take back control of our planet. There are positive ETs down in the earth, up in space, walking amongst us just like the negative ones. They’re inside corporations, inside government structures, and they’re breaking it down from the inside out as well as us galactic commanders in  these earthly suits. We’re working as well because we all came from the stars, we’re all sisters and brothers, we’re like a big team, a big tribe, a big family, all working together.

So, let’s come back to the souls and these children on this planet who are sacrificed, their blood is drunk because certain people drink it to keep them young, the adrenochrome okay which is adrenalized blood. They drink this down and it keeps them looking young, so the kids are put through torturous situations. They are raped. You see children with black eyes like panda bears, it’s because they’ve been raped, and the capillaries burst around the eyeballs. It is horrid I know. There are thousands of children in underground bases. One of the reasons that prompted me to make this video because I didn’t really want to go back into all this stuff because I’ve shared it before. But I mean even today I was working with a client, a new client who was a breeder. She was a breeder for some of these sick people. She was four she was raped the babies grew in her belly she was kept in captivity, and they took the babies out from her womb before the nine months was up and they used to roast them on the fire and then people would sit around and eat the babies.

Some babies go the full term and then their sacrifice, their skin, the babies are terrified wondering when their mums going to come and save them, but the mom has no choice. These babies, their blood string the bloods drunk they eat their hearts they their pioneer glands they their adrenal glands which are a prized possession the leftovers of these babies are ground down and put into certain foods around the planet like McDonald’s, for one Burger King. Some of these fast-food restaurants are crazy. I know it sounds disgusting. Hopefully you’ll never eat at McDonald’s, again sick and twisted people. At the same time as I said they’ve given us an opportunity to raise our game raise our levels of consciousness, go into our heart, discover our powers, and take back control of our planet and override the evil deeds these people have put in place for centuries and centuries and centuries and centuries.

Now the souls that leave this planet are harvested and come back down, not all of them anymore because people are waking up, I know when I leave this planet. I’ve got a choice. Maybe I’ll come back, maybe I won’t I don’t think. So, I think this is my last time here on planet Earth. I’m not sure I want to come back here again. I want to go somewhere else but who knows I’m going to be here for a long time yet because there’s still a lot of work to do, still a lot of healing to take place, so these souls they’re harvested. They come back to earth building the battery. The more humans, the more souls, that are on the earth in fear, the more energy they can harvest. Now there are military groups that are going into these underground bases and they’re destroying them and they’re rescuing the children. This is an ongoing process and it’s really ramped up over the last few months since COVID kicked into gear.

We don’t need to go into this but what you need to inner stand is that be these underground bases are being destroyed underneath the Vatican, many places throughout Australia the UK, America, Canada, all over the world. man is crazy the grid system they’ve got in place underneath the planet, the network of these bases and I’m talking some things sick go on down there. These bases are being destroyed and the kids are being rescued. What this means is that their energy supply is going down. So, you’ve got the energy supply going down because they’re not being able to build their batteries efficiently and you’ve got these Sirian portals opening back up again. This is why we are going to have so much energy coming onto one planet from the Sirian portals, and we can have less interference from these negative beings. It doesn’t mean they’re going to stop and give up and it doesn’t mean it’s going to be over quickly but what you’ve got to is see that we have a beautiful opportunity over these next couple of months to really do the inner work to open our hearts and connect with each other as a human species and ramp our vibration.

To use the frequencies from the Syrian portals and the lack of interference from the negative agenda to come to send a wave of love a galactic frequency throughout these earthly spaces to raise the vibration of those that are still locked into the matrix and a still half-asleep or maybe fully asleep which is hard to fathom. When you think about all the information that’s out on the internet right now but some people, they’re so indoctrinated that they just they can’t see it. They can’t know it. They believe in the false matrix, the negative artificial divine feminine agenda and that has been one of their targets to destroy the womb of the female, to destroy the womb of Gaia, to destroy our sexuality. They’ve tried to control us in so many ways, but things are shifting and what we must do right now is we have to go and do the inner work, get into our hearts, and capitalize on this incredible opportunity. That’s why I say this is potentially, probably is, the biggest dimensional gateway that we have had as a human species to step through, and we’ve got to seize it.

For those of you that are interested, on the 25th of this month we’ve got a meditation online. It’s a free meditation for whoever wants to join go to You can register, you can join for free okay. Go to the event the online event section and you’ll see it but anyway that’s up to you whether you want to get involved or not. It’s your call. Something else I want to point out. You’re watching this video; you’re listening to me right now. You’re a star seed, you’re a light worker. You wouldn’t be listening to this if you weren’t because this is a high frequency video. This is high frequency information. Every time I create a video your DNA is being changed, your cells on a subatomic level are being worked. Parallel life trauma is rising to the surface and being healed, dissolved, transmuted, so I know you’re a star seed and I love you beyond measure as my sister or brother. But it’s important to know that these beings don’t just attack every single child. They that they first and foremost go after the star seeds because we carry a high vibration.

I know when I was born, and I’ve shared this in a video before. The video is called ‘who tried to kill me’. I put it up a couple of years ago go and check it out but you’re here my life story and you’ll know that they tried to take me out several times and also as a baby I was raped and abused in a number of different ways to manipulate something in the back of the brain so to trigger the Kundalini to create a situation where you get split personalities, and the person can be mind-controlled. This happens to a lot of star seeds. Maybe you listening to this you’ve been through this too but I’m only sharing this with you. I’ve worked on this and healed this and hopefully by me just sharing this with you it’s going to heal you too and help you just tap into different parts of your consciousness where you might need to bring information to the surface so you can hug it and love it and transmute it but you’re a star seed and they come after star seeds because we carry the data, the knowledge, the wisdom from the stars. We all do but there are certain ones of us down on this planet that came here to shift this negative agenda and they see our souls coming down into this earthly environment.

Now, I’m going to share something with you now just to touch upon a subject to really put this into. I don’t know the words because this is a crazy story, I’m about to share with you. But to kind of put this into perspective even though it’s difficult to get any kind of perspective on this twisted story imagine this a young baby comes down into onto this earth of soul comes down into the body of a of a foetus that’s inside the womb and certain negative beings know who this soul is because it’s been very profound throughout human history and they know that the mother that this soul has gone into has rhesus negative bloods and they know that the father of this baby has a certain blood type too and they know that the energy and the frequency of this soul mixed with the blood type is going to enable incredible things to happen once this soul incarnates onto this earthly realm so negative beings don’t want that to happen.

There was a certain soul that came down 18 months or so ago maybe a little bit longer. I can’t remember the exact date, but this soul came into a mama and I’m not going to mention any names, but you may know the story this mother was told that her son was born with a neurodegenerative rare brain disorder and that he wouldn’t live for very long. But what had happened is the doctors injected this baby as soon as he was born to give him this neuro degenerative brain disease. They had the babies’ organs pre-sold for billions of euros, billions of dollars, billions of parents because this is one of those. It’s like a GM, like a rare find. What was also planned was for the soul of this baby to be transferred into a member of the royal family and the member of the royal family was actually pregnant at the time so what they were going to do fly thirteen witches from the Vatican to the United Kingdom and do a soul transfer on the day that they were going to murder this little baby and take the soul from that baby into the womb of the royal that was pregnant.

If you know who I’m talking about, and you know this story you’ll be able to check it out on the internet. You’ll see that the dates all marry up this is the kind of sick stuff that goes on they wanted to take the soul for themselves into their royal bloodline because it’s all about bloodlines it’s all about lineage and they were going to eat the heart and eat the adrenal glands and eat the kidneys and drink the blood. That blood would have been a worth of fortune so these are the kind of things that take place on planet Earth and it’s crazy and disturbing I know but this is the game that were involved in and what we can do as a human species as brothers and sisters is share this information armed people with the knowledge give them a chance to go into their own hearts and heal because by healing this stuff on a personal level we can raise our vibration massively. We also heal multiple timelines that our soul is residing in because everything is parallel. There’s no future and past and in the quantum field our soul is having multiple other experiences and we can heal those by healing this now space. It’s really important that we as a human species, we love and forgive and we don’t judge and blame all of this stuff is happening.

I know and we can say that it’s evil and bad and I know I’ve mentioned those words in this video but at the same time we can just accept that this situation is happening and then do something about it first of all harbouring any grudges is not going to help you but at the same time you’ve got to take a different course of action there are beings and humans that are freeing these kids so there’s nothing you can really do on that level but what you can do is free yourself and spread the message and encourage and inspire your fellow sisters and brothers to help their selves to raise their vibration to forgive themselves to liberate themselves to open their hearts and reconnect with their human tribe by us doing this on mass that’s part one of the puzzle.

Part number two is to actually live and create a different way of being on this planet so many people sit and pray and meditate and hope that everything is going to be okay no it’s not and that’s the truth it’s not yes we’re starting to do well in this spiritual war here on the earth and in other dimensional spaces, 5, 6, even 7the density, there are galactic battles taking place. I mentioned this in a video I put up yesterday so go and watch that if you want to know more information on what’s happening but this is taking place. We, as a species, raise our vibration and come together and reconnect and start to commit to create communities all around this world where we start to live off the grid. We start to build communities outside of the system  where we don’t pay tax well we don’t need a driving license where we don’t need a passport, where we make up our own rules and regulations and we start to live by cosmic law. As long as you don’t harm anyone, kill anyone, encroach on another’s property, steal from another human being, cause affray, you’ve not done anything wrong. There is no crime being committed.

Cosmic law, universal law, the law of the land, common law, the law that is just sensible, the law that just all you’ve got to do is just follow your intuition and know the difference from right and wrong. That it’s not good to kill someone you know that it’s not good to steal from someone don’t do these things and you’re not going to break the law but these controlling forces who control the government and the corporations have put all these statutes in place laws and regulations that apply to persons misters and misses, masters and mistresses, not to free men and women. So, as we start to raise our vibration, open our hearts to realize that we are the force, we are the power that no one can actually control us unless we give our consent to those other people, to those other governments, corporations, beings.

If we turn away from that and we create a different world, a set of communities, that eventually come together where we share and care, where we share the resources that we have within our community so we can barter and exchange that money, we’re going to create a whole new system, an organic flexible beautiful system where everybody can be creative and live the life that they want doing, things that make them happy and fill them full of joy and bliss. So we got to do the work forgive love raise our vibration come together and create these new communities. We at Star Magic are in the process of doing that at the moment we’ve bought some land parcels around the world the most recent one we bought yesterday completed on a deal in Romania in Transylvania we’re gone be drawing up plans through this winter. We’re going to break grounds next spring and we’re inviting people to come and be a part of this community. If you are interested go to, fill out the contact form and let us know let us know your skill set. What you can bring to the party, why you want to be involved.

We’re starting to do this stuff; we are acting. Sitting around praying and meditating is good but it’s not everything. Doing the grid work is very important. Also, people sit on the front line going into courthouses, standing up to authority, saying no I don’t give you consent; I’m not bowing down to these draconian rules and regulations. Those people are very much needed. The space holders are also needed, the meditators, but the action takers they’re needed too. We’ve got to take the action. We can’t just sit around and wait for things to happen. Some of us have got to get off our assess and make that move baby whether that’s you, whether that’s me, whether that’s many of us, and there are people, there are groups around the planet doing that right now. You can connect with them, you can connect with us, we’re an open book. We love everyone. No judgement whether you’re black, white, rich, or poor, it doesn’t matter.

You got a heart that beats blood that courses through your veins and you can smile. We can all smile baby. Release those tourniquets in our face, increase the oxygen flow to the brain, switch us on. Breath work, smile, breathe deeply, meditate, do your Qigong, eat clean, raise your vibration, meditate, get out into nature with your shoes and socks off, hug the trees, drink loads of high pH water, be yourself mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This raises our vibrations. Come together and make this world a much more harmonious place. I want to leave you with this final message, okay. The battery is being depleted from the draconians, the Sirian portals are opening back up again for the first time since Atlantis.

Something else that’s taking place and I’m going to make another video on this because it’s a deeper topic but there are a crystalline templates and crystalline tablets that are appearing in the empty space with a lot of knowledge and wisdom. There are Lemurian and Atlantean portals. They’ve been held in the consciousness matrix and the blueprint of the earth being kept safe by certain groups of incredible beings, guardians of light, but they’re starting to appear because these portals are opening. Even the crystal cathedrals and the crystal cities down in the earth planetary grids, they’re sending plasma waves up now and their vibrations rising, and our multi-dimensional skill sets are really kicking back online. I’m starting to see these things everywhere, starting to get a lot of information which is awesome, and you may be seeing this stuff too. As we raise our vibration, we’re going to tap into this information. So, let’s do it okay. Do everything in your power to raise your own vibration.

What you’ve got to do is do your inner work. You can’t change anyone else, but you can change yourself and if you change yourself and ignite that divine spark inside, your light inside your heart, inside your soul, others are going to feel that, and it’s going to raise their levels too. They’re going to be encouraged and inspired to follow suit not because you’re a leader but because you’re an inspiration, a beacon of light. We don’t need any leaders. We’re all equal on this planet, beautiful soul, but we got to come together as a global family, as a global force. The Galactic Federation they are removing draconian, reptilians, tall whites, greys, praying mantis, spider beings, artificial intelligence imposter clones, from this planet that are rigged up to black box technology. It’s been stripped away; the batteries being depleted. It’s given us an opportunity to get ahead of the game. We got to seize it so right now. Do the inner work. We are the ones that you’ve been waiting for me you we are the ones that you’ve been waiting for.

As I’m speaking right now, I’m speaking to the whole global family that is out there running around this green and blue ball that we call home, that we call earth. We are the galactic titans from the stars, and we are here to save ourselves, our brothers, and sisters. They’re doing their work on earth, up in space, working on a multi-dimensional level but we as galactic titans, and these earthly bodies, we must act and do the work. It’s a big team effort so don’t shirk your responsibilities. Dig deep, focus, know what you’ve got to do. Start doing the work, beautiful soul. Encourage your sisters and brothers to do the work just by opening your heart and shining your light. You don’t need to talk to them, you don’t need to communicate with them. They will feel this energy. Frequency does not lie and that’s why I will always say you don’t believe a single word that comes out of my mouth ever. Internalize this information and feel it. If it resonates with you, amazing. Know this information, know the truth. If it doesn’t, cast it as a sin, and move on. It’s all good, no love lost. I’m going to love you anyway because you are my sister or brother and together, we can make this world an incredible place. Birth that diamond age, that golden age, that emerald age, Atlantis, Lemuria, rising again, beautiful soul. It’s amazing. It truly is amazing.

Wherever you are on this planet go out and hug tightly, hug your sisters and brothers so tightly and remember the golden rule of hugging is never be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously, fiercely and ferociously, because you must right now because there’s so much illusory information, so much rising. You got to brush through that stuff, you got to cut through that stuff, and love is the most powerful measurable force in the entire universe. You have it inside of you. It’s what you are so tap into your armoury, into that arsenal, and unload those weapons. Those weapons of love, those weapons of divinity, those weapons of mastery, oneness, beauty, and magic. It’s so flipping awesome.

If you’ve enjoyed this video hit the notifications. Make sure you get notified for the next one. Hit the like button and share this video. Share it, beautiful soul. Share it with your sisters and brothers. If you’re not subscribed to this channel already, subscribe away. I thank you for being here in this space with me and giving me the opportunity to share. We truly are one, truly are one, and I love you unconditionally like my sister or brother. Remember I’ll say it again. Hug tightly, and never be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously and I’ll see you again, real soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out.