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“What we must do is to realise that pain is an opportunity. Our bodies are communicating to us. It doesn’t matter what the communication is. What we’ve got to do as humans is dive into that communication. The body is a beautiful thing, and the body just wants you to take note and stock of what is happening. You’ve got to take responsibility.”
So, let’s talk about pain in the body. Let’s discuss healing. So many people when they experience pain in the body get discouraged. When people go to the doctors and are told they have some kind of terminally ill disease or illness, they get discouraged. That’s an understatement. Some people plummet into the depths of despair. What we must do is to realise that pain is an opportunity. Illness and disease are an opportunity. When we experience illness, pain, disease, some kind of injury, whatever it may be, our bodies are communicating to us. Our bodies are amazing. Number one, they’re like musical instruments and when we play the right frequencies through them, they let off amazing, incredible, beautiful harmonious vibrations and the most magical space within us and around us is created.
When our bodies are experiencing pain, or we experience pain through our bodies is a better way of saying it, our body is like a communication device. It’s letting you know something’s wrong, something’s out of alignment. All your body is asking you to do is to look at that. But the problem is as humans we don’t know how to read our body. So we go to the doctors, we get some drugs, we get an operation, whatever it might be, we get some cream. But ultimately an operation can’t cut the emotions out, it can only cut the physical tumour out. That’s why most of the time the big C always comes back. Whether it’s in the body or in the brain or in the blood. It doesn’t matter what the communication is. What we’ve got to do as humans is dive into that communication. Instead of seeing it as bad and negative, “oh my god we’re going to die, oh my god I’ve got a headache, oh my god I’ve got a bad knee”. Whatever it might be, so called minimal or extremely severe.
Whether it’s a headache or trigeminal neuralgia and the body’s in so much pain, we’ve got to dive into that pain and speak to our body, talk to our body, “hey body what is it you’re trying to explain to me? What is it you’re trying to show me?” I guarantee if you start to build a relationship with your body and you sit in the stillness, if you’re present, if you get into the is-ness of the moment, your body is going to explain to you what is going on. The trauma might come from childhood, it might come from your teenage years, it might come from a future life, it might come from a past life. It doesn’t matter. It’s just data, it’s just information. As well as your body being a communication device, as well as your body being a musical instrument, your body also acts like a biological computer and it’s downloading information from the internet. The internet’s the quantum field. All of the experiences that we’ve ever had as humans, as souls in human bodies, souls in bodies on other planets and stars. They’re just experiences. Some positive, some not so, and the not so positive low frequency experiences where we’ve experienced some kind of trauma, whether it’s rejection or fear or abandonment or guilt or something that is creating a program in our fields. A virus is in our biological computer then we’ve just got to look at that and eradicate the virus.
When you go into the back end of someone’s biological computer, which is what we show people how to do on our Star Magic Facilitator trainings. We show people how to go into the back end of their own biological computer or go into the back end of someone else’s biological computer and create change when you start to play around with the computer code, because ultimately at the end of the day, we’re a bouncing, bubbling cluster of tetrahedrons. We’re mathematical code and when you know how to play with that mathematical code, change that mathematical code, you can create physical verifiable front-end results inside the physical body, the mental body, the emotional body and disease, injury, illness disappears. Sometimes someone with a brain tumour the size of a small orange, it can disappear in minutes, sometimes weeks, sometimes a month or so.
We all heal at different rates. We all let go of that old conditioning at different rates and that’s just a way that we all process. But most of us are telling ourselves stories. “Oh, well, this happened to me when I was a child. This happened to me when I was 21.”, and we just keep telling the story, re-imprinting the program, and reinstating the virus inside the biological computer. So, we’ve got to learn and remember how to live from our hearts. When we live from the zero point of the heart, there’s no stories. There are no thoughts. The mind is at the game. The head is at the game because we’re in the stillness. We’re in the presence. There’s no future. There’s no past and the stories dissolve. When the stories dissolve, the programming dissolves. If you want a really expediated way to dissolve all the programming, then you contact a Star Magic facilitator, and we change the programming in the back end of the computer. Like I’ve explained, it’s very, very simple. Anyone can do it. It’s not rocket science. But not many people know this information. Most people are focused on their external reality and have been conditioned from a very, very, very young age to seek external help when there’s pain instead of realizing that the body is a beautiful thing, and the body just wants you to take note and stock of what is happening.
It’s encouraging you to dive into the pain. That’s why it’s showing it to you. That’s why you’re feeling it. Because before that pain was deep inside and you didn’t even know that it was there. Once it comes to the surface, instead of not wanting it to be there or running from it, simply embrace it. By you diving into your pain and embracing it, you can change your own computer code. You won’t need a Star Magic facilitator. Your heart is the gateway. Your heart is the key. It has all the questions and all of the answers. You’ve just got to be brave enough to dive in, beautiful soul. When you dive in and you start to play with the computer code, you give your own biological computer, your own body and brain, an upgrade. That’s why when you see people on our videos that come to our group healings, our trainings, having experiences with Star Magic, they’re bending, they’re twisting, they’re shaking. It’s because their body is receiving new light, new information and the old code is being rewritten. New software is being installed and the human beings are healing. It’s a beautiful, fast, rapid process that lasts. People’s hearing comes back, people stand from wheelchairs, people’s big C disappears. Tumours, they dissolve and as if they were never there in the first place. It’s amazing and its mind blowing.
We had a guy, a few weeks ago. He had stage five. He was in a wheelchair. His ribs were crumbling, his bones were breaking. After coming to one of our group healings in Los Angeles, within several weeks he got all clear. No cancer. How is that possible? Well, we rerun the code in the back end of his biological computer, and we can do it for you too. You can do it for yourself and your friends and your family. Star Magic is powerful, and I love you. Our whole team loves you. So, get involved. Get involved in Star Magic. Check out our website Set yourself free, step into your power and be your own superhuman. You are the one that you’ve been waiting for. You’re not waiting for me or someone else to come and save you and rescue you. Jesus isn’t coming back. No extraterrestrial is going to come down in a spaceship and save you today. It’s on you. You’ve got to take responsibility. Most of these spiritual teachings are telling you that we’re going to be saved by extraterrestrials, that we’re going to be saved by some other force. That’s to keep you in hope, that’s to keep the carrot dangling on the end of the line so that you’re like at some point in the so-called future, someone’s going to rescue you, me, so I don’t need to do my work right now because I know that I’m going to be rescued. That is dangerous and that’s one of the biggest tricks in the spiritual community right now.
But you know the truth. That’s why you’re listening to this video and that’s why I’m sharing with you, because you’re a spiritual Gangsta. You’re a sovereign soldier, you’re a beautiful soul that came down from the stars with powers, superpowers. They lie in your DNA, can be accessed by light, by frequency, by sounds, and that’s when your musical instrument really switches on and you step into your full superhuman potential. But I can’t make you do it, but when you go to you can come and train with us. You can access Infinity right now, 7 days free. All of our guided meditations, light language transmissions, light codes, cosmic yoga videos, exercise, qigong, breathwork, master classes, telegram groups to support your nutrition. We’ve got absolutely everything that you need to be a high vibrational being and rewrite your own computer code to step out of your story and access your full raw potential. Your heart’s the key but you’ve got to take that deep, deep dive.
So, my question is, are you ready? Are you ready to take that deep dive into the labyrinth of your own cosmic heart? If you are, go to Right now, join us on the inside. Activate all of your potential because when you get to your deathbed the last thing you want is any regrets. The only thing that you should be thinking about, being excited about, when you get to your deathbed is death itself because you’ve had every other experience known to man and now, you’re ready for the next one, the transition which is beautiful. It’s nothing to be feared and you must accept death to truly live. It’s a game, beautiful soul. It’s a game. Are you ready to play it?
Check out our website Access all of those beautiful tools and I’ll see you in there and remember to shine your light, speak your truth, and don’t give a flying f***, and you know what? Make up this game of life by your own rules. You’re the boss, you’re the co-c creator of your own reality. You’re the whole universe manifested into form. So, take the bull by the horns, make some radical changes, shift your life, and grow a set of wings and soar like a phoenix from the ashes rising into a whole new frequency band. I love you, beautiful soul. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out.
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