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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? So, manifestation, speaking things into existence, something that has really worked for me always is speaking what I want to create into the world.
A lot of people visualize, and they co-create in the quantum field, and this is a part of manifestation but what I always find helps is speaking exactly what you want. If I’ve got an idea or I get a download of information and I know that I must follow this path and create this thing, I tell people about it even if I haven’t got a clue how I’m going to make it happen I just tell people the plan. This is what I’m doing. There are a lot of people who say well you should guard your dreams; you shouldn’t tell other people about your dreams because they might destroy them and stamp on them and ruin them.
Well, that can only happen if you take on board what other people think and what other people say. Someone can turn around and say you’re never going to do that, that’s a waste of time, that’s never going to happen that’s too far-fetched, you’re crazy whatever it is that they want to say that’s cool, but you don’t have to buy into that you can allow everybody to have their own opinions and thoughts and perceptions and paradigms. It’s cool what you’ve got and what you’ve got to do is know the truth and the truth is. This is what you are creating or co-creating in the space right now and its a given.
I remember five or so years ago there was no star magic, there was no star magic healing and some of you know my story. I was visited by those blue Lyran beings. They took me to Alpha Centauri, had an incredible download of code and geometry and it kick-started star magic and they visited me again shortly afterwards and told me that I needed to train people to work in healing centres, that they showed me and at the time I thought this is nuts man. But it felt good, and I told everyone we’re on a mission to build healing centres. We’re doing this, we’re doing that, we’re starting this training program and back then there was only one level one training there there’s four levels and we’ve trained hundreds of people thousands of people now in over 40 countries and we’ve brought lands we’re in the process of working with architects to build healing centres.
It’s happening all the time. I’ve been speaking into existence. I’ve told every soul this is what we’re doing, this is what’s happening and it’s happening. I don’t even know how it got to the point of me first finding out this information and being where I am. We are as a business, as a mission, right now but it’s happening. The same thing will happen for you if you decide, and you know that this is taking place. You can’t speak this into existence on a whim. You’ve got to know wholeheartedly this is what’s happening, even if you don’t know how it seems a little bit crazy, you’ve got to know that this is your mission, and this is what you’re setting out to do, and as you visualize.
As you are on the frequency that attracts all things to you, love, when you’re on that high vibration and you’re speaking and you’re acting every single waking second is spent on doing things that are manoeuvring your physical reality, the quantum field, into a coherent state where everything starts to unfold and is mapped out and taken place. It’s a given, it’s a done deal, but speaking it is so vitally important and you’ve got to speak it with conviction if you truly want to manifest. It doesn’t matter what it is. Everybody’s saying they want to; a lot of people are saying they want to ascend. A lot of people are saying they want to move into this 5d dimensional space, fifth density. You’re not going anywhere when you ascend, you’re not going up to another place. You’re not leaving this planet. The fifth dimension isn’t another place. You access the fifth dimension here on this earth plane. It’s just a different frequency, a different vibration, a different rate of oscillation and vibration where everything’s faster and whilst you’re in that space. You’re deeply connected, 3D 4D 5D, all the way up the chain. It’s not a ladder you’re going to climb.
We bounce around in multiple dimensions in the same space but the reason I’m sharing this is because for you to truly manifest as well as visualizing and being on that frequency living with an open heart and speaking into existence, you’ve got to be in awe, you’ve got to see the magic, the beauty, in absolutely everything, and being of your own experience knowing that you created this experience and that everything else in the field quantum and physical is connected and that by you speaking things into existence, loving things into existence, creating visualizing living in this present state of awareness whilst knowing what is coming to you on the timeline in the so-called future that you are connected to everything in your environment. Everything in your environment becomes an unconscious agent of the universe working for you to help you manifest your dreams because it can’t be any other way.
You are a multi-dimensional being bouncing around in multiple frequency bands at the same time and you’re connected to everything that is required to help you manifest. So, speak it into existence, love it, manifest it. You have the power; you are the power. You are the universe, every star, every planet, every moon, every celestial being, every sentient being exists in every cell of your physical body. You are phenomenally powerful, but you’ve got to exercise this. Don’t fear what other people
Think. Don’t fear how another human being is going to respond whether they’re a family member or a stranger. It doesn’t matter. You’re in control so be in control and to be in control you’ve got to relinquish control.
At the same time, you put your stamp on the universal fabric with your intention with your emotions with your lights with your frequency with your thoughts with your words and then you let go and you release control, and everything will happen. It’s just the way that it is but if you start to dance and you start to create crosscurrents of frequency within that ocean of love then the boat’s going to go backwards and forwards and left and right. It’s going to bob up and down and it’s not going to go in the trajectory that it needs to go in to help you manifest what your heart feels and sees and knows because you have a destiny you have a purpose, we all do so go into your heart
Beautiful soul, speak the truth, decide trust no don’t believe in anything no go beyond belief systems and into internal knowing know thyself know the truth know who you are a multi-dimensional being having an experience inside this physical avatar vessel which you get to interface and interact with other souls through its magical we’re so blessed to be alive on this green and blue ball it’s amazing wherever you are on this beautiful planet go out and hug your sisters and your brothers hug them so tightly and never be the first to let go never that’s the golden rule of hugging love fiercely and ferociously and I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul.
Remember to check out our website where we got some of the best ascension tools on the planet for elevating your frequency and keeping you connected as you expand your consciousness here on earth. Remember to check out our new telegram channel spiritual gangsta one and gangsta is g-a-n-g-s-t-a numerical number one.
We’re sharing the truth and wisdom every day. Come and get connected and I’ll see you again real soon. Go and express your magic, your light, speak your truth, and shine brighter every single day. Never dampen your sparkle ever. You came here as a beacon so express yourself. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out, beautiful soul.