To shift from 3d to 5d there are simple protocols to follow and when you do, you will switch up your frequency and enter a higher vibrational space, a brand-new frequency band. You will shift from the 3rd and 4th density or dimension to 5th density. Its easy once you inner-stand how this game of vibration works. You are a high vibrational being or you would not be watching this video. So, already, I know you are seeking and on the right path. Follow these simple ways I share in this video and your will move into a higher consciousness and life will get better and better. Are you ready for 5D?
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So, beautiful magical soul, how do you move, how do you travel from a 3D to a 5D world and find that? I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, we’re in nature with the trees, the birds and the bees, and in the distance I can hear some little kids playing around in the forest and it’s really kind of spot on and on point for this video because the energy that children carry is the magical wonder, it’s the excitement’s that we as adults have to recapture and reignite with inside of our own physical beings, inside of our own energy fields. We’ve got to go deep into ourselves and bring all that excitement, all that magic, all that beauty to the surface and be like a little kid, like amazed at life, wow look at this. When you’re like that you change your energy and when you change your energy you change your state, your vibration, your frequency. It elevates your consciousness, expands, and when you start to live in this high vibrational state of awareness like a little kid mesmerised at life, magic starts to happen. This is the foundation and the cornerstone for you moving from 3D to 5D.
If you want to stay in 3D, go out and eat shitty food, go out and drink alcohol, go to the clubs, go to the bars, listen to that poisonous music that the frequencies that keep you in your head or down in your lower energy senses and out of your heart. If you want to do that stuff you’re going to stay in 3D, if you want to move to 5D you’ve got to get your vibration up and it starts with that inner child, it starts with that little boy or that little girl there residing deep inside of you that maybe you’ve just lost and is fragmented somewhere on this kind of earthly journey that you’re on, but you can reconnect with him or her. Everyone can, but you’ve got to be brave, beautiful soul. I’m not going to lie to you. You’ve got to be brave and to be brave you’ve got to take a risk and that risk is to step into a place that you really may not or may not want to venture into and that place is the unknown and that unknown space is inside of you. It’s that cosmic labyrinth, it’s that Stargate of your heart. When you go into your heart you start to realize some truths.
Now not all those truths are pleasant because a lot of what we’ve been led to believe in our external reality is false and when you go into your heart you start to realize this because the veil thins and eventually drops, the curtain draws back, and you see the characters behind the stage like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. She looks behind the curtain and she realize that the voice has no power. The voice is just an illusion or the voice created an illusion inside of her mind, a concept, an idea, but when you start to go into your heart, when you reconnect with that inner child, when you start to inner stand the truth that you are a powerful divine cosmic being of light that travelled all the way light-years from the stars to earth to enjoy this experience. As a human you start to realize that there is nothing to worry about. There is nothing to be concerned about.
I’m just consciousness experiencing consciousness through this physical vessel, through this man that you call Jerry or this being that you call Jerry because I’m not even a man, I’m not even a woman. I’m just an interface that has a name called Jerry Sargent and you are an interface observing something through a camera, through me, through a lens, through your own inner lens, through an external lens. Consciousness expressing itself to you and you’re interpreting everything that I’m sharing with you in a specific way based on your own understanding, your own reality, based on your own understanding, your own inner standing, the belief systems that you’ve been taught when you went to school, when you were conditioned. But all this stuff is not who you are you can’t base your own identity on who you are or what you’ve experienced. You can only base your identity on what you truly are and what you truly are isn’t what you think you are.
What you truly are is light, energy, information, consciousness, geometrical patterns flowing through an infinite space and that cannot be labelled. That is why you are just one magical cosmic being. After you to try and label yourself and put yourself in a box you’re doing yourself a disservice. So, if you want to move from 3D to 5D start to inner stand that you can’t be boxed, that you can’t be labelled, that there are no rules and regulations for your life. You’ve got to make up your own rules and regulations. You’ve got to decide what feels right and then follow this, your life compass, your cosmic heart, and I guarantee you it will lead you in the direction of your dreams and your whole life will become magical. Don’t buy into what you see externally and don’t buy into your own thoughts of your own reality and what you think it is that you are. Don’t identify with your age and your race and your colour and the amount of money you’ve got, the car that you drive. All that sort of stuff, they’re just experiences and they’re magical experiences but they can’t make you happy, they don’t give you any value. They literally are just experiences.
When you step outside of this, boom, you’re in 5D baby. No judgments, no nothing, just experience after experience after experience. It’s that simple. It’s just energy and energy flows wherever it wants to flow wherever. It wants to move. Be your own controller, the master of your own destiny, the control of your own soul, calmness, peace, equilibrium, unity, one. There is zero division. No black, no white, no rich, no poor, no countries, no borders. Just love baby. It’s magical, it’s just love. It doesn’t matter where you go, it doesn’t matter where you travel. No one wants to kill each other; everybody wants to love each other. It’s all an illusion. So, stop buying into it and you’re going to be in 5D. It doesn’t even take much effort. It’s less effort to step outside of the illusion. It’s more effort to stay in the illusion. It’s like smoking. How do I give up smoking? Well, if you want to smoke you got to go to the shop you got to buy the cigarettes, you got to buy the light, so you’ve got to find the space outside because you can’t smoke inside anymore. You must pay money, you must travel to the shop, a lot more hassle to do this and to not do it.
To step outside of the illusion, it’s easier than staying inside of it. It requires effort and energy to stay inside of it. When you step outside it your energy levels go through the roof. You become free, no more harvesting of your energy by these beautiful beings that reside in form, that are a little bit green and red and black. Anyway, that’s a whole other story. You are amazing, and I love you. You get the message, you get the drift because you are an intelligent being, okay. I’m no more intelligent than you and you’re no more intelligent than me. We’re all consciousness experiencing itself through all these different interfaces, godheads. They’re just labels, it’s all labels anyway. I’m out of here.
Beautiful soul, I love you. You’re amazing. Go out into this world, hug tightly and never, ever, ever, be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously and I’ll see you again real soon. Remember to check out our website One love, one heart, one human family. I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul. Peace out.
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