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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, Beautiful Soul? So, you came here to break things up. You came here to shatter paradigms. You came here to smack people round the face with your energy. You came here to shine that beautiful, magical, mystical light and let it expose the darkness, the unhealed wounds in other human beings.
In your sisters and your brothers. Not everyone is going to like you. Not everyone is going to love you. Many souls are going to blame you and judge you for being this or being that because your light is magnificent. Your light is potent, and it shines so brightly and in such a unique fashion. That it crystallizes the experience of everyone that that light is shining on, and there is no hiding. You cannot hide from your lights. You cannot run from it.
There will be many people on your journey that fear you. There will be people on your journey that say you are dark, that say you are the devil, that say you are doing bad things. The work that you are doing is not right. This is going to happen. If you truly follow your heart and you shine your powerful light as bright as you can shine it, it is going to upset people because they are not ready.
They are not ready to face what they need to face. They are not ready to embrace what they must embrace. For them to step into their power, for them to live at a level beyond extraordinary. For them to play in the higher realms of magic, wisdom, knowledge, authenticity, you see, when someone has unhealed wounds and they come into the presence of a master alchemist like you, your light is going to hone in on the parts of them that they don’t want to face, and they’re going to blame you and say that you’re evil or you’re bad because it’s the darkness inside of themselves that they can’t face
So, they try to put their responsibility on someone else to blame the judgment because they cannot take personal responsibility and face themselves in the mirror, head on, dive into their cosmic heart, look into their own eyes, and delve into the mystical magic of their own soul. Where there is dark and light, you came here to break things up, to shatter paradigms, to expose other human beings, to put them into a corner where they must come out fighting and that fighting can go in two ways.
Number one, they can take personal responsibility, dive into their heart, and embrace all of who they are and go on that journey and the other way they can come out fighting is to blame and to judge and externalize everything. That is the way of the weak man and the weak woman, the weak soul. The way of the fearless warrior, the fierce, fearless warrior is to dive into their own heart, to embrace their darkness, embrace their light, to merge it in equilibrium and to truly honour and respect all of who they are because unless you truly honour and respect all of who you are, you’re never going to master your true power because your essence, your power, your magic lies in both polarities, dark and light, and you’ve got to merge them together.
Wholeness is the key, Beautiful Soul. Separation, division, even internal separation, and division that is the wrong path. That is the path that is going to leave you exposed. Leave you weakened. It leaves you standing on a foundation that is not solid. You know this and you’re already diving into your cosmic heart. I know this and if you are not, this is a good reminder.
Take that deep dive because that is where the magic lives in the unknown. But remember, as you go on this journey and you awaken to your own true, authentic magic, your wisdom that you have carried that divine quantum spark that’s locked in every single cell of your body, every bio photon of light in your light body where the rod and the staff merge and spin these elements of you.
As you shine brighter and brighter and you unleash more and more of this magic, people, souls on this planet, in these human bodies are going to be afraid and it’s not really you they’re afraid of. They are afraid of themselves, of their own shadow but what you must do, what I must do what we all must do is to keep shining and never dampen that sparkle, never hold back, always speak your truth, always shine your light, and allow these beautiful elements of you to radiate pure vibration, pure harmonics out into our worldly fields, out into our universal fields and beyond.
So, wherever you are on this planet, beautiful soul, I just want you to know that I love you and I respect you and I just think you are awesome for stepping up and deciding to embark on this crazy old ride on this beautiful green and blue ball. Go out into this world and hug your sisters and your brothers tightly, so tightly and never be the first to let go. Love them fiercely and ferociously and I will see you again real soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Remember to check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on the planet.
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